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  • The "top_similar_external_id" field was added to the events, containing the "external_id" of the most similar candidate (event or face) with whom the face was matched. The "external_id" field was added to the "top_match" event object, which contains the "external_id" of candidates for matching in responses to the following requests:

    • "generate events".
    • "get event".
    • "ws handshake". These fields enable you to immediately receive the "external_id" of the most similar faces or events after performing requests. For example, previously, the event did not contain the "external_id" of the most similar face, either in the response to the request or in the event database. An additional request was required to determine the "external_id" of a face by his "face_id". Appropriate filters were added to the requests listed below to sort events by the external ID of the most similar object:
    • The "top_similar_external_ids" filter was added to the "match_policy" policy for events (see the policy description in the "create handler" request).
    • Filtering by the value of the "top_similar_external_ids" parameter for receiving events in API and Events services was added (see the "get events" request).
    • The "top_similar_external_id" filter and target were added to the request for getting statistics on events in API and Events services (see the "get statistics on events" request).
    • The "top_similar_external_id" filter was added when specifying events as candidates for "match faces" and "match bodies" requests.
    • The "top_similar_external_id" filter was added to the event filters for the following tasks:
    • "linker task"
    • "clustering task"
    • "cross-matching task"
    • "exporter task"

    The "top_match" column in the results of reporter task and exporter task now contains the "external_id" of the top matching candidate.

  • For candidates in the "matching faces" and "human body matching" requests, the "order" parameter was added, which determines the sorting order of the results. Sorting is available in ascending order of event creation time (option "create_time_asc"), in descending order of event creation time (option "create_time_desc") and by candidate similarity (option "similarity"). Using the new sorting parameters enables, for example, to get events and faces in the order in which they transferred into the system. In this way, you can determine the first occurrence of the object.

    For the time sorting parameters to work correctly, you need to set a threshold based on the objects similarity. When specifying new sorting parameters, database matching is used. The request processing speed will be lower than when matching a list sorted by "similarity". By default, the "similarity" option is used.

  • The "limit" parameter was added to the "clustering task", which enables you to set the maximum number of candidates returned for each matching. The default value was changed from 5 to 20 000. The parameter controls the number of candidates returned in the response. The more candidates come back, the better. But with a large cluster size, there may be performance and accuracy issues.

Fixed errors

  • The error was fixed, in which the specified "targets" parameters were not returned in the results of Backport 4 requests for matching by indexed list, and the default set of fields was returned as "targets". The problem occurred in the Python Matcher Proxy service when performing a matching of one reference with several candidates.

  • The image loading behavior was changed. Now each image is loaded independently. If an error occurs when loading one of the images, the loading of other images is not interrupted.

  • The "result" field in the response to the "get task result" request for the estimator task is no longer required in the Tasks service. If an error occurs during the performing of one subtask, then only the "errors" field with an error will be returned in the response body. Previously, an empty "result" field was returned along with "errors".

  • In the Tasks service, the limitations for markup the "ROC-curve calculating task" were fixed. The maximum value can now be set to 20 000 elements.

    Previously, when transferring more than 20 000 elements, the error "Uncaught exception occurred" was returned in the logs of the Task Worker service. An error with the level "Error" and a description of the error are now returned.

  • The unused "CLUSTERING_MATCH_LIMIT" setting was removed from the Configurator service settings.

  • The information returned in the "LUNA_CONFIGURATOR" section in response to the "get service configuration" request was fixed. It now contains the current state of the parameter.

  • In the "EventsReferenceManual.html" document, the description for the following fields in the "create new events" request schema now specifies that the fields are not "Nullable":

    • matches/candidates/face/external_id
    • matches/candidates/face/user_data
    • matches/candidates/event/external_id
    • matches/candidates/event/handler_id
    • matches/candidates/event/user_data
  • In the "EventsReferenceManual.html" document, the description for the following fields in the "get event" and "get events" request schemas now specifies that the fields are "Nullable":

    • top_match/event_id
    • top_match/face_id
    • match_result/candidates/event/event_id
    • match_result/candidates/event/create_time
  • In the "EventsReferenceManual.html" document, the description for the following fields in the "face matching" and "human body matching" request schemas now specifies that the fields are "Nullable":

    • matches/result/event/top_match/event_id
    • matches/result/event/top_match/face_id
  • In the "SenderReferenceManual.html" document, the description for the following fields in the "ws handshake" request schema now specifies that the fields are "Nullable":

    • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/external_id
    • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/user_data
    • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/top_match/face/face_id
    • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/top_match/event/event_id
  • In the "HandlersReferenceManual.html" document, the description for the following field in the "generate events" request schema now specifies that the fields are "Nullable":

    • events/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/user_data

API (v.5.10.0 - v.5.10.1)#


  • The external_id of top matching candidate added to the event top_similar_object

It takes external_id from top candidate of incoming event matches field

(see post events for incoming event description)

  • The top_match field was updated for events (The external_id was added). Now it is possible to:

  • get events using the top_similar_external_ids filter (get events )

  • get statistics on events and specify the top_similar_external_id as a target/filter (events statistics )

  • The top_match field was updated for events (The external_id was added). Now it is possible to

use event candidates with top_similar_external_ids filter for next requests:

(see policies description available here )

now contains external_id of top matching candidate.

  • The top_match field was updated for events (The external_id was added).

See WS response description for details.

  • Sort order option was implemented for matching candidates. Available options are create_time_asc, create_time_desc, similarity (by default).

See order in request candidates on face matching , body matching .

Fixed bugs#

  • The limit for clustering task was added to task content,

see create clustering task for details.

Faces (v.4.4.1 - v.4.4.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.4.1 - v.3.4.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.5.1 - v.3.5.2)#


now contains external_id of top matching candidate.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The result field of the estimator task is no longer required, if an error occurs during the execution of subtask.

See task result resource.

  • The mention of an uncaught exception in the logs was removed.

For information on task errors, see the following resource .

  • Length limits of a ROC task markup was fixed.

See create ROC task resource.

  • The cli application --help command now describes service-type argument

  • The limit for clustering task was added to task content,

see create clustering task for details.

Events (v.2.5.1 - v.2.5.2)#


  • The external_id of top matching candidate added to the event top_similar_object

It takes external_id from top candidate of incoming event matches field

(see post events for incoming event description)

  • The top_match field was updated for events. Now it is possible to:

  • get events using the top_similar_external_ids filter (get events )

  • match events using top_similar_external_ids filter (match events )

  • get statistics on events and specify the top_similar_external_id as a target/filter (events statistics )

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The descriptions for fields

  • matches/candidates/face/external_id

  • matches/candidates/face/user_data

  • matches/candidates/event/external_id

  • matches/candidates/event/handler_id

  • matches/candidates/event/user_data

in create events request were fixed.

It is now specified that they are not nullable.

  • The descriptions for event fields

  • top_match/event_id

  • top_match/face_id

  • match_result/candidates/event/event_id

  • match_result/candidates/event/create_time

in get event and get events responses were fixed.

It is now specified that they are nullable.

Configurator (v.1.4.2 - v.1.4.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The unused setting CLUSTERING_MATCH_LIMIT was removed.

Sender (v.2.3.1 - v.2.3.2)#


  • The top_match field was updated for events (The external_id was added).

See WS response description for details.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The descriptions for fields

  • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/external_id

  • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/user_data

  • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/top_match/face/face_id

  • event/matches/candidates/event/match_result/candidates/event/top_match/event/event_id

in WS response were fixed. It is now specified that they are nullable.

Admin (v.4.4.1 - v.4.4.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.3.1 - v.0.3.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.1.8.1 - v.1.8.2)#


  • The top_similar_external_ids filter was added to event matching candidate filter at match_policy

(see policies description available here )

  • Image downloading behavior was changed. Each image downloads independently, and in case

error occurs, it doesn't affect others.

Fixed bugs#

  • The descriptions for event field


in generate events response were fixed.

It is now specified that it is nullable.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.8.0 - v.0.8.1)#


  • The top_match field was updated for events (The external_id was added). Now it is possible to

use event candidates with top_similar_external_ids filter for next requests:

See order in request candidates on face matching , body matching .

Fixed bugs#

  • The cli application --help command now describes service-type argument

  • The descriptions for event fields

  • matches/result/event/top_match/event_id

  • matches/result/event/top_match/face_id

in match faces and match bodies responses were fixed.

It is now specified that they are nullable.

  • Enrich of result according to targets when matching by indexed list was fixed.

Backport3 (v.0.3.1 - v.0.3.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.2.1 - v.1.2.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.
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