Docs handler

Document File Handler

Module realizes doc file handler.

class luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.DevelopmentManualHandler(request)

Handler for getting sphinx documentations from static directory

property app: luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.application.LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

async get()

Get Sphinx service documentation, see get dev manual.

Resource is reached by address ‘/docs/dev’

class luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.SpecDocumentsHandler(request)

Handler for getting openapi documentations from static directory

property app: luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.application.LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

classmethod customise(docName=None)

Handler customising method.


docName (Optional[str]) – document name to store


the current handler class

property docName

Current REST API document name getter.


REST API document name except extension

async get()

Get document of services, see get spec docs.

Resource is reached by address ‘/docs/spec’


VLException(Error.UnsupportedMediaType, 415, isCriticalError=False), if "Accept" header is incorrect

Return type



Get file body from a static directory with the specified extension


extension (str) – extension for document file (html or yml)

Return type

Tuple[str, bytes]


tuple (filename, document body)

luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.docs_handler.addDocHandlersRoutes(app, specDocName=None)

Add standard docs handlers (OpenAPI and sphinx) to app :type app: LunaApplication :param app: application :type specDocName: Optional[str] :param specDocName: custom spec doc name