Health handler

Health Handler

Module realizes healthcheck handler.

class luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.health_handler.HealthCheckHandler(request)

Handler for health check

property app: LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

async get()

Check health of service, see spec

Resource is reached by address ‘/healthcheck’

Return type:


class luna_events.crutches_on_wheels.web.health_handler.HealthCheckRedirectHandler(request)

Redirect handler.

property app: LunaApplication

Get application :rtype: LunaApplication :returns: running application

property config

Get running application config :returns: running application config

async get()

Redirect request to the /{API}/{resource}

Return type:
