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API errors#

The section describes errors, returned by the API service. Each of the errors has a unique code.

The errors can have different reasons.

In case of 'Internal server error' or any other unexpected error occurrence, it is recommended to check service logs to find out more information about the error. If any additional trace is provided and the error continues to appear, send the trace to VisionLabs technical support.

General errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
0 Success This code is returned when there are no errors and the request is successfully processed. Note that the result may still contain images filtered according to the parameters defined in the request.
1 Internal server error Unknown error Internal error. An unexpected error occurred. If any additional trace is provided and the error continues to appear, send the trace to VisionLabs technical support.
2 Queue request timeout Request timeout to routing key {value} MQ connection limit exceeded (Request timeout parameter). Check MQ availability.
3 Invalid url {value} Invalid URL was specified in the request.
4 Client payload error {value} Client payload error. Possible causes: the response object was closed before the response received all data, transfer encoding error occurred.
5 Server fingerprint mismatch {value} Server fingerprint error. Attempt to connect to an invalid server was performed or invalid key was used.
6 Socket read timeout Request timeout on {value} method {value} Socket reading error. Request completion time limit exceeded.
7 Socket connect timeout Request timeout on {value} method {value} Socket connection error. Request completion time limit exceeded.
8 Connect timeout on {value} method {value} Connection error. The connection time limit exceeded.
9 Request timeout on {value} method {value} Connection error. Request completion time limit exceeded.
10 Server disconnected {value} The connection with the server is lost.
11 Server connection error {value} Server connection error.
12 Client proxy connection error {value} Client proxy connection error.
13 Client connector SSL error {value} Client connection via SSL error. Check SSL certificate.
14 Client connector certificate error {value} Client SSL error. Possible causes are: invalid SSL certificate, outdated client SSL version. Check SSL certificate.
15 Client SSL error {value} Client SSL error. Possible causes are: invalid SSL certificate, outdated client SSL version. Check SSL certificate.
16 Client connector error {value} Client connection error.
17 Client OS error {value} The error in the operating system has occurred.
18 Client connection error {value} Client connection error.
19 Client HTTP proxy error {value} The HTTP proxy server error has occurred on the client-side.
20 WS server handshake error {value} The connection through web sockets failed.
21 Content-Type error {value} Request content error. Invalid value in Content-Type field of request header parameters. See "HEADER PARAMETERS" in the API documentation.
22 Client response error {value} The client response error has occurred.
23 HTTP client error {value} Client HTTP error.
24 HTTP client error {value} Client HTTP error. The response was received in incorrect JSON format.
11055 Forbidden License problem: ‘{value}’ License error. The license has expired or is unavailable.

CORE errors, returned in API responses#

Error code Error Message Error Description
100 Bad/incomplete configuration {value} Cannot read the configuration file. The error may occur due to invalid donfiguration file name or format. Check the configuration file of the service.
101 Bad/incomplete query {value} Invalid request parameters or mandatory parameters are absent. One or several query parameters are misspelled or missed. Invalid values may be set to the query parameters. See "QUERY PARAMETERS" in the API documentation and compare them with the specified parameters.
102 Bad/incomplete body {value} Invalid request body. There is an error in the request body or it does not match the required schema. See "REQUEST BODY SCHEMA" in the API documentation and compare it with the specified one.
105 Out of memory {value} Not enough memory for the request processing. Check the server memory usage.
106 Invalid http request {value} Invalid HTTP request. Make sure the request URL and method are correct.
200 Generic error {value} Generic error: invalid parameter, logical errors.

Message subsystem#

Error code Error Message Error Description
2000 Bad/incomplete message package {value} Empty or unreadable message was received from MQ.
2001 Bad/unsupported message content type {value} Invalid MQ message content type. The body is not in the JSON format.
2002 Failed to call a remote worker {value} The connection to MQ worker failed.
2003 Failed to call a driver method {value} The connection to MQ failed.
2004 Generic MQ error {value} MQ error.
2101 Data not ready {value} The task result has not yet returned to MQ.
2102 Driver is stopped {value} The MQ driver has stopped.
2103 Max amount of messages in a queue exceeded {value} MQ limit exceeded.
2104 Queue driver call failed {value} Failed to call the MQ driver.
4003 No faces found There are no faces found.

Descriptor Match#

Error code Error Message Error Description
5003 Failed to match descriptors {value} Failed to perform matching due to invalid descriptor. The descriptor is provided in wrong format or the descriptor is broken.
5004 Bad/incomplete input data {value} Invalid request content. Request does not contain the required input data (e. g. images) or they cannot be processed. Check, that the input data is correct.
5005 Invalid config {value} Matcher error. Invalid Matcher configuration file. Check the configuration file of the service.
5101 Reference uuid is missing Matcher error. Reference UUID not found.
5102 Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor Matcher error. The extracted descriptor for Reference UUID not found. Failed to match the descriptor. The descriptor was extracted with an outdated neural network version.
7001 Bad/unsupported API version {value} Invalid API version of the service was specified in the request. Check the current version in the API documentation of the service.

Database Errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
10015 SQL error SQL request execution failed SQL request failed. A database error has occurred. The database is not available for an unknown reason, or the required tables are missing. You should request the status of the database, check the availability of the database over the network, check the existence of the required tables in the database.
10016 Database error Could not connect to database The connection to the database failed. Check that the database is available. There may be errors during database launch or it is not available in the current network (due to server restrictions or network problems). Check the database settings in services parameters. They may be incorrect.
10017 Database error Database connection timeout error Database connection timeout error. Check that the database is available. There may be errors during database launch or it is not available in the current network (due to server restrictions or network problems). Check the database settings in services parameters. They may be incorrect.
10018 Database error {value} An error occurred in the database.

API errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
11002 Authorization failed Account corresponding login/password not found The account was not found for Backport 3. There is no account with the provided login/password in the system.
11004 Account is suspended The account is not active in Backport 3.
11009 Internal server error The error occurs when an unknown exception comes to the REST resource handler level.
11011 Unique constraint error An account with given email already exists The account with given email already exists.
11012 Extract policy error {value} An error occurred during extraction. There are several faces in the image (Backport 3).
11018 Object not found Face descriptor of version {value} is not found for object with id ‘{value}’. The descriptor with the given ID was not found (Backport 3).
11020 Object not found One or more {value} not found One or more of the specified objects were not found. You should check their existence.
11022 Object not found Token not found The token was not found for Backport 3.
11027 External request failed Failed to download image by url {value} An external request has failed. Failed to get the image by the URL specified in the request body.
11028 Bad/incomplete input data Bad content type of image {value} Invalid image content-type in the request. Check the content-type field in the request.
11029 Bad/incomplete input data Bad content type of image in multipart body There is an invalid image content-type in the request, which contains several images. One or several images have an invalid format or size.
11030 Bad/incomplete input data Image size is not equal to 250x250 The size of the normalized image in the request is not equal to 250x250. The image is not a sample.
11031 Bad/incomplete input data Sample with id {value} not found The sample with the specified ID was not found. You should check the ID in the request.
11032 Object not found Face with id {value} does not have attributes yet The Face with the specified ID has no attributes. The error occurs when matching is performed for a Face without linked descriptor.
11034 Bad/incomplete input data Descriptor for {value} ‘{value}’ was not extracted The descriptor for the specified object was not extracted. You should verify the correctness of the object ID in the request.
11035 Service name not found Service name {value} not found The specified service name was not found.
11036 Forbidden Luna-Account-Id header is required for requests which change the state of system It is required to specify the correct "Luna-Account-Id" header in the request. The header defines a user who changes the state of the system. Perhaps, the user without access to the database was specified.
11037 Bad/incomplete input data Luna-Account-Id header is not UUID format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx The "Luna-Account-Id" header in the request is not in UUID format, the required format is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
11038 Multiple faces found Multiple faces found in image {value} detect {value} There is more than one face in the image. The policy of processing images with a single face only is specified in handler parameters.
11039 Forbidden Luna Tasks service is disabled A request to the Tasks service cannot be processed. Using the Tasks service is disabled in the API configuration. Check the ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE parameter in the Configurator service or the configuration file.
11040 Forbidden Luna Events service is disabled The request to the Events service cannot be processed. The use of the Events service is disabled in the API configuration. Check the ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE parameter in the Configurator service or the configuration file.
11041 Object not found No one face found with external id {value} The face object with the specified external ID was not found. Check the external ID.
11042 Internal server error Unhandled exception: {value} An unhandled exception occurred.
11043 Bad/incomplete input data Bad or incomplete input data is provided for the sample in the request.
11044 Forbidden {value} turned off on luna-api instance The process is turned off for the API instance. Check API configurations.
11045 Forbidden Only one detection rect for each image available at the moment Only one detection rectangle is available for each image at the moment.
11046 Bad/incomplete input data More than one file named {value} found Several images with the same name were sent in the request. The images must have unique names.
11047 Bad/incomplete input data Bounding box not available for warp images The bounding box is not available for samples.
11048 Bad/incomplete input data Multiplie bounding boxes lists in request There is more than a single bounding box specified in the request. A single bounding box can be specified for an image.
11049 Bad/incomplete input data {value} Bad or incomplete input data is provided in the multipart request. Not enough information about the image is given in the request.
11050 Bad/incomplete input data More than one bounding box for image named {value} found The image has several bounding boxes.
11051 Internal server error Service ‘static’ folder not being loaded The service static directory was not loaded.
11052 Bad/incomplete input data No one attributes was settled for the extract No attribute was specified for extraction. You should specify at least one attribute ID in the request.
11053 Multiple human bodies found on image {value} detect {value} There are several human bodies found in the image.
11054 Forbidden Liveness service is disabled The Liveness request cannot be processed as Liveness feature is not available. Check your license.
11056 Bad/incomplete input data {value} The request is invalid. The request data is incomplete. Check the input data in the request.
11057 Object not found No one event found with external id {value} No event was found with the specified "external_id". Check the specified references for matching in the request body.
11058 Object not found No one event found with track id {value} No event was found with the specified "track_id". Check the specified references for matching in the request body.

REST API common errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
12001 Bad/incomplete input data Object in query is not UUID4 format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx The provided ID for the object is not in UUID4 format.
12002 Bad/incomplete input data Request does not contain json The request does not contain JSON. Check the JSON syntax in the request body: there are extra symbols, the JSON structure was broken, or important syntax elements were missed.
12003 Bad/incomplete input data Field {value} not found in json The specified field was not found in the JSON body. Check that all required fields were added to the request.
12005 Bad/incomplete input data Request contain empty json The request contains an empty JSON body. A body is required to execute the request.
12010 Bad/incomplete input data This resource needs “Authorization” authorization headers You should specify the "Authorization" header in the request.
12012 Bad/incomplete input data Bad query parameters {value} The specified query parameters are set incorrectly.
12013 Resource not found Page not found The HTTP resource was not found. The URL specified in the request was not found. For example, the request contains the path "/6/sample" instead of "/6/samples". Compare the specified path with the path in the documentation.
12014 Bad/incomplete input data Required parameters {value} not found The required query parameters were not found in the request. These parameters are listed in the error.
12016 Bad/incomplete input data No one parameters {value} not found Listed query parameters were not found in the request. Check, which parameters are required, in the documentation "APIReferenceManual.html".
12017 Bad/incomplete input data Bad content type Invalid "Content-Type" header value transmitted in the request. No header was specified, an invalid header value was specified, or there is a mistake in the header.
12018 Bad/incomplete input data Unsupported param ‘{value}’ The query parameter is unsupported.
12021 Method not allowed Method not allowed The HTTP resource does not support this method. Check the HTTP method specified to send the request.
12022 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to validate input json. Path: ‘{value}’ message: ‘{value}’ There is an error in JSON syntax at the specified path. The request body contains invalid fields.Check the request for compliance with the template specified in the documentation "APIReferenceManual.html". The detailed description of the error is given in the field "message".
12023 Bad/incomplete input data Content type is unacceptable allowed types: ‘{value}’ The request contains invalid data. Most likely, there is a typo in the request.
12024 Bad/incomplete input data Unsupported media type The data type transmitted in the request is not supported.
12025 Bad/incomplete input data Specified content type does not match data type The content-type specified in the "Content-Type" header does not match the data type.
12027 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to validate input json. Message: {value} The request body parameters are incorrect. Check the JSON body for compliance with the request requirements. Details are listed in the "Message:" field.
12028 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to parse Flatbuf Internal error. Failed to deserialize Flatbuf.
12029 Functionality is not implemented Required server functionality is not implemented The requested server functionality is not implemented.
12030 Bad/incomplete input data Request does not contain data The request contains no data. The request body is empty.
12031 Bad/incomplete input data {value} The input data is incomplete or wrong.
12032 Internal server error Document file not found The document with the specified name was not found.
12033 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied The access to the resource on the server is denied. Check the resource availability. The access may be restricted in the server settings.
12034 Bad/incomplete input data Descriptor has incorrect length {value} The descriptor has an incorrect length.
12035 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to parse xpk file Failed to parse the sescriptor XPK file. Check that the file is correct.
12036 Bad/incomplete input data Descriptor version {value} is not registered in the system The specified descriptor version is not registered in the system. A wrong version is set or an incompatible service version is used that cannot process this descriptor version.
12037 Bad/incomplete input data XPK file does not contain descriptor The input data XPK does not contain a descriptor. Check the file.
12038 Bad/incomplete input data SDK descriptor is not valid SDK descriptor is not valid. Check the provided descriptor data.
12039 Bad/incomplete input data Unknown multipart name ‘{value}’ There is an unknown multipart name in the request.
12040 Bad/incomplete input data Duplicate multipart name ‘{value}’ There is a duplicated multipart name in the request.
12041 Bad/incomplete input data Multipart with name ‘{value}’ has bad Content-Type The input data with the specified name has bad Content-Type in the multipart request.
12042 Gone Access to this resource on the server is no longer available The access to the resource on the server is not available. Check that the corresponding service is working and available. Check that the resource is correct.
12043 Unknown error Service ‘{value}’ unknown error method: ‘{value}’ url: ‘{value}’ Unknown service error has occurred. Check the provided method and URL.
12044 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to decompress input body using gzip encoder Failed to decompress input body using GZIP encoder.
12045 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to decompress input body using deflate encoder Failed to decompress input body using deflate encoder.

Image Store service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
13003 Object not found Image with id {value} not found The image with the specified ID was not found in the storage.
13004 Bad/incomplete input data Image count exceeded limit 1000 The number of images in the deletion request exceeded the limit of 1000.
13005 Object not found Bucket with name {value} not found The specified bucket was not found. You should check the existence of the bucket. The path to the bucket is specified in the Image Store configuration file or Configurator service in the "LOCAL_STORAGE" variable. If there is no bucket, you should manually create it using the command specified in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual in section "Buckets creation".
13006 Unique constraint error Bucket with name {value} already exist A bucket with the specified name already exists. The error occurs when trying to create two buckets with the same name.
13007 Object not found Object with id {value} not found The object with the specified ID was not found in the bucket. The object does not exist or there is a typo in the ID.
13008 Unique constraint error Object with id {value} already exist An object with the specified ID already exists in the bucket.
13009 Bad/incomplete input data Object count exceeded limit 1000 The number of objects transferred to the bucket in the request exceeded the limit of 1000.

Admin service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
15012 Object not found Account with id ‘{value}’ not found There is no account in the Admin service with the specified ID.
15013 Unique constraint error Account with same email or id already exist The e-mail with the specified ID already exists.
15014 Bad/incomplete input data Login or password is incorrect Bad input. The login or the password for the account is incorrect.

Image Processing Errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
18001 Bad/incomplete input data Failed convert data from base64 to bytes Failed to convert BASE64 string to bytes. The provided BASE64 string is broken.
18002 Bad/incomplete input data Failed convert bytes to {value} Failed to convert bytes to the specified image format. The request does not include a photo image.
18003 Bad/incomplete input data Failed read bytes as image The image bytes cannot be read. The provided image is broken or in invalid format.

Image Store Service Errors (Hard Disk)#

Error code Error Message Error Description
19001 Internal server error Failed to save image in the storage Image Store could not save an image to the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19002 Internal server error Failed to remove image from the storage Image Store could not delete an image from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19003 Internal server error Failed to remove image from the storage Image Store could not delete images from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19004 Internal server error Failed to create bucket Image Store could not create a bucket from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19005 Internal server error Failed to get bucket list Image Store could not get a list of buckets on the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19006 Internal server error Failed to get image from the storage Image Store could not get an image from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19007 Internal server error Failed to save object in the storage Image Store could not get an image from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19008 Internal server error Failed to remove object from the storage Image Store could not delete an object from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19009 Internal server error Failed to remove objects from the storage Image Store could not delete objects from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19010 Internal server error Failed to get object from the storage Image Store could not get an object from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19011 Internal server error Failed to get objects from the storage Image Store could not get objects from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.
19012 Internal server error Failed to delete bucket Image Store could not delete a bucket from the hard disk. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the disk, a problem in Image Store.

Image Store Service Errors (S3 storage)#

Error code Error Message Error Description
20001 Internal server error Failed to save image in the storage Image Store could not save an image to the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20002 Internal server error Failed to remove image from the storage Image Store could not delete an image from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20003 Internal server error Failed to remove image from the storage Image Store could not delete images from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20004 Internal server error Failed to create bucket Image Store could not create a bucket in the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20005 Internal server error Request to S3 Failed Failed to complete the request to the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20006 Internal server error Request to S3 Forbidden Failed to get access to the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20007 Internal server error Request time to S3 is longer than the established time Request time to the S3 storage exceeded the specified limit. Check the storage availability. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20008 Internal server error S3 Connection Refused Connection to the Image Store (S3) was refused. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20009 Internal server error Connect time to S3 is longer than the established time Connection time to the S3 storage has exceeded the specified limit. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20010 Internal server error Unknown s3 error An unknown S3 storage error occurred. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20011 Internal server error Failed to get bucket list Image Store could not get a list of buckets from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20012 Internal server error Failed to get image from the storage Image Store could not get an image from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20013 Internal server error Failed to save object in the storage Image Store could not save an object to the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20014 Internal server error Failed to remove object from the storage Image Store could not delete an object from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20015 Internal server error Failed to remove object list from the storage Image Store could not delete a list of objects from theS3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20016 Internal server error Failed to get object from the storage Image Store could not get an object from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20017 Internal server error Failed to get object list from the storage Image Store could not get objects from the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20018 Internal server error Failed to delete bucket Image Store could not delete a bucket form the S3 storage. You should check the Image Store service logs. The error may occur for the following reasons: denial of access, inaccessibility of Image Store over the network, a problem with the storage, a problem in Image Store.
20019 Bad/incomplete query Failed to create bucket with specified name The bucket with the given name cannot be created.

Faces service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
22001 Unique constraint error Face with the same attribute_id already exists A Face with the provided attribute_id already exists. An attribute can be attached to a single face only.
22002 Object not found Face with id ‘{value}’ not found The Face with the specified "face_id" was not found. A typo was made in the "face_id" field or a Face with such an ID does not exist.
22003 Object not found List with id ‘{value}’ not found The List with the given ID was not found. You should specify an existing List in the request.
22004 Object not found One or more faces not found including face with id ‘{value}’ One or more Faces were not found, including the Face with the specified ID. A typo was made in the "face_id" field or a Face with such an ID does not exist.
22005 Object not found One or more lists not found including list with id ‘{value}’ One or more Lists were not found, including the List with the specified ID. The specified Lists do not exist. You should specify an existing list in the request.
22007 Object not found Person with id ‘{value}’ not found The person with the given ID was not found in the database.
22008 Unique constraint error This face is already attached to the person The face is already attached to a person.
22009 Bad/incomplete configuration Face avatar url is not correct The URL in the "avatar" field in the request is incorrect. Check the provided URL.
22010 Object not found Attributes with id ‘{value}’ for update not found An error occurred while updating the fields of the existing Face. The "attribute_id" field in the request is invalid. The attribute with the specified ID was not found.
22011 Object not found Attributes with id {value} not found Attributes with the specified ID were not found in the database. You should specify an existing "attribute_id" in the request.
22012 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to decode descriptor from base64 Failed to decode the descriptor from the BASE64 format. A software error occurred.
22013 Bad/incomplete input data Failed to encode descriptor to base64 Failed to encode the descriptor to the BASE64 format. A software error occurred.
22015 Conflict input data Attribute ‘{value}’ generation should be ‘{value}’ but ‘{value}’ was provided The attribute generation does not match the provided one. The error occurs upon the extraction of the descriptor of a new version. The source descriptor was updated, so the descriptor of a new version cannot be added to the database. It is required to reextract the descriptor using source image and the required NN version.
22016 Bad input data ‘{value}’ is not valid target to get faces. Valid target should be one of {value}. Invalid «target» to get Faces. The valid "target" should be one of the specified in this error. Check the OpenAPI documentation of the Faces service for additional information about targets.
22017 Bad/incomplete input data Match reference must be specified either as (descriptor) or (attribute_id) or (face_id) The reference for matching must be specified as a descriptor, an attribute ID, or a face ID.
22018 Object not found Descriptor of version {value} is not found for object with id ‘{value}’. There is no descriptor with the specified version for the object with the specified ID.
22020 Internal server error Corrupted attribute with id ‘{value}’ The attribute with this ID is corrupted due to unknown reasons.
22021 Integrity error Attribute with id ‘{value}’ already exist The attribute with the specified ID already exists.
22022 Bad input data Attribute does not contain ‘descriptors’ and ‘basic_attributes’ The input attribute does not contain any data: 'descriptors' and 'basic_attributes'.
22023 Bad input data Attribute contains ‘{value}’ samples but corresponding attributes is empty The attribute contains samples without data.
22024 Bad input data Attribute contains descriptors of identical versions: ‘{value}’ The attribute contains descriptors of the same version.
22025 Conflict input data Attribute samples of face (face_id ‘{value}’) do not match specified ones The attribute samples of the face with the specified face_id do not match specified samples.
22026 Unique constraint error List with id ‘{value}’ already exist The list with the specified ID already exists and cannot be created.

Events service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
23001 Object not found Event with id {value} not found The event with the specified ID was not found by Events service. The event does not exist.
23002 Object not found One or more events not found including event with id {value} One or more events were not found by the Events service, including the specified event. These events were deleted or there is an error in their IDs.
23003 Unique constraint error One or more event id from {value} already exist One or more event IDs from the list already exist and cannot be created.
23004 Unique constraint error One or more attribute id from ‘{value}’ already exist One or more listed Attribute IDs already exist.
23005 Bad input data ‘{value}’ is not valid target to get events. Valid events should be one of {value} The specified target is not valid. Specify one of the available targets.
23006 Internal server error Timeout ({value} seconds) for saving events into history database has been expired The timeout for saving events into the database has been expired. The request took too long due to massive provided data or problems with connection to the Database.
23007 Object not found Human descriptor of version {value} is not found for object with id ‘{value}’. Human descriptor was not found for the object.
23008 Internal server error Copywriter queue is full Copywriter queue is full.
23009 Internal server error Events are shutting down Events are shutting down. Check the Events service.
23010 Internal server error Events saving failed reason: {value} The saving of an event failed due to an internal server error.

Index services error#

Error code Error Message Error Description
26001 Object not found Index task not found Index task was not found.
26002 Internal server error Generation not found in indexer The generation was not found in the Indexer service
26003 Internal server error Not expected status of indexer Indexer has an unexpected status.
26004 Internal server error Failed start upload generation {value} on daemon {value} reason: {value} The generation was not uploaded on the specified daemon. The reason is given.
26005 Internal server error Failed start reload generation {value} on daemon {value} reason: {value} The generation was not reloaded on the specified daemon. The reason is given.
26007 Internal server error Not expected status of upload task. Status: {value} daemon: {value} generation: {value} An unexpected status of the upload task was returned.
26008 Internal server error Not expected status of restart task. Status: {value} daemon: {value} generation: {value} An unexpected status of the restart task was returned.
26009 Bad/incomplete input data List does not satisfy to the indexation condition The list does not match the specified indexation conditions.

Configurator service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
27001 Object not found Setting with id ‘{value}’ not found The setting with the specified ID was not found. Check that the specified ID is correct and the setting exists in the Configurator.
27002 Integrity error Setting with the following fields already exists: name: {value} tag: {value} The setting with the specified fields exists. The name and tag pair should be unique in the database.
27003 Bad/incomplete input data Connection check to service is failed The request for the specified service URL failed. Check that the service is running and available through network.
27004 Bad/incomplete input data Not allowed to change tags for default setting You cannot create a tag for the default setting. The default setting can't have a tag. Duplicate the setting to change it and apply a tag.
27005 Bad/incomplete input data Tag ‘{value}’ for setting ‘{value}’ not found There is no specified tag for the specified setting.
27006 Object not found Limitation named ‘{value}’ not found The newly created setting should match the configuration template (limitation) that is set for it. A description of the configuration template is provided in the user interface and dump-file (the file can be received using the corresponding request).
27007 Integrity error Limitation named ‘{value}’ already exists When creating a new template for the settings (limitation) you used the name of an existing template. The name should be unique.
27008 Object not found Group named ‘{value}’ not found The Group object with the specified name was not found.
27009 Object not found One or more groups not found including group named ‘{value}’ One or several Group objects were not found, including the object with the specified name.
27010 Integrity error Group named ‘{value}’ already exists The Group object with the specified name already exists.
27011 Bad/incomplete input data Cannot remove default setting ‘{value}’ It is unavailable to delete the default setting from the Configurator.
27012 Bad/incomplete input data Not allowed to change default setting name Error when trying to change the default setting name. It is not allowed to change the default setting name. Duplicate the setting to change it and apply a new name.

Tasks service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
28000 Network error Cannot send subtasks to task_workers. Reason: ‘{value}’ Failed to send subtasks to Tasks service workers. The reason is shown in the "Reason" field.
28001 Object not found Task with id ‘{value}’ not found The task with the specified ID was not found by Tasks service. The identifier was set incorrectly or the task with the specified identifier was deleted.
28002 Object not found One or more tasks not found including task with id {value} The Tasks service did not found the specified tasks, including the task with the specified ID. The ID is set incorrectly or the task was deleted.
28003 Object not found Task error with id ‘{value}’ not found An error with the ID specified in the request was not found by the Tasks service. The error does not exist.
28004 Object not found One or more tasks not found including task with id ‘{value}’ One or more errors were not found by Tasks service, including the error with the specified ID. The ID is incorrect or the error has been deleted.
28005 Stop tasks worker On worker shutdown all active tasks on the worker are failed all active subtasks are cancelled The task execution process was interrupted because Tasks handler was stopped. All active subtasks have been canceled. You should check the status of all Tasks service handlers. Some of the handlers became unavailable for some reason.
28006 Internal server error Failed to update task {value} status. Desired status: {value} Tasks service failed to update the specified task status. The expected status is shown.
28007 Internal server error Failed to update subtask {value} status. Desired status: {value} Tasks service failed to update the subtask status.
28008 Internal server error Failed to update task {value} progress. Desired progress: {value} Tasks service failed to update the progress of the task.
28009 Attribute is not equal Event ({value}) attribute is not equal {value} corresponding face attribute The event attribute ID and the corresponding Face attribute ID did not match (Linker task).
28010 Objects not found Objects for clustering not found (empty set) The objects specified for clustering were not found by the Tasks service.
28011 Internal server error Failed to save report to a csv-file Tasks service failed to create a CSV file for the report.
28012 Internal server error Failed to create archive from a report Tasks service failed to create the archive for the report.
28013 Bad/incomplete input data Tasks with type ‘{value}’ does not support a build report You cannot create the report (reporter task) for this type of task.
28014 Bad/incomplete input data Column ‘{value}’ not allowed in report by {value} The specified column cannot be added to the report (reporter task). The column is not available in the reporter task.
28015 Bad/incomplete input data Tasks with status ‘{value}’ does not support a build report A report cannot be created for tasks with the specified status (reporter's task). You should wait for the task to complete to get a report.
28016 Bad/incomplete input data Clusterization task without result does not support a build report A report cannot be generated for a clusterization task without results.
28017 Object not found Result of the task ‘{value}’ not found The result of the specified task was not found.
28018 Object not found Task ‘{value}’ does not have result yet The task has no result yet. You should wait for the task to complete.
28019 Bad/incomplete input data Task ‘{value}’ with status {value} cannot be canceled A task with the specified status cannot be canceled. Depending on the status, the task may have been stopped, completed with an error, or completed.
28020 Object not found Impossible get a result of task {value} with status {value} It is unable to get the result of the Tasks service task with the specified status.
28021 Forbidden Service does not support Luna Events as source for tasks The service does not support Luna Events as a data source for tasks. You should enable the Events service usage in the ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE setting in the configuration file of the Tasks service or in the Configurator service.
28022 Objects not found {value} for cross-matching not found (empty set) The specified object for cross-matching was not found.
28023 Reference uuid is missing: {value} The object with the ID specified for the cross-matching task was not found.
28024 Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor: {value} There is no extracted descriptor for the object with UUID specified for the cross-matching task.
28025 Task ‘{value}’ has been cancelled The task was canceled.

Sender service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
29001 Forbidden Cannot subscribe for events without ‘Luna-Account-Id’ header set The request does not include the Luna-Account-Id header required to subscribe to the events of the Events service.
29002 Internal server error Failed to subscribe to chanel {value} Sender could not subscribe to the Reddit channel.
29003 Internal server error Failed to process input message Sender could not process the incoming image.
29004 Internal server error Failed to publish message to ws Sender could not publish a message by web socket.
29005 Service Unavailable Redis disconnected The Sender service is unavailable. Redis DB was disconnected.

Python Matcher service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
31000 Bad/incomplete input data Account id from query parameters does not match the one from {value} filters The account ID specified in the query parameters does not match the account ID from the specified filters. The data belongs to different Account IDs.
31001 Bad/incomplete input data Descriptor has the version ({value}) which does not match with version ({value}) which is supposed to use for the matching The version of the processed descriptor does not match the version, currently used for the matching.
31002 Bad/incomplete input data Cross match filters presume too many received objects. Current general limit - {value} Too many objects were sent for the cross-matching task. The available limit is shown in the error.
31003 Internal server error Unknown cross matching error An unknown cross-matching error occurred.
31005 Bad/incomplete input data Matching between different versions {value} is not allowed Matching between different versions is not allowed
31006 Internal server error Unexpected behavior of the ‘{value}’ matcher: {value} Unexpected behavior of the given matcher. The error occurs when using plugins.A plugin error is displayed, which occurs because the plugin author did not take into account the requirements for using plugins.

Liveness service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
32000 Internal server error Failed to predict liveness An internal server error. Liveness prediction failed due to unknown reason.
32001 A distance between face and camera is too small {value} The distance between the face and the camera is too small.
32002 Face is too close to one or more borders. {value} The face is too close to one or more edges of the frame. It is recommended that the face does not go out of the frame and there is some distance from the edges of the frame.
32003 Face is cropped {value} One or several face sides are cropped and not inside the frame. It is highly recommended that no part of the face extends beyond the frame
32004 Face detector can’t find face on image {value} The system cannot find a face in the image. There is no face in the image or it is not distinguishable
32005 Facial area is not big enough for analysis. {value} The face is not large enough for processing. Either interpupillary distance or face size is below the required value.
32006 Facial out-of-plane rotation angle is extremely large {value} Out-of-plane rotation (face pitch and yaw) angles are greater than 20 degrees in either direction.
32007 Landmarks prediction error {value} Facial landmarks were not found.
32008 Face detection error {value} An error occurred during face detection for liveness check.
32009 Liveness prediction error {value} An error occurred during liveness prediction.
32010 File decoding error {value} File decoding error. Check the image file.
32011 Model deserializing error {value} Model deserializing error. The model cannot be read.
32012 File encoding error {value} File decoding error. Cannot write the image.
32014 Invalid fuse mode provided {value} Invalid fuse mode provided
32015 Engine or backend is not supported by the build {value} Engine or backend is not supported by the build
32017 Too many faces detected {value} Too many faces detected. The number of detected faces exceeds the maximum number of faces in the configuration. One face is set by default.

Licenses service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
33001 License problem Failed to check HASP License feature {value} A license problem occurred. The request for the feature availability failed. Check your license. Possible reasons: the license was not applied, you use a wrong license, connection to the license server could not be established.
33002 License problem Failed to get value of HASP License feature {value} A license problem occurred. The request for the feature value failed. Check your license. Possible reasons: the license was not applied, you use a wrong license, connection to the license server could not be established.
33003 License problem No value found for required HASP License feature {value} A license problem occurred. The request for expiration date and faces limit failed. The license does not include this data. Possible reasons: the license was not applied, you use a wrong license, connection to the license server could not be established.
33004 License problem Failed to consume {value} The specified licensed LP feature cannot be used because the limit on the number of transactions was exceeded. Check your license.
33005 License problem Failed to consume : license expired The specified licensed LP feature cannot be used because the license has expired. Check your license.

Handlers service errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
34000 Object not found Handler with id {value} not found The handler with the specified ID was not found.
34001 Forbidden Descriptor version {value} is not supported The descriptor with the specified version is not supported.
34002 Internal server error Cannot load handler with id ‘{value}’. Handler is corrupted The system cannot load the handler with the specified ID. The handler is corrupted.
34003 Bad/incomplete input data Aggregation is not supported for raw descriptors Aggregation is not supported for raw descriptors. The error occurs when you specify aggregation and provide descriptors instead of images.
34004 Object not found Verifier with id {value} not found Verifier with the specified ID is not found.
34005 Bad/incomplete input data Candidates limit exceeded: {value} > {value} Candidates limit exceeded. A limited number of candidates can be specified.
34006 Bad/incomplete input data No candidates specified No candidates were specified.
34007 Forbidden Allowed use only dynamic handler It is allowed to use a dynamic handler only.
35000 Bad/incomplete input data Attributes gc is not available Attributes gc is not available.
35001 Forbidden Luna Sender service is disabled Sender service is disabled. Check the ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE settings in the Configurator service or in the configuration file.
35002 Handler is not supported Invalid handler with id ‘{value}’ The handler is not supported in Backport 4.
36001 Bad/incomplete input data Expected list of {value}. Got list of {value}. List id ‘{value}’ Wrong list type is provided.
36002 Bad/incomplete input data Bad format basic authorization header format: Basic base64(login:password) Bad format of basic authorization header.
36003 Face does not satisfy thresholds limits No faces found. No faces that satisfy the specified threshold limits were found.
36004 Bad/incomplete input data Face was not linked to the person The face was not linked to the person.
37001 Internal server error Service did not process the request within {value} seconds The service did not process the request within the specified period. The error may occur due to high system load, lack of server resources or network problems.
37002 Request timeout Service did not receive the complete request message within {value} seconds The service did not receive a complete request message within the specified period. The error may occure due to high system load, lack of server resources, network problems.
37003 Request payload is too large Request payload is too high.
37004 Internal server error Unknown web application error: {value} Unknown web application error.
37005 Client closed request The client-side was disconnected.

Healthcheck error#

Error code Error Message Error Description
38001 Health check error {value} Service health check error.

Cached Matcher error#

Error code Error Message Error Description
40001 Object not found List with id ‘{value}’ not found in the cache The list with the given ID was not found in the cache.

SDK errors#

Error code Error Message Error Description
100001 Buffer is empty {value} The buffer is empty.
100002 Buffer is null {value} The buffer is null.
100003 Buffer is full {value} The buffer in full.
100004 Descriptors are incompatible {value} The specified descriptors are incompatible.
100005 Internal error {value} An internal error occurred.
100006 Invalid buffer size {value} Invalid buffer size.
100007 Invalid descriptor {value} Invalid descriptor. Check the descriptor file.
100008 Invalid descriptor batch {value} Invalid descriptors batch. Check the descriptors batch.
100009 Invalid detection {value} Invalid detection.
100010 Invalid image {value} Invalid image. Check that the image file is not corrupted and can be processed by the system.
100011 Invalid image format {value} Invalid image format.
100012 Invalid image size {value} Invalid image size.
100013 Invalid input {value} Invalid input.
100014 Invalid landmarks 5 {value} Invalid landmarks5.
100015 Invalid landmarks 68 {value} Invalid landmarks68.
100016 Invalid rectangle {value} Invalid rectangle.
100017 Invalid settings provider {value} Invalid settings provider.
100018 Licensing issue {value} Licensing issue.
100019 Module is not initialized {value} Module is not initialized.
100020 Module is not ready {value} Module is not ready.
100021 Error during initialization fdsk image {value} FSDK image initialization error.
100022 Error during image loadin {value} Image loading error.
100023 Error during image saving {value} Image saving error.
100024 Archive image error {value} Archive image error.
100025 Invalid detection {value} Invalid detection.
100026 Image conversion not implemented {value} Image conversion not implemented.
100027 Bad input image data pointer {value} Bad input image data pointer.
100028 Bad input image data size {value} Bad input image data size.
100029 Unsupported image format {value} Unsupported image format.
100030 Invalid image height {value} Invalid image height.
100031 Bad path for image saving / loading {value} Bad path for image saving/loading.
100032 Error at image memory opening {value} Error at image memory opening.
100033 Unsupported image type {value} Unsupported image type.
100034 Invalid image width {value} Invalid image width.
100035 Batching error {value} Batching error.
110001 Creation descriptor error {value} Descriptor creation error.
110002 Creation descriptor error {value} Descriptors batch creation error.
110003 Creation core image error {value} Core image creation error.
110004 Estimation descriptor error {value} Descriptor estimation error.
110005 Estimation descriptor error {value} Descriptors batch estimation error.
110006 Estimation basic attributes error {value} Basic attributes estimation error.
110007 Batch estimation basic attributes error {value} Basic attributes batch estimation error.
110008 Estimation AGS error {value} AGS estimation error.
110009 Estimation head pose error {value} Head pose estimation error.
110011 Estimation eyes gase error {value} Gaze estimation error.
110012 Estimation emotions error {value} Emotions estimation error.
110013 Estimation warp quality error {value} Sample quality estimation error.
110014 Estimation mouth state error {value} Mouth state estimation error.
110015 Estimation eyes error {value} Eyes estimation error.
110016 Creation warped image error {value} Sample creation error.
110017 Landmarks transformation error {value} Landmarks transformation error.
110018 Detect one face error {value} Single face detection error.
110019 Detect faces error {value} Several faces detection error.
110020 High memory usage {value} High memory usage error.
110021 Detect one human body error {value} Single human body detection error.
110022 Detect humans bodies error {value} Humans bodies detection error.
110023 Estimation mask error {value} Mask estimation error has occurred.
110024 Filtered aggregation error {value} Aggregation error related to the specified threshold.
120004 The command does not exist {value} The command does not exist.
120005 Internal RPC error {value} Internal RPC error.
120006 The command is not valid {value} The command is not valid.
1100010 Estimation ethnities error {value} Ethnicity estimation error.
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