The "detect_time" and "image_origin" fields were added to events:
- The "detect_time" field includes the time of detection on the source frame.
- The "image_origin" field includes the UTL of the saved source image where the detection was performed.
These fields are returned in the response on the POST request to the "/handlers/{handler_id}/events" resource. When an event is stored, the fields data is added to the Events database in the "face_detect_result" and "body_detect_result" tables. The format of input (POST "/events" ) and output (GET "/events", GET "/events/") data for events was changed in the Events service due to this update. These new fields are returned in the response on the "/ws" resource when the Sender service sends events.
The policy for the source image saving was added to the "/handlers" resource. It is required to set the "store_image" parameter value to "1" for "image_origin_policy" to enable source images storage. Source images are not stored by default.
Attributes can be now set as candidates and references for cross-matching task. See "/tasks/cross_match" Attributes can now be used for ROC curves creation. See "/tasks/roc" Attributes usage provides the possibility to perform experiments (for example, to create a ROC curve by a given selection) and receive results without storing redundant data in the database.
The "Stored and estimated data" section was added to the "LP_Administration_manual". It describes data that is estimated and stored by LP.
The possibility to write LP services logs to the server was added when using Compose. Previously, when installing using Compose, it was impossible to save logs to the file. This feature was added for standard LP distribution and not available for the services for index building and searching by index. It is required to create directories for logs and set permissions for them (see "Create logs directory"). Logs cannot be written to the directories, and services will return errors if permissions are not set. After containers launching, logging settings should be updated in the Configurator service (manually or using the "logging.json" file) to enable logging to file (see "Enable logging to server directory"). Files will be saved in the "/srv/logs" directory in containers.
Logging to files is disabled by default. Logs are output to stdout only.
Fixed errors
An issue with displaying full URLs for events and faces instead of relative URLs in the response to a POST request to the "/handlers/{handler_id}/events" resource was fixed.
The automatic setting of the time filter is disabled in the GET "/events" request if the event IDs are specified. Previously, the default value for this filter was set implicitly if it was not explicitly set in the request.
The ethnicity table was fixed in the OpenAPI documentation of the Events service.
The creation of a Docker container for the Handlers service was fixed. The container size decreased by 5 gigabytes.
API (v.5.0.18 - v.5.0.20)#
Service dependencies were updated.
were added in detection field to generated events. See generate events resource. -
Policy to store original images has been added. See create handler .
The attributes object type was supported for cross matching & ROC calculating tasks . See cross match task , roc task .
Fixed bugs#
Fixed event's and face's urls in response for generate events request.
Fixed receiving events for entire period if the [event_ids[ filter is specified. See get events .
Service names and examples for the resource "/version" were fixed. See version info .
Faces (v.4.0.21 - v.4.0.23)#
- Service dependencies were updated.
Image Store (v.3.1.19 - v.3.1.21)#
- Service dependencies were updated.
Tasks (v.3.0.23 - v.3.0.25)#
Service dependencies were updated.
Added ability to specify attributes for cross matching task. See cross match task .
The support of an event detection origin image and detect time was added to the reporter task.
Events (v.2.0.16 - v.2.0.18)#
Service dependencies were updated.
were added in face and body detection fields. -
Changed input event' detections format. See create new events .
Changed output event' detections format. See get event(s) .
Fixed bugs#
Fixed receiving events for entire period if the [event_ids[ filter is specified. See get events .
Table of ethnicities for events documentation was fixed. See events docs .
Configurator (v.1.0.25 - v.1.0.27)#
- Service dependencies were updated.
Sender (v.2.0.16 - v.2.0.18)#
Service dependencies were updated.
were added for event detections. See ws handshake docs.
Admin (v.4.1.7 - v.4.1.10)#
Service dependencies were updated.
Image-origin storage client supported. See system info .
Licenses (v.0.1.23 - v.0.1.25)#
- Service dependencies were updated.
Handlers (v.1.1.8 - v.1.1.10)#
Service dependencies were updated.
were added in detection field to generated events. See generate events resource. -
Policy to store original images has been added. See create handler .
Fixed bugs#
- Restrict creating a policy with an enabled basic attributes estimation in a extraction policy and a disabled face detection estimation in a detect policy.
Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.2.7 - v.0.2.9)#
Service dependencies were updated.
The support of event detection origin image and detect time was added.
Backport3 (v.0.0.27 - v.0.0.29)#
- Service dependencies were updated.
Backport4 (v.1.0.16 - v.1.0.18)#
- Service dependencies were updated.