

  1. Service version was updated. Current API version is 2.

  2. If events filters are specified as content filters, the linker task uses descriptor from the Events service now.

  3. Temporary attributes are now supported.

    • The “attributes” GC task target is out of date. Use “events” target to remove events by time filter and “descriptors” target to remove descriptors by version. See create GC task.

  4. Event matching labels are now supported. From now on, instead of top_similar_face_list label, the top_matching_candidates_label is used.

  5. The following filter names were changed:

    • from “top_similar_face_id” to “top_similar_object_id”;

    • from “top_similar_face_similarity__gte” to “top_similar_object_similarity__gte”;

    • from “top_similar_face_similarity__lt” to “top_similar_object_similarity__lt”.

Now users can search top similar face or event id (object id) in task filters.

  1. The extract_result column was replaced with face_detections in the reporter task columns.

  2. The handler_id, face_id, event_id, and other identifiers can be of any UUID now (previously were UUID4 only).

  3. Datetime fields are stored in UTC format in the database now. The service response format depends on the storage_time setting as follows:

    • LOCAL is the time offset from UTC according to the time zone (In ISO 8601, the associated time would be written as 2020-01-01T23:28:34+01:00);

    • UTC is Coordinated Universal Time without timezone offset (In ISO 8601, the associated time would be written as 2020-01-01T08:15:00+00:00).

  4. Face filters for linker, cross-matching and clustering tasks were updated. See clustering task, linker task, cross-match task.

  5. Medical mask filter for linker, cross-matching and clustering tasks is now supported.

  6. The “body_detections” field is now supported as a column in the reporter task.

  7. The alembic migration version is used for a database state check now. If an expected migration version does not match the actual migration version, the service will not start.

Bugs fixed:

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version, replace folders docs, luna_tasks, tests, deploy and update dependencies from requirements.txt.


For migration run the commands:

alembic upgrade head