SDK Loop

SDK Task

A task that determinants a set of biometric features estimated from input images or samples. All features are divided into 3 groups:

  • face detection features: face detection, landmarks, eyes, gaze direction, ags.

  • samples(warp) features: emotions, mouth state, warp quality.

  • face attributes: age, gender, ethnicity, descriptor.

Face detection features are estimated on images, other features are estimated on warped images.

Task pipeline

SDK loop is a structure for task processing. There exist 3 stages of task processing:

  • detector stage

  • warp estimator stage

  • extractor stage

All features in estimated in the corresponding stage. Loop determines a pipeline for every task which is an order list of stages. Communication between stage handlers is done through queues. Loop sends a task to a queue which is corresponding first task pipeline stage. The task is put to a queue which corresponding next stage in the pipeline after stage processing. A task is put to a common results queue if it is failed or done. Loop gets a task from the results queue and transfers to a task customer.

Helpers enums.

class luna_handlers.sdk.sdk_loop.enums.Estimators(value)[source]

Available loop estimators

basicAttributes = 'basicAttributes'

basic attributes (age, gender, ethnicity)

bodyDescriptor = 'bodyDescriptor'

body descriptors

bodyDetection = 'bodyDetection'

body detection

bodyWarp = 'bodyWarp'

body warp

emotions = 'emotions'


eyebrowExpression = 'eyebrow_expression'

eyebrow expression

eyes = 'eyes'

eyes state, points

faceDescriptor = 'faceDescriptor'

face descriptor

faceDetection = 'faceDetection'

face detection

faceDetectionBackground = 'face_detection_background'

face detection background

faceNaturalLight = 'face_natural_light'

face natural light

faceWarp = 'faceWarp'

face warp

fisheye = 'fisheye'


gazeDirection = 'gaze'

gaze direction

glasses = 'glasses'


headPose = 'headPose'

head pose

headwear = 'headwear'


imageColorType = 'image_color_type'

image color type

imageOrientation = 'imageOrientation'

image orientation

livenessV1 = 'livenessV1'


mask = 'mask'


mouthState = 'mouthState'

mouth state

quality = 'warpQuality'

warp quality

redEyes = 'red_eyes'


class luna_handlers.sdk.sdk_loop.enums.LoopEstimations(value)[source]

SDK Loop estimations enum. Name - estimation target.

basicAttributes = 'basic_attributes'

basic attributes (age, gender, ethnicity)

bodyDescriptor = 'body_descriptor'

body descriptor

bodyDetection = 'body_detection'

body detection

bodyLandmarks17 = 'body_landmarks17'

body landmarks

bodyWarp = 'body_warp'

body warp

emotions = 'emotions'


eyebrowExpression = 'eyebrow_expression'

eyebrow expression

eyes = 'eyes'

eyes state, points

faceDescriptor = 'face_descriptor'

face descriptor

faceDetection = 'face_detection'

face detection

faceLandmarks68 = 'face_landmarks68'

face landmarks68

faceNaturalLight = 'face_natural_light'

face natural light

faceWarp = 'face_warp'

face warp

faceWarpQuality = 'face_warp_quality'

face warp quality

fisheye = 'fisheye'


gaze = 'gaze'

gaze direction

glasses = 'glasses'


headPose = 'head_pose'

head pose

headwear = 'headwear'


imageColorType = 'image_color_type'

image color type

imageOrientation = 'image_orientation'

image orientation

livenessV1 = 'livenessV1'


mask = 'mask'


mouthAttributes = 'mouth_state'

mouth state

redEyes = 'red_eyes'


class luna_handlers.sdk.sdk_loop.enums.MultifacePolicy(value)[source]

Multiple face detection policy enum.

allowed = 1

multiple face detection allowed

getBest = 2

get best detection from the image

notAllowed = 0

multiple face detection not allowed