Docs handler

Document File Handler

Module realizes doc file handler.

class luna_faces.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.DevelopmentManualHandler(request)[source]

Handler for getting sphinx documentations from static directory

property app: luna_faces.crutches_on_wheels.web.application.LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

async get()[source]

Get Sphinx service documentation, see get dev manual.

Resource is reached by address ‘/docs/dev’

class luna_faces.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.SpecDocumentsHandler(request)[source]

Handler for getting openapi documentations from static directory

property app: luna_faces.crutches_on_wheels.web.application.LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

classmethod customise(docName=None)[source]

Handler customising method.


docName (Optional[str]) – document name to store


the current handler class

property docName

Current REST API document name getter.


REST API document name except extension

async get()[source]

Get document of services, see get spec docs.

Resource is reached by address ‘/docs/spec’


VLException(Error.UnsupportedMediaType, 415, isCriticalError=False), if "Accept" header is incorrect

Return type



Get file body from a static directory with the specified extension


extension (str) – extension for document file (html or yml)

Return type

Tuple[str, bytes]


tuple (filename, document body)

luna_faces.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.addDocHandlersRoutes(app, specDocName=None)[source]

Add standard docs handlers (OpenAPI and sphinx) to app :type app: LunaApplication :param app: application :type specDocName: Optional[str] :param specDocName: custom spec doc name