Source code for luna_handlers.sdk.sdk_loop.enums

Helpers enums.
from enum import Enum

[docs]class Stages(Enum): """ Sdk task stages enum. """ faceDetector = "faceDetector" #: face detection and estimate detection attributes faceExtractor = "faceExtractor" #: extract face descriptor and basic attributes faceEstimator = "faceWarpEstimator" #: estimate face warp attributes (emotions, mouth, quality) humanDetector = "humanDetector" #: human detection and estimate detection attributes humanExtractor = "humanExtractor" #: extract human descriptor and basic attributes
[docs]class SDKFaceEstimations(Enum): """ SDK face estimations enum. Name - estimation api name, value - estimation lunavl name. """ gaze = "gaze" #: faze headPose = "headPose" #: head pose eyes = "eyes" #: eyes state, points ags = "ags" #: ags mouthAttributes = "mouthState" #: mouth state quality = "warpQuality" #: warp quality emotions = "emotions" #: emotions faceDescriptor = "faceDescriptor" #: face descriptor basicAttributes = "basicAttributes" #: basic attributes (age, gender, ethnicity) mask = "mask" #: mask glasses = "glasses" #: glasses liveness = "liveness" #: liveness
[docs]class SDKHumanEstimations(Enum): """ SDK human estimations enum. Name - estimation api name, value - estimation lunavl name. """ humanDescriptor = "humanDescriptor" #: human body descriptor
[docs]class MultifacePolicy(Enum): """ Multiple face detection policy enum. """ notAllowed = 0 #: multiple face detection not allowed allowed = 1 #: multiple face detection allowed getBest = 2 #: get best detection from the image