Source code for luna_handlers.db.context

import ujson
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy.engine import RowProxy
from sqlalchemy.sql.base import ImmutableColumnCollection
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional, List, Iterable, Union
from uuid import uuid4
from sqlalchemy import insert, and_, update, delete, func, select
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased

from app.global_vars.enums import HandlerTarget
from vlutils.helpers import convertTimeToString
from crutches_on_wheels.db.base_context import BaseDBContext
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.errors import Error
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.exception import VLException
from crutches_on_wheels.utils.db_functions import dbExceptionWrap as exceptionWrap
from db import models

[docs]class DBContext(BaseDBContext): """Handlers DB context."""
[docs] def loadHandlerFromRow(self, handlerRow: RowProxy, selectColumns: ImmutableColumnCollection) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Load handler as dict from raw row. Args: handlerRow: full row from db selectColumns: columns from sql query Returns: handler as dict """ result = {} for column in selectColumns: snakeCaseTarget = column.key target = HandlerTarget(snakeCaseTarget) if target == HandlerTarget.description: result[snakeCaseTarget] = handlerRow[snakeCaseTarget] or "" elif target == HandlerTarget.policies: result[snakeCaseTarget] = ( ujson.loads(handlerRow[snakeCaseTarget]) if handlerRow[snakeCaseTarget] is not None else None ) elif target in (HandlerTarget.createTime, HandlerTarget.lastUpdateTime): result[snakeCaseTarget] = convertTimeToString(handlerRow[snakeCaseTarget], self.storageTime == "UTC") else: result[snakeCaseTarget] = handlerRow[snakeCaseTarget] return result
[docs] def loadVerifierFromRow(self, verifierRow: Tuple) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Load verifier as dict from raw row. Args: verifierRow: full row from db Returns: verifier as dict """ verifier = dict(zip(models.Verifier.getColumnNames(), verifierRow)) if verifier["description"] is None: verifier["description"] = "" verifier["policies"] = ujson.loads(verifier["policies"]) if verifier["policies"] is not None else None verifier["create_time"] = convertTimeToString(verifier["create_time"], self.storageTime == "UTC") verifier["last_update_time"] = convertTimeToString(verifier["last_update_time"], self.storageTime == "UTC") return verifier
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def createVerifier(self, policies: dict, accountId: str, description: str = "") -> str: """ Create new verifier. Args: policies: verifier policies accountId: account id description: user verifier description Returns: verifier id """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: verifierId = str(uuid4()) insertSt = insert(models.Verifier).values( description=description, account_id=accountId, policies=ujson.dumps(policies), verifier_id=verifierId ) await connection.execute(insertSt) return verifierId
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getVerifier(self, verifierId: str, accountId: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict: """ Get verifier by id Args: verifierId: verifier id accountId: verifier account id Returns: deserialized dict with verifier Raises: VLException(Error.VerifierNotFound.format(verifierId), 404, isCriticalError=False): if verifier not found """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: query = select([models.Verifier]).where( and_( models.Verifier.verifier_id == verifierId, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) verifierRow = await connection.fetchone(query) if verifierRow is None: raise VLException(Error.VerifierNotFound.format(verifierId), 404, isCriticalError=False) return self.loadVerifierFromRow(verifierRow)
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def putVerifier( self, verifierId: str, policies: dict, accountId: str, description: str = "" ) -> Optional[int]: """ Replace verifier by id. Args: verifierId: verifier id policies: verifier policies accountId: account id description: user verifier description Warnings: function does not create verifier! Return: verifier current version if verifier replaced """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: updateSt = ( update(models.Verifier) .where(and_(models.Verifier.verifier_id == verifierId, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId)) .values(description=description, policies=ujson.dumps(policies), version=models.Verifier.version + 1) ).returning(models.Verifier.version) return await connection.scalar(updateSt)
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def deleteVerifier(self, verifierId: str, accountId: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Delete verifier by id Args: verifierId: verifier id accountId: account id Return: True if verifier deleted, otherwise False """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: deleteSt = delete(models.Verifier).where( and_( models.Verifier.verifier_id == verifierId, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) return bool(await connection.execute(deleteSt))
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def checkVerifier(self, verifierId: str, accountId: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Check verifier existence Args: verifierId: verifier id accountId: account id Returns: True - if verifier exists, otherwise False """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: query = select([models.Verifier.verifier_id]).where( and_( models.Verifier.verifier_id == verifierId, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) verifierRow = await connection.fetchone(query) return False if verifierRow is None else True
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getVerifierCount(self, accountId: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None): """ Get verifier count Args: accountId: account id description: verifier description Returns: verifier count """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: selectSt = select([models.Verifier]).where( and_("%{}%".format(description)) if description is not None else True, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) selectSt = select([func.count()]).select_from(aliased(selectSt)) count = await connection.scalar(selectSt) return count
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getVerifiers( self, accountId: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 100, ) -> List[dict]: """ Get verifiers by filters Args: accountId: account id description: verifier description page: page pageSize: page size Returns: list of verifiers """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: selectSt = select([models.Verifier]).where( and_("%{}%".format(description)) if description is not None else True, models.Verifier.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) selectSt = ( selectSt.order_by(models.Verifier.create_time.desc()).offset((page - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize) ) verifierRows = await connection.fetchall(selectSt) return [self.loadVerifierFromRow(handlerRow) for handlerRow in verifierRows]
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def createHandler( self, policies: dict, accountId: str, description: str = "", isDynamic: bool = False ) -> str: """ Create new handler. Args: policies: set handler policies accountId: account id description: user handler description isDynamic: dynamic handler flag Returns: handler id """ if isDynamic: rulesStr = None else: rulesStr = ujson.dumps(policies) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: handlerId = str(uuid4()) insertSt = insert(models.Handler).values( description=description, account_id=accountId, policies=rulesStr, handler_id=handlerId, is_dynamic=isDynamic, ) await connection.execute(insertSt) return handlerId
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getHandler( self, handlerId: str, targets: Union[Iterable[HandlerTarget]] = tuple(HandlerTarget), accountId: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Get handler by id Args: handlerId: handler id accountId: handler account id targets: handler targets Returns: deserialize dict with handler Raises: VLException(Error.HandlerNotFound.format(handlerId), 404, isCriticalError=False): if handler not found """ selectSt = self._genGetHandlersQuery(targets=targets, handlerIds=[handlerId], accountId=accountId) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: handlerRow = await connection.fetchone(selectSt) if handlerRow is None: raise VLException(Error.HandlerNotFound.format(handlerId), 404, isCriticalError=False) return self.loadHandlerFromRow(handlerRow, selectSt.columns)
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getAbsentHandlersIds(self, handlerIds: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Given list of handlerIds, return those handlerIds that were removed from database. Used for removal of items from cache by cache invalidator. Args: handlerIds: handler ids Returns: List with handlersIds that were removed. """ selectSt = self._genGetHandlersQuery(targets=[HandlerTarget.handlerId], handlerIds=handlerIds) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: result = await connection.fetchall(selectSt) return list(set(handlerIds) - set([row["handler_id"] for row in result]))
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getUpdatedHandlers( self, handlerIds: List[str], lastUpdateTimeGte: datetime, targets: Optional[list[HandlerTarget]] = None ) -> List[Dict]: """Get updated handlers by ids. Used for cache invalidation. Args: handlerIds: handler ids lastUpdateTimeGte: lower bound of handler update time targets: handler targets Returns: List with handlers """ selectSt = self._genGetHandlersQuery( handlerIds=handlerIds, lastUpdateTimeGte=lastUpdateTimeGte, targets=targets ) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: handlerRows = await connection.fetchall(selectSt) return [self.loadHandlerFromRow(handlerRow, selectSt.columns) for handlerRow in handlerRows]
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def putHandler( self, handlerId: str, policies: dict, accountId: str, description: str = "", isDynamic: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Put handler instead old handler. Args: handlerId: handler policies: set handler policies accountId: account id description: user handler description isDynamic: dynamic handler flag Warnings: function does not create handler! Return: True if handler exist otherwise false """ if isDynamic: rulesStr = None else: rulesStr = ujson.dumps(policies) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: updateSt = ( update(models.Handler) .where(and_(models.Handler.handler_id == handlerId, models.Handler.account_id == accountId)) .values( description=description, policies=rulesStr, is_dynamic=isDynamic, last_update_time=self.currentDBTimestamp, ) ) return bool(await connection.execute(updateSt))
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def deleteHandler(self, handlerId: str, accountId: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Delete handler by id Args: handlerId: handler id accountId: account id of the handler Return: True if handler exist otherwise false """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: deleteSt = delete(models.Handler).where( and_( models.Handler.handler_id == handlerId, models.Handler.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) return bool(await connection.execute(deleteSt))
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def doesHandlerExist(self, handlerId: str, accountId: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Check a account handler with id=handlerId existence Args: handlerId: handler id accountId: handler account id Returns: true - if handler is exist otherwise false """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: query = select([models.Handler.handler_id]).where( and_( models.Handler.handler_id == handlerId, models.Handler.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, ) ) handlerRow = await connection.fetchone(query) return False if handlerRow is None else True
@staticmethod def _genGetHandlersQuery( targets: Iterable[HandlerTarget] = tuple(HandlerTarget), accountId: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, isDynamic: Optional[bool] = None, handlerIds: Optional[list[str]] = None, lastUpdateTimeGte: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> select: """ Get handlers by filters Args: targets: handler targets accountId: handler account id description: handler description isDynamic: whether to get only dynamic (non-dynamic) handlers handlerIds: handlers ids lastUpdateTimeGte: lower bound of handler update time Returns: generated "select" statement """ selectSt = select([getattr(models.Handler, target.value) for target in targets]).where( and_( models.Handler.handler_id.in_(handlerIds) if handlerIds is not None else True,"%{}%".format(description)) if description is not None else True, models.Handler.account_id == accountId if accountId is not None else True, models.Handler.is_dynamic == isDynamic if isDynamic is not None else True, models.Handler.last_update_time >= lastUpdateTimeGte if lastUpdateTimeGte is not None else True, ) ) return selectSt
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getHandlers( self, accountId: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, isDynamic: Optional[bool] = None, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 100, ) -> List[dict]: """ Get handlers by filters Args: accountId: handler account id description: handler description isDynamic: whether to get only dynamic (non-dynamic) handlers page: page pageSize: page size Returns: list of deserialize handlers """ selectSt = self._genGetHandlersQuery(accountId=accountId, description=description, isDynamic=isDynamic) selectSt = selectSt.order_by(models.Handler.create_time.desc()).offset((page - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize) async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: handlerRows = await connection.fetchall(selectSt) return [self.loadHandlerFromRow(handlerRow, selectSt.columns) for handlerRow in handlerRows]
[docs] @exceptionWrap async def getHandlerCount( self, accountId: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, isDynamic: Optional[bool] = None ): """ Get handler count Args: accountId: handler account id description: handler description isDynamic: whether to get only dynamic (non-dynamic) handlers Returns: handler count """ async with DBContext.adaptor.connection(self.logger) as connection: selectSt = self._genGetHandlersQuery(accountId=accountId, description=description, isDynamic=isDynamic) selectSt = select([func.count()]).select_from(aliased(selectSt)) count = (await connection.fetchone(selectSt))[0] return count