

  1. Change type of columns ‘content’ from ‘string(2048)’ to large text (‘CLOB’ or ‘TEXT’) for storing large content json.

  2. Report can be done with images.

  3. Updated log level for messages about failed check connection to workers

Bugs fixed:

  1. Added description additional extract task to the doc (see additional extract).

  2. Fix crashes of the clusterization in a case of several same descriptors in objects for clusterization.

  3. Fix crashes of the clusterization report task in a case when clustering many faces.

  4. Clear tasks, faces, lists, attributes, handlers after tests

  5. Add systemd scripts to deploy section

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace folders docs, luna_tasks, tests and update dependencies from requirements.txt. Run alembic migration (configure ‘alembic_config.py’)

alembic upgrade head