

  1. Luna-admin service works as RESTfull api service.

  2. Luna-admin service is divided into two parts: back and tasks. Every part is RESTfull service. Back component gives access to view all the objects in the system: accounts, tokens, faces, persons. Also one can set long task (re-extract descriptors, clean up non-linked faces) from it. Second component process long tasks. It is assumed that administrator of luna-platform will use first component. Components is run separately.

  3. Removed functionality of unblocking persons and lists.

  4. Removed periodic tasks. Task on clean up not linked faces is run manually.

  5. Added several helpfull resources (see raml documentation).

  6. Added oracle database support

  7. Added Luna-Request-Id header

  8. Now ORIGIN is used in configs. Origin consists of “<schema>://<ip-address>:<port>”

  9. Add submodule to projects, some features, such as baseHandler, errors, utils, regexps and log moved there