Module contains schemas for match policy
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Optional, List
from uuid import UUID
from luna3.client import Client
from luna3.common.http_objs import RawDescriptor
from luna3.python_matcher.match_objects import (
from pydantic import validator, conlist
from typing_extensions import Literal
from vlutils.helpers import convertToSnakeCase
from vlutils.structures.pydantic import DiscriminatedUnion
from classes.event import Event
from classes.schemas import types
from classes.schemas.base_schema import BaseSchema
from classes.schemas.filters import AttributesFilters
from classes.schemas.types import MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH, OptionalNotNullable
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.errors import ErrorInfo
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.exception import VLException
from crutches_on_wheels.maps.vl_maps import (
from crutches_on_wheels.utils.timer import timer
[docs]class OriginEnum(str, Enum):
"""Match candidates origin"""
faces = "faces"
events = "events"
attributes = "attributes"
[docs]class FaceMatchCandidates(BaseSchema):
"""Face match candidates"""
# candidates origin - faces
origin: Literal[OriginEnum.faces.value]
# face ids
faceIds: conlist(UUID, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# face account id
accountId: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face external ids
externalIds: conlist(types.Str36, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# face user data
userData: types.Str128 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face create time upper including boundary
createTimeGte: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face create time lower excluding boundary
createTimeLt: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face id upper including boundary
faceIdGte: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face id lower excluding boundary
faceIdLt: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# face linked list id
listId: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
[docs]class GeoPosition(BaseSchema):
"""Geo position: longitude and latitude with deltas"""
# geo position longitude origin
originLongitude: types.FloatLongitude
# geo position latitude origin
originLatitude: types.FloatLatitude
# geo position longitude delta
longitudeDelta: types.FloatGeoDelta = 0.01
# geo position latitude delta
latitudeDelta: types.FloatGeoDelta = 0.01
[docs]class EventMatchCandidates(BaseSchema):
"""Event match candidates"""
# candidates origin - events
origin: Literal[OriginEnum.events.value]
# event ids
eventIds: conlist(UUID, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event account id
accountId: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event id upper including boundary
eventIdGte: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event id lower excluding boundary
eventIdLt: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event create time upper including boundary
createTimeGte: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event create time lower excluding boundary
createTimeLt: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event end time upper including boundary
endTimeGte: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event end time lower excluding boundary
endTimeLt: types.CustomExtendedDatetime = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event handler ids
handlerIds: conlist(UUID, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event external ids
externalIds: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event top matching candidates label
topMatchingCandidatesLabel: types.Str36 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event top similar object ids
topSimilarObjectIds: conlist(UUID, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event top similar external ids
topSimilarExternalIds: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event top similar object similarity upper including boundary
topSimilarObjectSimilarityGte: types.Float01 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event top similar object similarity lower excluding boundary
topSimilarObjectSimilarityLt: types.Float01 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event age upper including boundary
ageGte: types.IntAge = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event age lower excluding boundary
ageLt: types.IntAge = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event gender
gender: types.Int01 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event emotion list
emotions: conlist(types.IntEmotions, max_items=len(EMOTION_MAP)) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event mask list
masks: conlist(types.IntMasks, max_items=len(MASK_MAP)) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event liveness states
liveness: conlist(types.IntLiveness, max_items=len(LIVENESS_MAP)) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event ethnic group list
ethnicGroups: conlist(types.IntEthnicities, max_items=len(ETHNIC_MAP)) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event face ids
faceIds: conlist(UUID, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event user data
userData: types.Str128 = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event sources
sources: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event tags
tags: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event cities
cities: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event areas
areas: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event districts
districts: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event streets
streets: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event house numbers
house_numbers: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# event geo position
geoPosition: GeoPosition = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# event track ids
trackIds: conlist(types.Str36, min_items=1, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
[docs]class AttributeMatchCandidates(BaseSchema):
"""Face match candidates"""
# candidates origin - attributes
origin: Literal[OriginEnum.attributes.value]
# temporary attribute ids
attributeIds: conlist(UUID, max_items=MAX_ITEMS_LIST_LENGTH) = OptionalNotNullable()
# temporary attribute account id
accountId: UUID = types.OptionalNotNullable()
[docs]class EventMatchResult:
Event match result.
candidates: match candidates
listInfo: matching list info
matchingLabel: matching label
__slots__ = ("candidates", "listInfo", "matchingLabel")
def __init__(self, matchingLabel: str, matchResult: dict):
self.candidates = matchResult["result"]
self.listInfo = matchResult["filters"].get("list")
self.matchingLabel = matchingLabel
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict:
Get Event match results without matching label as dict
dict with matching candidates and matching label
return dict(candidates=deepcopy(self.candidates), label=self.matchingLabel)
[docs]class BaseMatchPolicy(BaseSchema):
"""Base match policy schema"""
# matching label
label: types.Str36 = ""
# matching candidates
candidates: DiscriminatedUnion("origin", [FaceMatchCandidates, EventMatchCandidates, AttributeMatchCandidates])
# matching filters
filters: AttributesFilters = AttributesFilters()
# matching limit
limit: Optional[types.IntMatchingLimit] = types.DEFAULT_MATCH_LIMIT
# matching targets
targets: Optional[List[str]] = types.OptionalNotNullable()
# matching threshold
threshold: Optional[types.Float01] = types.OptionalNotNullable()
[docs] @validator("targets")
def targetsValidator(cls, targets, values) -> Union[List[str], None]:
"""Targets validator, depends on matching candidates"""
if targets is None:
return targets
if "candidates" not in values:
# if validation fails on field (or that field is missing), it is not included in values
candidatesType = values["candidates"].origin
candidateTargetMap = {
OriginEnum.faces.name: FACE_TARGET_MAP,
OriginEnum.events.name: EVENT_TARGET_MAP,
expectedTargets = list(candidateTargetMap)
unexpectedTargets = [row for row in targets if row not in expectedTargets]
if unexpectedTargets:
raise ValueError(
f"Bad matching policy targets {targets}, "
f"allowed targets for '{candidatesType}' candidates are: {expectedTargets}"
return targets
[docs] @timer
async def execute(self, events: List[Event], luna3Client: Client) -> None:
Execute match policy:
* filter events fo matching
* match events' descriptors with policy candidates
Results are stored in the input events.
events: events (references)
luna3Client: client
eventsForMatch = []
for event in events:
if self.filters.isEventSatisfies(event):
if event.faceAttributes:
if event.faceAttributes.descriptor:
if len(eventsForMatch) == 0:
candidatesFilters = self.candidates.asDict()
origin = candidatesFilters.pop("origin")
if "geo_position" in candidatesFilters:
candidatesFilters["geo_position"] = convertToSnakeCase(candidatesFilters["geo_position"])
references = []
for event in eventsForMatch:
if isinstance(event.faceAttributes.descriptor, RawDescriptor):
reference = event.faceAttributes.descriptor
reference = RawDescriptor(
version=event.faceAttributes.descriptor.model, descriptor=event.faceAttributes.descriptor.asBytes,
references.append(RawDescriptorReference(event.eventId, reference))
ObjectFilters = {"faces": FaceFilters, "events": EventFilters, "attributes": AttributeFilters}[origin]
matchKwargs = {
"candidates": [
targets=self.targets + ["similarity"] if self.targets is not None else None,
"references": references,
reply = await luna3Client.lunaPythonMatcher.matchFaces(**matchKwargs, raiseError=True)
for event in events:
for match in reply.json:
for singleMatch in match["matches"]:
err = singleMatch.get("error")
if err is not None:
raise VLException(ErrorInfo.fromDict(err))
if event.eventId == match["reference"]["id"]:
event.matches.append(EventMatchResult(matchingLabel=self.label, matchResult=match["matches"][0]))
[docs]class MatchPolicy(BaseMatchPolicy):
"""Match policy schema"""
# matching candidates
candidates: DiscriminatedUnion("origin", [FaceMatchCandidates, EventMatchCandidates])