Timer decorators
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.timer.printLogger(self, func, duration)[source]¶
Print timing to log
- Parameters
self – class instance with logger
func – measured function
duration – calling duration of function in secs
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.timer.timer(func)[source]¶
Decorator for function work time estimation.
- Parameters
func – decorating function
- Returns
decorated function.
- Return type
Common regexps
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.regexps.REQUEST_ID_REGEXP¶
compiled regexp for request id string
Loggers module.
- class luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.Formatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True)[source]¶
Log record formater
- converter()¶
- localtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,
Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing local time. When ‘seconds’ is not passed in, convert the current time instead.
- class luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.LogDest(value)[source]¶
Log destination
- file = 'file'¶
destination is log file
- stdout = 'stdout'¶
destination is stdout
- class luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.LogSettings(appName, logLevel, logTime, folderForLog, maxSize, logNameSuffix, logToStdOut, logToFile, multilineStackTrace)[source]¶
Logger settings container
- class luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.Logger(template='', requestId=None)[source]¶
Application logger.
Global logger class. This class realize following features:
Class contains global handlers. All loggers will be to have this handlers.
2. Class replaces itself default logger class from standard library (logging.Logger). All third party loggers (based on logging.Logger) will be use handlers of this class
method reinitialize updates all created loggers.
All features based on class variable _handlers and property handlers. They patch attribute handlers of logger from standard library and make them globals.
- final classmethod addHandler(hdlr)[source]¶
Add handlers to all loggers
Overwrite original method. Before it was instance method, now - global classmethod :param hdlr: log handler
- Return type
- exception(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Exception without msg support. :param *args: args :param **kwargs: kwargs
- Return type
- filter(record)[source]¶
Add extra data (request id and app name) to record :param record: record
- Returns
result of filters
- Return type
- static getLogLevel(logLevel)[source]¶
Get log level from config for logger.
- Returns
if logLevel not set or incorrect will return logging.NOTSET
- Return type
- Return type
- property handlers: List[logging.Handler]¶
Get list of global handlers. Rewrite local handlers from logging.Logger Not save handlers to an in instance of the Logger for correct reinitialize loggers. All created loggers have these handlers.
- Returns
list of global handlers.
- Return type
- classmethod initiate(appName='', logLevel='DEBUG', logTime='LOCAL', folderForLog='./', maxSize=1024, logNameSuffix=None, logToStdOut=True, logToFile=True, multilineStackTrace=True)[source]¶
Initiate class settings.
- Parameters
appName – application name
logLevel – log level
logTime – time of logs
folderForLog – folder with log-files
maxSize – max log file size, 1024 mb for default, 0 - disable rotate
logNameSuffix – optional suffix name for log name files.
logToStdOut – flush log to stdout
logToFile – flush log to a log file
multilineStackTrace – allow a multiline line stack trace message
- Return type
- property level: int¶
Overwrite property. Not save log level to an in instance of the Logger for correct reinitialize loggers.
- Returns
class log level
- Return type
- property logTime: str¶
Get current log time format :returns: logTime from settings
- Return type
- classmethod reInitialize(appName='', logLevel='DEBUG', logTime='LOCAL', folderForLog='./', maxSize=1024, logNameSuffix=None, logToStdOut=True, logToFile=True, multilineStackTrace=True, force=False)[source]¶
Re-Initiate class settings.
- Parameters
appName – application name
logLevel – log level
logTime – time of logs
folderForLog – folder with log-files
maxSize – max log file size, 1024 mb for default, 0 - disable rotate
logNameSuffix – optional suffix name for log name files.
logToStdOut – flush log to stdout
logToFile – flush log to a log file
multilineStackTrace – allow a multiline line stack trace message
force – reinitialize all settings
- Return type
- classmethod reInitializeFileLogging(settings)[source]¶
Re-Initialize file logs handlers. Closes old handlers and create new if it iis needed :param settings: settings for re-initialization
- classmethod reInitializeLogTime(settings)[source]¶
Re Initialize log time. Update time converter of global formatter :param settings: settings for re-initialization
- classmethod reInitializeStdoutLogging(settings)[source]¶
Re-Initialize stdout log handlers. Closes old handlers and create new if it iis needed :param settings: settings for re-initialization
- final classmethod removeHandler(hdlr)[source]¶
Remove the specified handler from all loggers. Overwrite original method. Before it was instance method, now - global classmethod
- Parameters
hdlr – log handler
- property requestId: str¶
Get current request id
- Returns
request id from __init__ 2) from requestIdCtx 3) default
- Return type
request id. priority
- Return type
- class luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.OneLineExceptionFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True)[source]¶
One line exception log record formatter
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.checkThirdPartyLoggerName(name, thirdPartyLoggerWhitList)[source]¶
Check third party logger name that is allowed.
- Parameters
name – third party logger name
thirdPartyLoggerWhitList – third party logger whit list. allowed format: - strict name - wildcard rootname.*
- Returns
true if name matches with any name from thirdPartyLoggerWhitList otherwise false
>>> checkThirdPartyLoggerName("sdkloop.facedetector", THIRD_PARTY_LOGGER_WHITE_LIST) True >>> checkThirdPartyLoggerName("aiohttp", THIRD_PARTY_LOGGER_WHITE_LIST) False
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.generateFileHandler(logFileName, maxSize=1024)[source]¶
Generate file handler :param logFileName: filename :param maxSize: max size of log file
- Returns
rotating file handler if maxSize> 0 otherwise usual file handler
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.generateStdoutLogHandler()[source]¶
Generate stout log handler :returns: new stdout handler
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.logHandlerLock()[source]¶
Contextmanager for access management to logger handlers.
All changes handlers operations must be thread safe.
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.logger¶
- Type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.log.setUpHandler(handler, multilineStackTrace, level)[source]¶
Setup log handler. set log record formatter, level :param handler: handler :param multilineStackTrace: allow a multiline line stack trace message :param level: log level
Module realizes getting and checking request id
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid.DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID = '1650018436,00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000376'¶
request id for record which is initiated of the service
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid.TIME_ZONE_DELTA = -10800¶
correction for getting timestamp in utc
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid.checkRequestId(requestId)[source]¶
Validate request id str
- Parameters
requestId – str for checking
- Returns
True if requestId match with REQUEST_ID_REGEXP otherwise False
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid.generateRequestId(timeIsLocal)[source]¶
Generate correct request id.
- Parameters
timeIsLocal – timestamp generate in localtime or not
- Returns
standard request id string.
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid.getLogTimestamp(timeIsLocal)[source]¶
Generate timestamp for logs
- Parameters
timeIsLocal – timestamp generate in localtime or not
- Returns
timestamp with
- Return type
Module realizes useful function.
- async luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.addCallBack(callableFunction, sleepTime=0)[source]¶
Function creates infinity loop, where call function :param callableFunction: function to call :param sleepTime: time in secods if callback is periodic, in seconds
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatDateTime(dateTimeString, currentTimeFormat)[source]¶
Convert datetime string from UTC or LOCAL to datetime :param dateTimeString: str with datetime :param currentTimeFormat: LOCAL or UTC
- Returns
datetime with/without timezone depends on currentTimeFormat
>>> t1 = convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatDateTime('2018-12-25 12:21:46.652495Z', 'LOCAL') >>> print(type(t1), t1) <class 'datetime.datetime'> 2018-12-25 12:21:46.652495 >>> t2 = convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatDateTime('2018-12-25 15:21:46.652495+03:00', 'LOCAL') >>> print(type(t2), t2) <class 'datetime.datetime'> 2018-12-25 12:21:46.652495 >>> t1 = convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatDateTime('2018-12-25 12:21:46.652495Z', 'UTC') >>> print(type(t1), t1) <class 'datetime.datetime'> 2018-12-25 12:21:46.652495+00:00 >>> t2 = convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatDateTime('2018-12-25 15:21:46.652495+03:00', 'UTC') >>> print(type(t2), t2) <class 'datetime.datetime'> 2018-12-25 15:21:46.652495+03:00
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.convertDateTimeToCurrentFormatStr(dateTimeString, currentTimeFormat)[source]¶
Convert datetime string from UTC or LOCAL to string, considering current STORAGE_TIME :param dateTimeString: str with datetime :param currentTimeFormat: LOCAL or UTC
- Returns
str with datetime in current format
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.convertEnumToSnakeDict(enum)[source]¶
Convert enum with camelCase name to dict with snake_case keys
- Parameters
enum – enum
- Returns
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.currentDateTime(currentTimeFormat)[source]¶
Function get current date-time in ISO format.
- Parameters
currentTimeFormat – LOCAL or UTC
- Returns
- Return type
date-time in rfc3339 format (e.g. 1997-07-16T19
- Return type
- luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.currentTimestamp(logTime='LOCAL', dbType='postgres')[source]¶
Function get time (local or UTC, depends on logTime). The function is needed to correctly fill in the fields in different databases
- Parameters
logTime – LOCAL or UTC, LOCAL for default
dbType – db type (oracle/postgres/vertica), postgres for default
- Returns
- Return type
Timestamp if format ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H
- Return type
- async luna_tasks.crutches_on_wheels.utils.functions.downloadImage(url, logger, timeout, accountId=None)[source]¶
Download image. Add Luna-Account-Id header for request. If request to lis, apply account id to request.
- Parameters
url – image url
logger – logger
timeout – client timeout
accountId – account id
- Returns
tuple with image bytes and its content type
- Raises
VLException(Error.FailDownloadImage.format(url), 400, isCriticalError=False) if failed to download image –
- Return type