Installation and setup


Administration panel service operates with Windows 10 and CentOS 7 (other OS have not been tested).

Following software is required for administration panel service installation:

  • PostgreSQL developer package;

  • PostgreSQL DBMS instance (not recommended use LUNA API database);

  • Python 3.9;

  • Python setuptools.

For more details about each component installation, please refer to the LUNA API documentation.


Before beginning, make sure you have LUNA Core and LUNA API up and functional. First, install Python dependencies by performing the following command:

python install

In this case, versioning is based on git. If the project is not cloned, use the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: the virtual environment is strongly recommended for installation.

See config for service configuration.

Database creation

After dependencies are installed, and all settings are configured, it is necessary to create a database (for more details refer to LUNA API documentation). Next, create a table using script. The command is the following:

python ./base_scripts/ --config=./configs/devconfig.conf

The last command creates table in db, required for future service migration.


If all previous steps were performed successfully, a service is ready to work. Run the script to start the server. When launching, you can add such arguments as port. By default, the service listen the port 5010. Example of the startup string:

./luna-admin/ --config="./configs/devconfig.conf" --port=5010