Python Matcher Proxy Base handler¶
Proxy Base handler
Module realize base class for all handlers.
- class luna_python_matcher.app_proxy.handlers.base_handler.BaseMatcherHandler(request)[source]¶
Proxy Base handler for other handlers.
- luna3Client¶
luna3 client
- Type:
- getDescriptor(inputReference)[source]¶
Override getBinaryReference behaviour in part of returned type.
- Parameters:
inputReference – a dict from the request
- Returns:
Descriptor obj
- Return type:
- async getMatchRequests(inputJson, accountId=None, matchDescriptorType=DescriptorType.face)[source]¶
Get match candidates and match references from the request. :param inputJson: input json :param accountId: account id :param matchDescriptorType: match descriptor type - face or body
- Returns:
tuple with match requests list and loading errors list
- Return type: