# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module realizes a list of errors
import inspect
from typing import Dict, Union
from ..constants.errors import ERROR_LINK
[docs]class ErrorInfo:
VL error.
errorCode: error code
description: short error description
detail: full error description
__slots__ = ["errorCode", "description", "detail"]
def __init__(self, code: int, description: str, detail: str):
self.errorCode = code
self.description = description
self.detail = detail
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ErrorInfo) and self.errorCode == other.errorCode
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.errorCode, self.description, self.detail))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.asDict())
def link(self) -> str:
Get link with error info.
return ERROR_LINK.format(self.errorCode)
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict:
Convert error to dict.
dict with keys "error_code", "desc", "detail", "link"
return {"error_code": self.errorCode, "desc": self.description, "detail": self.detail, "link": self.link}
[docs] @classmethod
def fromDict(cls, error: Dict[str, Union[int, str]]) -> "ErrorInfo":
Convert dict to error.
error: dict with keys "error_code", "desc", "detail"
ErrorInfo instance
return cls(error["error_code"], error["desc"], error["detail"])
[docs]class LunaCoreError:
Structure to save errors in LUNA Core.
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T USE core errors in luna python services !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BadConfig = ErrorInfo(100, "Bad/incomplete configuration", "{}")
BadQuery = ErrorInfo(101, "Bad/incomplete query", "{}")
BadBody = ErrorInfo(102, "Bad/incomplete body", "{}")
OutOfMemoryError = ErrorInfo(105, "Out of memory", "{}")
InvalidHttpRequest = ErrorInfo(106, "Invalid http request", "{}")
GenericError = ErrorInfo(200, "Generic error", "{}")
# message subsystem
BadMessage = ErrorInfo(2000, "Bad/incomplete message package", "{}")
CoreBadContentType = ErrorInfo(2001, "Bad/unsupported message content type", "{}")
WorkerCallFailed = ErrorInfo(2002, "Failed to call a remote worker", "{}")
DriverCallFailed = ErrorInfo(2003, "Failed to call a driver method", "{}")
GenericMQError = ErrorInfo(2004, "Generic MQ error", "{}")
#: bindings error
BindingsNotReady = ErrorInfo(2101, "Data not ready", "{}")
DriverStopped = ErrorInfo(2102, "Driver is stopped", "{}")
ConsumeAmountExceeded = ErrorInfo(2103, "Max amount of messages in a queue exceeded", "{}")
QueueDriverCallFailed = ErrorInfo(2104, "Queue driver call failed", "{}")
# descriptor match
MatchDescriptors = ErrorInfo(5003, "Failed to match descriptors", "{}")
MatchBadInput = ErrorInfo(5004, "Bad/incomplete input data", "{}")
InvalidConfig = ErrorInfo(5005, "Invalid config", "{}")
ReferenceMissingUuid = ErrorInfo(5101, "Reference uuid is missing", "Reference uuid is missing")
ReferenceNotExtractedUuid = ErrorInfo(
5102, "Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor", "Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor"
UnsupportedApi = ErrorInfo(7001, "Bad/unsupported API version", "{}")
[docs]class DataBaseError:
Database errors
ExecuteError = ErrorInfo(10015, "SQL error", "SQL request execution failed")
PingDataBaseError = ErrorInfo(10016, "Database error", "Could not connect to database")
DataBaseConnectionTimeoutError = ErrorInfo(10017, "Database error", "Database connection timeout error")
OtherDatabaseError = ErrorInfo(10018, "Database error", "{}")
[docs]class LunaApiError:
Luna Api errors
RequestInternalServerError = ErrorInfo(11009, "Internal server error", "Internal server error")
ObjectNotFound = ErrorInfo(11020, "Object not found", "One or more {} not found")
FailDownloadImage = ErrorInfo(11027, "External request failed", "Failed to download image by url '{}'")
BadContentTypeDownloadedImage = ErrorInfo(11028, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Bad content type of image '{}'")
BadContentTypeInMultipartImage = ErrorInfo(
11029, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Bad content type of image in multipart body"
BadWarpImageSize = ErrorInfo(11030, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Image size is not equal to 250x250")
SampleNotFound = ErrorInfo(11031, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Sample with id {} not found")
FaceDoesNotHaveAttributes = ErrorInfo(11032, "Object not found", "Face with id {} does not have attributes yet")
DescriptorNotExtracted = ErrorInfo(11034, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Descriptor for {} '{}' was not extracted")
ServiceNameNotFound = ErrorInfo(11035, "Service name not found", "Service name {} not found")
ForbiddenRootRequestFound = ErrorInfo(
11036, "Forbidden", "Luna-Account-Id header is required for requests which change the state of system"
BadAccountId = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Luna-Account-Id header is not UUID, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
MultipleFaces = ErrorInfo(11038, "Multiple faces found", "Multiple faces found in image {} , detect {}")
LunaTasksIsDisabled = ErrorInfo(11039, "Forbidden", "Luna Tasks service is disabled")
LunaEventsIsDisabled = ErrorInfo(11040, "Forbidden", "Luna Events service is disabled")
NoOneFaceFoundByExternalId = ErrorInfo(11041, "Object not found", "No one face found with external id {}")
UnknownErrorLoopError = ErrorInfo(11042, "Internal server error", "Unhandled exception: {}")
BadWarpImage = ErrorInfo(11043, "Bad/incomplete input data", "{}")
ForbiddenProcess = ErrorInfo(11044, "Forbidden", "{} turned off on luna-api instance")
OnlyOneDetectionRectAvailable = ErrorInfo(
11045, "Forbidden", "Only one detection rect for each image available at the moment"
MultiplieSameImageNames = ErrorInfo(11046, "Bad/incomplete input data", "More than one file named {} found")
BoundingBoxNotAvailableForWarp = ErrorInfo(
11047, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Bounding box not available for " "warp images"
MultiplieSameBoundingBoxes = ErrorInfo(
11048, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Multiplie bounding boxes lists in " "request"
BadMultipartInput = ErrorInfo(11049, "Bad/incomplete input data", "{}")
MultiplieSameBoundingBox = ErrorInfo(
11050, "Bad/incomplete input data", "More than one bounding box for image " "named {} found"
StaticNotFoundError = ErrorInfo(11051, "Internal server error", "Service 'static' folder not being loaded")
NotSelectedAttributesForExtract = ErrorInfo(
11052, "Bad/incomplete input data", "No one attributes was settled for the extract"
MultipleHuman = ErrorInfo(
11053, "Multiple human bodies found", "Multiple human bodies found on image {} , detect {}"
LivenessIsDisabled = ErrorInfo(11054, "Forbidden", "Liveness service is disabled")
LicenseProblem = ErrorInfo(11055, "Forbidden", "License problem: '{}'")
InvalidRequest = ErrorInfo(11056, "Bad/incomplete input data", "{}")
NoOneEventFoundByExternalId = ErrorInfo(11057, "Object not found", "No one event found with external id {}")
NoOneEventFoundByTrackId = ErrorInfo(11058, "Object not found", "No one event found with track id {}")
[docs]class RESTAPIError:
Rest api common errors
RequestNotContainsJson = ErrorInfo(12002, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Request does not contain json")
FieldNotInJSON = ErrorInfo(12003, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Field '{}' not found in json")
EmptyJson = ErrorInfo(12005, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Request contain empty json")
BadHeaderAuth = ErrorInfo(
12010, "Bad/incomplete input data", 'This resource needs "Authorization" authorization headers'
BadQueryParams = ErrorInfo(12012, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Bad query parameters '{}'")
PageNotFoundError = ErrorInfo(12013, "Resource not found", "Page not found")
QueryParameterNotFound = ErrorInfo(12014, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Required parameters '{}' not found")
RequiredQueryParameterNotFound = ErrorInfo(12016, "Bad/incomplete input data", "No one parameters '{}' not found")
BadContentType = ErrorInfo(12017, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Bad content type")
MethodNotAllowed = ErrorInfo(12021, "Method not allowed", "Method not allowed")
BadInputJson = ErrorInfo(
12022, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to validate input json. Path: '{}', message: '{}'"
NotAcceptable = ErrorInfo(12023, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Content type is unacceptable, allowed types: '{}'")
UnsupportedMediaType = ErrorInfo(12024, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Unsupported media type")
SpecifiedTypeNotMatchDataType = ErrorInfo(
12025, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Specified content type does not match data type"
InvalidInputJson = ErrorInfo(12027, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to validate input json. Message: '{}'")
BadInputFlat = ErrorInfo(12028, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to parse Flatbuf")
NotImplementedError = ErrorInfo(
12029, "Functionality is not implemented", "Required server functionality is not implemented"
NotContainsData = ErrorInfo(12030, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Request does not contain data")
BadInputData = ErrorInfo(12031, "Bad/incomplete input data", "{}")
DocumentNotFoundError = ErrorInfo(12032, "Internal server error", "Document file not found")
ForbiddenError = ErrorInfo(12033, "Forbidden", "Access to this resource on the server is denied")
InvalidDescriptorLength = ErrorInfo(12034, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Descriptor has incorrect length {}")
BadInputXpk = ErrorInfo(12035, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to parse xpk file")
UnknownDescriptorVersion = ErrorInfo(
12036, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Descriptor version {} is not registered in the system"
XpkDoesNotContainDescriptor = ErrorInfo(12037, "Bad/incomplete input data", "XPK file does not contain descriptor")
BadSdkDescriptor = ErrorInfo(12038, "Bad/incomplete input data", "SDK descriptor is not valid")
UnknownMultipartName = ErrorInfo(12039, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Unknown multipart name '{}'")
DuplicateMultipartName = ErrorInfo(12040, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Duplicate multipart name '{}'")
BadMultipartContentType = ErrorInfo(
12041, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Multipart with name '{}' has bad Content-Type"
GoneError = ErrorInfo(12042, "Gone", "Access to this resource on the server is no longer available")
UnknownServiceError = ErrorInfo(12043, "Unknown error", "Service '{}' unknown error, method: '{}', url: '{}'")
InvalidInputGzip = ErrorInfo(
12044, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to decompress input body using gzip encoder"
InvalidInputDeflate = ErrorInfo(
12045, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to decompress input body using deflate encoder"
[docs]class LunaImageStoreError:
Luna-image-store errors
ImageNotFoundError = ErrorInfo(13003, "Object not found", "Image with id '{}' not found")
ImageCountExceededLimit = ErrorInfo(13004, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Image count exceeded limit 1000")
BucketNotFound = ErrorInfo(13005, "Object not found", "Bucket with name '{}' not found")
BucketAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(13006, "Unique constraint error", "Bucket with name '{}' already exist")
ObjectInBucketNotFound = ErrorInfo(13007, "Object not found", "Object with id '{}' not found")
ObjectInBucketAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(13008, "Unique constraint error", "Object with id '{}' already exist")
ObjectInBucketCountExceededLimit = ErrorInfo(13009, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Object count exceeded limit 1000")
[docs]class LunaAdmin:
Luna-admin errors
AccountNotFound = ErrorInfo(15012, "Object not found", "Account with id '{}' not found")
EmailOrIdAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(15013, "Unique constraint error", "Account with same email or id already exist")
BadAdminAuth = ErrorInfo(15014, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Login or password is incorrect")
[docs]class ImageProcessingError:
"""Image processing errors"""
ConvertBase64Error = ErrorInfo(18001, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed convert data from base64 to bytes")
ConvertImageError = ErrorInfo(18002, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed convert bytes to {}")
ReadImageError = ErrorInfo(18003, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed read bytes as image")
[docs]class LocalStoreError:
"""Image Store errors"""
SavingImageErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19001, "Internal server error", "Failed to save image in the storage")
DeleteImageErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19002, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove image from the storage")
DeleteImagesErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19003, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove image from the storage")
CreateBucketErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19004, "Internal server error", "Failed to create bucket")
GettingBucketsErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19005, "Internal server error", "Failed to get bucket list")
GettingImageErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19006, "Internal server error", "Failed to get image from the storage")
SavingObjectErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19007, "Internal server error", "Failed to save object in the storage")
DeleteObjectErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19008, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove object from the storage")
DeleteObjectsErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19009, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove objects from the storage")
GettingObjectErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19010, "Internal server error", "Failed to get object from the storage")
GettingObjectsErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19011, "Internal server error", "Failed to get objects from the storage")
DeleteBucketErrorLocal = ErrorInfo(19012, "Internal server error", "Failed to delete bucket")
[docs]class S3StorageError:
S3 errors
SavingImageErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20001, "Internal server error", "Failed to save image in the storage")
DeleteImageErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20002, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove image from the storage")
DeleteImagesErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20003, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove image from the storage")
CreateBucketErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20004, "Internal server error", "Failed to create bucket")
RequestS3Error = ErrorInfo(20005, "Internal server error", "Request to S3 Failed")
RequestS3Forbidden = ErrorInfo(20006, "Internal server error", "Request to S3 Forbidden")
RequestTimeoutToS3Error = ErrorInfo(
20007, "Internal server error", "Request time to S3 is longer than the established time"
S3ConnectionRefusedError = ErrorInfo(20008, "Internal server error", "S3 Connection Refused")
ConnectTimeoutToS3Error = ErrorInfo(
20009, "Internal server error", "Connect time to S3 is longer than the established time"
S3UnknownError = ErrorInfo(20010, "Internal server error", "Unknown s3 error")
GettingBucketsErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20011, "Internal server error", "Failed to get bucket list")
GettingImageErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20012, "Internal server error", "Failed to get image from the storage")
SavingObjectErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20013, "Internal server error", "Failed to save object in the storage")
DeleteObjectErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20014, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove object from the storage")
DeleteObjectsErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20015, "Internal server error", "Failed to remove object list from the storage")
GettingObjectErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20016, "Internal server error", "Failed to get object from the storage")
GettingObjectsErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20017, "Internal server error", "Failed to get object list from the storage")
DeleteBucketsErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20018, "Internal server error", "Failed to delete bucket")
BucketNameErrorS3 = ErrorInfo(20019, "Bad/incomplete query", "Failed to create bucket with specified name")
[docs]class LunaFaces:
Luna-faces error
FaceWithAttributeAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(
22001, "Unique constraint error", "Face with the same attribute_id already exists"
FaceNotFound = ErrorInfo(22002, "Object not found", "Face with id '{}' not found")
ListNotFound = ErrorInfo(22003, "Object not found", "List with id '{}' not found")
FacesNotFound = ErrorInfo(22004, "Object not found", "One or more faces not found, including face with id '{}'")
ListsNotFound = ErrorInfo(22005, "Object not found", "One or more lists not found, including list with id '{}'")
FaceAvatarIsNotValidUrl = ErrorInfo(22009, "Bad/incomplete configuration", "Face avatar url is not correct")
AttributesForUpdateNotFound = ErrorInfo(22010, "Object not found", "Attributes with id '{}' for update not found")
AttributesNotFound = ErrorInfo(22011, "Object not found", "Attributes with id {} not found")
FailDecodeDescriptor = ErrorInfo(22012, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to decode descriptor from base64")
FailEncodeDescriptor = ErrorInfo(22013, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to encode descriptor to base64")
WrongAttributesGeneration = ErrorInfo(
22015, "Conflict input data", "Attribute '{}' generation should be '{}', but '{}' was provided"
BadTargetsToGetFaces = ErrorInfo(
22016, "Bad input data", "'{}' is not valid target to get faces. Valid target should be one of {}."
BadMatchReferenceCase = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Match reference must be specified either as " "(descriptor) or (attribute_id) or (face_id)",
DescriptorNotFound = ErrorInfo(
22018, "Object not found", "Face descriptor of version {} is not found for object with id '{}'."
AttributeCorrupted = ErrorInfo(22020, "Internal server error", "Corrupted attribute with id '{}'")
AttributeAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(22021, "Integrity error", "Attribute with id '{}' already exist")
AttributeDoesNotContainAnyData = ErrorInfo(
22022, "Bad input data", "Attribute does not contain 'descriptors' and 'basic_attributes'"
AttributeContainsSamplesWithoutData = ErrorInfo(
22023, "Bad input data", "Attribute contains '{}' samples but corresponding attributes is empty"
AttributeWithDescriptorsIdenticalVersion = ErrorInfo(
22024, "Bad input data", "Attribute contains descriptors of identical versions: '{}'"
FaceSampleConflict = ErrorInfo(
22025, "Conflict input data", "Attribute samples of face (face_id '{}') do not match specified ones"
ListAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(22026, "Unique constraint error", "List with id '{}' already exist")
[docs]class LunaEvents:
Luna-events error
EventNotFound = ErrorInfo(23001, "Object not found", "Event with id {} not found")
EventsNotFound = ErrorInfo(23002, "Object not found", "One or more events not found, including event with id {}")
EventAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(23003, "Unique constraint error", "One or more event id from '{}' already exist")
EventAttributeIdAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(
23004, "Unique constraint error", "One or more attribute id from '{}' already exist"
BadTargetsToGetEvents = ErrorInfo(
23005, "Bad input data", "'{}' is not valid target to get events. Valid events should be one of {}"
EventSaveTimeout = ErrorInfo(
23006, "Internal server error", "Timeout ({} seconds) for saving events into history database has been expired"
HumanDescriptorNotFound = ErrorInfo(
23007, "Object not found", "Human descriptor of version {} is not found for object with id '{}'."
CopywriterQueueIsFull = ErrorInfo(23008, "Internal server error", "Copywriter queue is full")
EventsAreShuttingDown = ErrorInfo(23009, "Internal server error", "Events are shutting down")
EventsSavingFailed = ErrorInfo(23010, "Internal server error", "Events saving failed, reason: {}")
BadEventDeletionTargets = ErrorInfo(
23011, "Bad input data", "'{}' is not valid target for event deletion info. Valid target should be one of {}"
[docs]class LIMIndexer:
LIM indexer errors.
InternalError = ErrorInfo(26100, "Internal server error", "Internal server error")
IndexerBusy = ErrorInfo(26101, "Indexer busy", "Indexer busy")
BuildFailed = ErrorInfo(26103, "Build failed", "Build failed")
BuildProcessDied = ErrorInfo(26104, "Build process failed", "Build process died")
EmptyList = ErrorInfo(26105, "Build process failed", "List is empty")
BuildProcessCancelled = ErrorInfo(26106, "Build process cancelled", "Build process cancelled")
MissingList = ErrorInfo(26107, "Build process failed", "List not found")
DuplicateIndex = ErrorInfo(26108, "Build process failed", "Index with specified ID already exists")
[docs]class LIMManager:
LIM manager errors
IndexingTaskDuplicate = ErrorInfo(26201, "Task duplicate", "Indexing task already exists")
IndexAlreadyBuilt = ErrorInfo(26202, "Index duplicate", "Index for the most recent content version already exists")
IndexerRestarted = ErrorInfo(26203, "Internal server error", "Indexer was restarted for internal reasons")
IndexNotFound = ErrorInfo(26204, "Object not found", "Index with id '{}' not found in the storage")
[docs]class LIMMatcher:
LIM matcher errors
BadMatchingRequest = ErrorInfo(26301, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to validate matching request: {}")
DescriptorLoadError = ErrorInfo(26302, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Failed to load descriptor bytes. {}")
MatchingInternalError = ErrorInfo(26303, "Internal server error", "Failed to search descriptor. {}")
MatchingIndexNotFound = ErrorInfo(26304, "Index not found", "Index for label {} not found.")
DescriptorVersionMismatch = ErrorInfo(
26305, "Descriptor version mismatch", "Descriptor of version {} cannot be searched in index of version {}"
[docs]class IndexManagerError:
Index manager errors
IndexTaskNotFound = ErrorInfo(26001, "Object not found", "Index task not found")
GenerationNotFound = ErrorInfo(26002, "Internal server error", "Generation not found in indexer")
UnknownStatusOfIndexer = ErrorInfo(26003, "Internal server error", "Not expected status of indexer")
FailedUploadIndex = ErrorInfo(
26004, "Internal server error", "Failed start upload generation {} on daemon {}, reason: {}"
FailedReloadIndex = ErrorInfo(
26005, "Internal server error", "Failed start reload generation {} on daemon {}, reason: {}"
BadStatusOfUploadTask = ErrorInfo(
26007, "Internal server error", "Not expected status of upload task. Status: {}, daemon: {}, generation: {}"
BadStatusOfRestartTask = ErrorInfo(
26008, "Internal server error", "Not expected status of restart task. Status: {}, daemon: {}, generation: {}"
ListNotSatisfyIndexationCondition = ErrorInfo(
26009, "Bad/incomplete input data", "List does not satisfy to the indexation condition"
[docs]class ConfiguratorError:
Luna-configurator errors.
SettingNotFound = ErrorInfo(27001, "Object not found", "Setting with id '{}' not found")
SettingIntegrityError = ErrorInfo(
27002, "Integrity error", "Setting with the following fields already exists: name: {} tag: {}"
FailedCheckConnectionToService = ErrorInfo(
27003, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Connection check to service is failed"
NotAllowedToChangeDefaultSettingTags = ErrorInfo(
27004, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Not allowed to change tags for default setting"
TagNotFound = ErrorInfo(27005, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Tag '{}' for setting '{}' not found")
LimitationNotFound = ErrorInfo(27006, "Object not found", "Limitation named '{}' not found")
LimitationIntegrityError = ErrorInfo(27007, "Integrity error", "Limitation named '{}' already exists")
GroupNotFound = ErrorInfo(27008, "Object not found", "Group named '{}' not found")
GroupsNotFound = ErrorInfo(27009, "Object not found", "One or more groups not found, including group named '{}'")
GroupIntegrityError = ErrorInfo(27010, "Integrity error", "Group named '{}' already exists")
CannotRemoveDefaultSetting = ErrorInfo(27011, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Cannot remove default setting '{}'")
NotAllowedToChangeDefaultSettingName = ErrorInfo(
27012, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Not allowed to change default setting name"
[docs]class LunaTasks:
Luna-tasks errors
FailSendSubtasks = ErrorInfo(28000, "Network error", "Cannot send subtasks to task_workers. Reason: '{}'")
TaskNotFound = ErrorInfo(28001, "Object not found", "Task with id '{}' not found")
TasksNotFound = ErrorInfo(28002, "Object not found", "One or more tasks not found, including task with id '{}'")
TaskErrorNotFound = ErrorInfo(28003, "Object not found", "Task error with id '{}' not found")
TaskErrorsNotFound = ErrorInfo(
28004, "Object not found", "One or more task errors not found, including task error with id '{}'"
TasksWorkerShutdown = ErrorInfo(
"Stop tasks worker",
"On worker shutdown all active tasks on the worker are failed, all active " "subtasks are cancelled",
FailToChangeTaskStatus = ErrorInfo(
28006, "Internal server error", "Failed to update task {} status. Desired status" ": {}"
FailToChangeSubTaskStatus = ErrorInfo(
28007, "Internal server error", "Failed to update subtask {} status. Desired status: {}"
FailToUpdateTaskProgress = ErrorInfo(
28008, "Internal server error", "Failed to update task {} progress. Desired progress: {}"
AttributeIsNotEqual = ErrorInfo(
28009, "Attribute is not equal", "Event ({}) attribute is not equal {} corresponding face attribute"
ObjectsForClusteringNotFound = ErrorInfo(28010, "Objects not found", "Objects for clustering not found (empty set)")
FailToCreateCSVFile = ErrorInfo(28011, "Internal server error", "Failed to save report to a csv-file")
FailToCreateArchive = ErrorInfo(28012, "Internal server error", "Failed to create archive from a report")
BadTaskTypeForReport = ErrorInfo(
28013, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Tasks with type '{}' does not support a build report"
BadColumnForReport = ErrorInfo(28014, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Column '{}' not allowed in report by {}")
BadTaskStatus = ErrorInfo(
28015, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Tasks with status '{}' does not support a build report"
ClusterizationTaskWithoutResult = ErrorInfo(
28016, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Clusterization task without result does not support a build report"
TaskResultNotFound = ErrorInfo(28017, "Object not found", "Result of the task '{}' not found")
TaskDoesNotHaveResultYet = ErrorInfo(28018, "Object not found", "Task '{}' does not have result yet")
TaskCanNotCanceled = ErrorInfo(28019, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Task '{}' with status {} cannot be canceled")
ImpossibleGetTaskResult = ErrorInfo(28020, "Object not found", "Impossible get a result of task {} with status {}")
EventsIsNotSupported = ErrorInfo(28021, "Forbidden", "Service does not support Luna Events as source for tasks")
ObjectsForXMatchNotFound = ErrorInfo(28022, "Objects not found", "{} for cross-matching not found (empty set)")
MatchReferenceMissingUuid = ErrorInfo(28023, "Reference uuid is missing", "Reference uuid is missing: {}")
MatchReferenceNotExtractedUuid = ErrorInfo(
28024, "Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor", "Reference uuid has no extracted descriptor: {}"
TaksHasBeenCancelled = ErrorInfo(28025, "Task has been cancelled", "Task '{}' has been cancelled")
EstimatorArchiveReadError = ErrorInfo(28026, "Failed to read archive", "{}")
EstimatorFileReadError = ErrorInfo(28027, "Failed to read file", "{}")
EstimatorDirectoryReadError = ErrorInfo(28028, "Failed to read directory", "{}")
EstimatorNetworkDiskNotAvailable = ErrorInfo(28029, "Network disk is not available", "{}")
EstimatorFtpLoginError = ErrorInfo(28030, "FTP server authorization error", "{}")
EstimatorFtpUnreachable = ErrorInfo(28031, "FTP server is unreachable", "{}")
EstimatorFtpDownloadError = ErrorInfo(28032, "FTP download error", "{}")
EstimatorFtpListingError = ErrorInfo(28033, "FTP file listing error", "{}")
[docs]class LunaSender:
Luna-sender errors
AccountRequired4Subscription = ErrorInfo(
29001, "Forbidden", "Cannot subscribe for events without 'Luna-Account-Id' header set"
FailToSubscribe = ErrorInfo(29002, "Internal server error", "Failed to subscribe to chanel {}")
FailToProcessMessage = ErrorInfo(29003, "Internal server error", "Failed to process input message")
FailToPublishMessageToWS = ErrorInfo(29004, "Internal server error", "Failed to publish message to ws")
RedisDisconnected = ErrorInfo(29005, "Service Unavailable", "Redis disconnected")
[docs]class LunaPythonMatcher:
Luna-python-matcher errors
DifferentAccounts = ErrorInfo(
31000, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Account id from query parameters does not match the one from {} filters"
VersionNotMatchWithVersionForMatching = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Descriptor has the version ({}) which does not match with version ({}) which is supposed to use "
"for the matching",
CrossMatchLimitExceeded = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Cross-matching filters presume too many received objects. Current general limit - {}",
InternalCrossMatchError = ErrorInfo(31003, "Internal server error", "Unknown cross matching error")
DifferentVersionsNotAllowed = ErrorInfo(
31005, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Matching between different versions {} is not allowed"
UnexpectedMatcherError = ErrorInfo(31006, "Internal server error", "Unexpected behavior of the '{}' matcher: {}")
ReferencesLimitExceeded = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Amount of specified/required references exceeds limit: {}",
[docs]class LivenessErrors:
Liveness prediction errors
ServiceFailure = ErrorInfo(32000, "Internal server error", "Failed to predict liveness")
FaceTooClose = ErrorInfo(32001, "A distance between face and camera is too small", "{}")
FaceCloseToBorder = ErrorInfo(32002, "Face is too close to one or more borders.", "{}")
FaceCropped = ErrorInfo(32003, "Face is cropped", "{}")
LivenessFaceNotFound = ErrorInfo(32004, "Face detector can't find face on image", "{}")
FaceTooSmall = ErrorInfo(32005, "Facial area is not big enough for analysis.", "{}")
FaceAngleTooLarge = ErrorInfo(32006, "Facial out-of-plane rotation angle is extremely large", "{}")
FailedToPredictLandmarks = ErrorInfo(32007, "Landmarks prediction error", "{}")
FailedToPreprocessImageWhileDetect = ErrorInfo(32008, "Face detection error", "{}")
FailedToPreprocessImageWhilePredict = ErrorInfo(32009, "Liveness prediction error", "{}")
FailedToReadImage = ErrorInfo(32010, "File decoding error", "{}")
FailedToReadModel = ErrorInfo(32011, "Model deserializing error", "{}")
FailedToWriteImage = ErrorInfo(32012, "File encoding error", "{}")
InvalidConfig = ErrorInfo(32013, "Configuration file deserializing error", "{}")
InvalidFuseMode = ErrorInfo(32014, "Invalid fuse mode provided", "{}")
NoSuchObjectInBuild = ErrorInfo(32015, "Engine or backend is not supported by the build", "{}")
TooManyFaces = ErrorInfo(32017, "Too many faces detected", "{}")
[docs]class LicensesError:
Luna-licenses errors
FailedToCheckFeature = ErrorInfo(33001, "License problem", "Failed to check HASP License feature {}")
FailedToGetFeatureValue = ErrorInfo(33002, "License problem", "Failed to get value of HASP License feature {}")
NoValueForRequiredFeature = ErrorInfo(
33003, "License problem", "No value found for required HASP License feature {}"
FailedToConsumeFeature = ErrorInfo(33004, "License problem", "Failed to consume {}")
FailedToConsumeFeatureLicenseExpired = ErrorInfo(33005, "License problem", "Failed to consume {}: license expired")
[docs]class LunaHandlers:
Luna-handlers errors
HandlerNotFound = ErrorInfo(34000, "Object not found", "Handler with id {} not found")
NotSupportedDescriptorVersion = ErrorInfo(34001, "Forbidden", "Descriptor version {} is not supported")
CorruptHandler = ErrorInfo(34002, "Internal server error", "Cannot load handler with id '{}'. Handler is corrupted")
AggregationNotSupported = ErrorInfo(
34003, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Aggregation is not supported for raw descriptors"
VerifierNotFound = ErrorInfo(34004, "Object not found", "Verifier with id {} not found")
CandidatesLimitExceeded = ErrorInfo(34005, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Candidates limit exceeded: {} > {}")
NoCandidatesSpecified = ErrorInfo(34006, "Bad/incomplete input data", "No candidates specified")
HandlerMustByDynamic = ErrorInfo(34007, "Forbidden", "Allowed use only dynamic handler")
MultipleBodies = ErrorInfo(34008, "Multiple bodies found", "Multiple bodies found in image {} , detect {}")
[docs]class LunaBackport4:
Luna-Backport4 errors
GCAttributeNotAvailable = ErrorInfo(35000, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Attributes gc is not available")
LunaSenderIsDisabled = ErrorInfo(35001, "Forbidden", "Luna Sender service is disabled")
Backport4InvalidHandler = ErrorInfo(35002, "Handler is not supported", "Invalid handler with id '{}'")
[docs]class LunaBackport3:
Luna-Backport3 errors
# errors with code from platform 3
EmailExist = ErrorInfo(11011, "Unique constraint error", "An account with given email already exists")
Backport3AccountNotFound = ErrorInfo(
11002, "Authorization failed", "Account corresponding login/password not found"
AccountIsNotActive = ErrorInfo(11004, "Account is suspended", "Account is suspended")
TokenNotFound = ErrorInfo(11022, "Object not found", "Token not found")
BadFormatUUID = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Object in query is not UUID4, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
NoFaces = ErrorInfo(4003, "No faces found", "No faces found.")
PersonNotFound = ErrorInfo(22007, "Object not found", "Person with id '{}' not found")
FaceAlreadyAttach = ErrorInfo(22008, "Unique constraint error", "This face is already attached to the person")
Backport3DescriptorNotFound = ErrorInfo(11018, "Object not found", "Descriptor with id '{}' not found")
ManyFaces = ErrorInfo(11012, "Extract policy error", "{}")
UnsupportedQueryParam = ErrorInfo(12018, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Unsupported param '{}'")
# errors with new error code
WrongListType = ErrorInfo(36001, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Expected list of {}. Got list of {}. List id '{}'")
BadFormatBasicAuth = ErrorInfo(
"Bad/incomplete input data",
"Bad format basic authorization header, format: Basic base64(login:password)",
LowThreshold = ErrorInfo(36003, "Face does not satisfy thresholds limits", "No faces found.")
FaceWasNotAttachedToPerson = ErrorInfo(36004, "Bad/incomplete input data", "Face was not linked to the person")
[docs]class ApplicationServerError:
Application server error.
ResponseTimeout = ErrorInfo(37001, "Internal server error", "Service did not process the request within {} seconds")
RequestTimeout = ErrorInfo(
37002, "Request timeout", "Service did not receive the complete request message within {} seconds"
PayloadToLarge = ErrorInfo(37003, "Payload too large", "Request payload is too large")
UnknownWebApplicationError = ErrorInfo(37004, "Internal server error", "Unknown web application error: {}")
ClientDisconected = ErrorInfo(37005, "Client closed request", "Client closed request")
[docs]class LunaHealthCheckError:
Health check error.
HealthCheckError = ErrorInfo(38001, "Health check error", "{}")
[docs]class LunaStreams:
Luna-streams errors
StreamNotFound = ErrorInfo(39001, "Object not found", "Stream with id {} not found")
BadStreamStatus = ErrorInfo(39002, "Bad input data", "'{}' is not valid stream status; permitted: {}.")
UnableToStopProcessing = ErrorInfo(
"Unable to stop processing",
"Processing of stream with id '{}' is already in progress and cannot be stopped.",
BadLogTarget = ErrorInfo(39004, "Bad input data", "'{}' is not valid stream log target; permitted: {}.")
UnableToCancelProcessing = ErrorInfo(
39005, "Unable to cancel processing", "Processing of stream with id '{}' is finished and cannot be cancelled"
StreamGroupAlreadyExist = ErrorInfo(39006, "Unique constraint error", "Group named '{}' already exists")
StreamGroupNameNotFound = ErrorInfo(39007, "Object not found", "Group named '{}' not found")
StreamGroupNotFound = ErrorInfo(39008, "Object not found", "Group with id {} not found")
[docs]class LunaCachedMatcher:
Luna-cached-matcher error
ListNotInCache = ErrorInfo(40001, "Object not found", "List with id '{}' not found in the cache")
[docs]class LunaVLError:
LunaVL errors
UnknownError = ErrorInfo(99999, "Unknown fsdk core error", "{}")
BufferIsEmpty = ErrorInfo(100001, "Buffer is empty", "{}")
BufferIsNull = ErrorInfo(100002, "Buffer is null", "{}")
BufferIsFull = ErrorInfo(100003, "Buffer is full", "{}")
IncompatibleDescriptors = ErrorInfo(100004, "Descriptors are incompatible", "{}")
Internal = ErrorInfo(100005, "Internal error", "{}")
InvalidBufferSize = ErrorInfo(100006, "Invalid buffer size", "{}")
InvalidDescriptor = ErrorInfo(100007, "Invalid descriptor", "{}")
InvalidDescriptorBatch = ErrorInfo(100008, "Invalid descriptor batch", "{}")
InvalidDetection = ErrorInfo(100009, "Invalid detection", "{}")
InvalidImage = ErrorInfo(100010, "Invalid image", "{}")
InvalidImageFormat = ErrorInfo(100011, "Invalid image format", "{}")
InvalidImageSize = ErrorInfo(100012, "Invalid image size", "{}")
InvalidInput = ErrorInfo(100013, "Invalid input", "{}")
InvalidLandmarks5 = ErrorInfo(100014, "Invalid landmarks 5", "{}")
InvalidLandmarks68 = ErrorInfo(100015, "Invalid landmarks 68", "{}")
ValidationFailed = ErrorInfo(100016, "Failed validation", "{}")
InvalidSettingsProvider = ErrorInfo(100017, "Invalid settings provider", "{}")
LicenseError = ErrorInfo(100018, "Licensing issue", "{}")
ModuleNotInitialized = ErrorInfo(100019, "Module is not initialized", "{}")
ModuleNotReady = ErrorInfo(100020, "Module is not ready", "{}")
FailedToInitialize = ErrorInfo(100021, "Error during initialization fdsk image", "{}")
FailedToLoad = ErrorInfo(100022, "Error during image loadin", "{}")
FailedToSave = ErrorInfo(100023, "Error during image saving", "{}")
InvalidArchive = ErrorInfo(100024, "Archive image error", "{}")
InvalidBitmap = ErrorInfo(100025, "Invalid detection", "{}")
InvalidConversion = ErrorInfo(100026, "Image conversion not implemented", "{}")
InvalidDataPtr = ErrorInfo(100027, "Bad input image data pointer.", "{}")
InvalidDataSize = ErrorInfo(100028, "Bad input image data size", "{}")
InvalidFormat = ErrorInfo(100029, "Unsupported image format", "{}")
InvalidHeight = ErrorInfo(100030, "Invalid image height", "{}")
InvalidPath = ErrorInfo(100031, "Bad path for image saving / loading", "{}")
InvalidMemory = ErrorInfo(100032, "Error at image memory opening", "{}")
InvalidType = ErrorInfo(100033, "Unsupported image type", "{}")
InvalidWidth = ErrorInfo(100034, "Invalid image width", "{}")
BatchedInternalError = ErrorInfo(100035, "Batching error", "{}")
CreationDescriptorError = ErrorInfo(110001, "Creation descriptor error", "{}")
CreationBatchDescriptorsError = ErrorInfo(110002, "Creation descriptor error", "{}")
CreationImageError = ErrorInfo(110003, "Creation core image error", "{}")
EstimationDescriptorError = ErrorInfo(110004, "Estimation descriptor error", "{}")
EstimationBatchDescriptorError = ErrorInfo(110005, "Estimation descriptor error", "{}")
EstimationBasicAttributeError = ErrorInfo(110006, "Estimation basic attributes error", "{}")
BatchEstimationBasicAttributeError = ErrorInfo(110007, "Batch estimation basic attributes error", "{}")
EstimationAGSError = ErrorInfo(110008, "Estimation AGS error", "{}")
EstimationHeadPoseError = ErrorInfo(110009, "Estimation head pose error", "{}")
EstimationEthnisitiesError = ErrorInfo(1100010, "Estimation ethnities error", "{}")
EstimationEyesGazeError = ErrorInfo(110011, "Estimation eyes gase error", "{}")
EstimationEmotionsError = ErrorInfo(110012, "Estimation emotions error", "{}")
EstimationWarpQualityError = ErrorInfo(110013, "Estimation warp quality error", "{}")
EstimationMouthStateError = ErrorInfo(110014, "Estimation mouth state error", "{}")
EstimationEyesError = ErrorInfo(110015, "Estimation eyes error", "{}")
CreationWarpError = ErrorInfo(110016, "Creation warped image error", "{}")
WarpTransformationError = ErrorInfo(110017, "Landmarks transformation error", "{}")
DetectOneFaceError = ErrorInfo(110018, "Detect one face error", "{}")
DetectFacesError = ErrorInfo(110019, "Detect faces error", "{}")
HighMemoryUsage = ErrorInfo(110020, "High memory usage", "{}")
DetectHumanError = ErrorInfo(110021, "Detect one human body error", "{}")
DetectHumansError = ErrorInfo(110022, "Detect humans bodies error", "{}")
EstimationMaskError = ErrorInfo(110023, "Estimation mask error", "{}")
BadAggregationThreshold = ErrorInfo(110024, "Filtered aggregation error", "{}")
[docs]class RPCError:
RPC errors.
CommandDoesntExist = ErrorInfo(120004, "The command does not exist", "{}")
InternalServerError = ErrorInfo(120005, "Internal RPC error", "{}")
InvalidCommand = ErrorInfo(120006, "The command is not valid", "{}")
[docs]class QueueClientError:
Queue client error.
QueueRequestTimeout = ErrorInfo(2, "Queue request timeout", "Request timeout to routing key {}")
[docs]class AiohttpClientError:
Http client error.
see https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_reference.html#hierarchy-of-exceptions
if class changes, update errors processing in luna3/common/aiohttp_exception_map.py
AiohttpInvalidURL = ErrorInfo(3, "Invalid url", "{}")
AiohttpClientPayloadError = ErrorInfo(4, "Client payload error", "{}")
AiohttpServerFingerprintMismatch = ErrorInfo(5, "Server fingerprint mismatch", "{}")
AiohttpServerSocketReadTimeoutError = ErrorInfo(6, "Socket read timeout", "Request timeout on {}, method {}")
AiohttpServerSocketConnectTimeoutError = ErrorInfo(7, "Socket connect timeout", "Request timeout on {}, method {}")
AiohttpServerConnectTimeoutError = ErrorInfo(8, "Connect timeout", "Connect timeout on {}, method {}")
AiohttpServerRequestTimeoutError = ErrorInfo(9, "Request timeout", "Request timeout on {}, method {}")
AiohttpServerDisconnectedError = ErrorInfo(10, "Server disconnected", "{}")
AiohttpServerConnectionError = ErrorInfo(11, "Server connection error", "{}")
AiohttpClientProxyConnectionError = ErrorInfo(12, "Client proxy connection error", "{}")
AiohttpClientConnectorSSLError = ErrorInfo(13, "Client connector SSL error", "{}")
AiohttpClientConnectorCertificateError = ErrorInfo(14, "Client connector certificate error", "{}")
AiohttpClientSSLError = ErrorInfo(15, "Client SSL error", "{}")
AiohttpClientConnectorError = ErrorInfo(16, "Client connector error", "{}")
AiohttpClientOSError = ErrorInfo(17, "Client OS error", "{}")
AiohttpClientConnectionError = ErrorInfo(18, "Client connection error", "{}")
AiohttpClientHttpProxyError = ErrorInfo(19, "Client HTTP proxy error", "{}")
AiohttpWSServerHandshakeError = ErrorInfo(20, "WS server handshake error", "{}")
AiohttpContentTypeError = ErrorInfo(21, "Content-Type error", "{}")
AiohttpClientResponseError = ErrorInfo(22, "Client response error", "{}")
AiohttpClientError = ErrorInfo(23, "HTTP client error", "{}")
AiohttpResponseNotJson = ErrorInfo(24, "HTTP client error", "{}")
[docs]class Error(
Common errors class.
Success = ErrorInfo(0, "Success", "Success")
UnknownError = ErrorInfo(1, "Internal server error", "Unknown error")
[docs] @staticmethod
def getErrorByErrorCode(errorCode: int) -> ErrorInfo:
Find error by error code
errorCode: error code
Error.UnknownError if error not found.
members = inspect.getmembers(Error)
for member in members:
if type(member[1]).__name__ == "ErrorInfo":
if member[1].errorCode == errorCode:
return getattr(Error, member[0])
return Error.UnknownError
[docs] @staticmethod
def generateError(error: ErrorInfo, msg: str) -> ErrorInfo:
Generate error with custom details
error: error
msg: new details
ErrorInfo(error.errorCode, error.description, msg)
return ErrorInfo(error.errorCode, error.description, msg)
def _check() -> None:
Check error codes' uniqueness.
registeredErrorCodes = set()
for name, error in inspect.getmembers(Error, lambda err: isinstance(err, ErrorInfo)):
if error.errorCode in registeredErrorCodes:
raise RuntimeError(f"Duplicated {error.errorCode} for error '{name}'")
del _check