Source code for
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse
from app.handlers.base_handler import FaceBaseRequestHandler
from app.handlers.helpers import SearchFacesFilters
from app.handlers.query_validators import targetCheckerFactory
from app.handlers.schemas import DELETE_FACES_SCHEMA
from app.version import VERSION
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.errors import Error
from crutches_on_wheels.web.query_getters import uuidGetter, int01Getter
from crutches_on_wheels.maps.vl_maps import FACE_TARGET_MAP
[docs]class FacesHandler(FaceBaseRequestHandler):
Faces handler.
[docs] async def post(self) -> HTTPResponse:
Create a new face. See `spec_create_face`_.
.. _spec_create_face:
response json with new face id
newFace = await self.getDataForNewFace()
faceId = await self.facesContext.createFace(listIds=newFace.listIds,
location = f"/{VERSION['Version']['api']}/faces/{faceId}"
self.respHeaders["Location"] = location
return self.success(201, outputJson={"face_id": faceId, "url": location})
[docs] async def get(self) -> HTTPResponse:
Get faces by filters. See `spec_get_faces`_.
.. _spec_get_faces:
response json with faces
pageSize = self.getQueryParam("page_size")
if pageSize == '-1':
page, pageSize = 1, 10 ** 9
page, pageSize = self.getPagination()
filters = SearchFacesFilters().loadFromQuery(self.getQueryParam)
targets = self.getQueryParam("targets", targetCheckerFactory(list(FACE_TARGET_MAP)),
faces = await self.facesContext.getFaces(filters=filters, targets=targets, page=page, pageSize=pageSize)
return self.success(200, outputJson={"faces": faces})
[docs] async def delete(self) -> HTTPResponse:
Delete several faces. See `spec_delete_faces`_.
.. _spec_delete_faces:
response with status code 204 if faces was successfully deleted
or response with status code 400 if some face was not found
accountId = self.getQueryParam("account_id", uuidGetter)
data = self.request.json
self.validateJson(data, DELETE_FACES_SCHEMA, False)
faceIds = set(data["face_ids"])
ignoreFlag = self.getQueryParam("ignore", int01Getter, default=0)
if not ignoreFlag:
nonExistFaceId = await self.facesContext.getNonexistentFaceId(faceIds, accountId)
if nonExistFaceId is not None:
return self.error(400, error=Error.FacesNotFound.format(nonExistFaceId))
await self.facesContext.deleteFaces(faceIds)
return self.success(204)