Source code for

""" Matcher handler. """
from typing import Literal, Optional

from app.handlers.base_handler import PythonMatcherServiceBaseHandler
from app.handlers.schemas import schemas
from classes.token import Permissions
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.errors import Error
from crutches_on_wheels.errors.exception import VLException

[docs]class MatcherFacesHandler(PythonMatcherServiceBaseHandler): """ Matcher handler allows to submit tasks to a service that searches for faces similar to a given reference by matching them. See `spec_matcher <_static/api.html#tag/matchFaces>`_. Resource: "/{api_version}/matcher/faces" """ allowedMethods = ("POST",)
[docs] @staticmethod def getUnallowedMatchingSource( inputJson: dict, permissions: Permissions ) -> Optional[Literal["face", "event", "attribute"]]: """ Get unallowed matching source if exists Args: inputJson: input json from request permissions: token permissions Returns: unallowed matching source """ faceCondition = "matching" in permissions.face eventCondition = "matching" in permissions.event attrCondition = "matching" in permissions.attribute candidateOrigins = {candidate["filters"]["origin"] for candidate in inputJson["candidates"]} if "faces" in candidateOrigins and not faceCondition: return "face" if "events" in candidateOrigins and not eventCondition: return "event" if "attributes" in candidateOrigins and not attrCondition: return "attribute" referenceOrigins = {reference["type"] for reference in inputJson["references"]} if ("face" in referenceOrigins or "face_external_id" in referenceOrigins) and not faceCondition: return "face" if ( "event" in referenceOrigins or "event_external_id" in referenceOrigins or "event_track_id" in referenceOrigins ) and not eventCondition: return "event" if "attribute" in referenceOrigins and not attrCondition: return "attribute"
[docs] def checkTokenPermissions(self) -> None: """ Description see :func:`~BaseRequestHandler.checkTokenPermissions`. """ if (permissions := self.request.credentials.permissions) is not None: self.validateJson(self.request.json, schemas.FACE_MATCHING_SCHEMA) if ( self.request.method == "POST" and (restrictedSource := self.getUnallowedMatchingSource(self.request.json, permissions)) is not None ): raise VLException(Error.ForbiddenByToken.format("matching", restrictedSource), 403, False)
[docs]class RawMatcherHandler(PythonMatcherServiceBaseHandler): """ Match each candidate descriptor with each reference descriptor. See `spec matcher raw <_static/api.html#tag/matchingRaw>`_. Resource: "/{api_version}/matcher/raw" """ allowedMethods = ("POST",)
[docs] def checkTokenPermissions(self) -> None: """ Description see :func:`~BaseRequestHandler.checkTokenPermissions`. """
[docs]class MatcherBodiesHandler(PythonMatcherServiceBaseHandler): """ Matcher handler allows to submit tasks to a service that searches for faces similar to a given reference by matching them. See `spec matcher <_static/api.html#tag/matchBodies>`_. Resource: "/{api_version}/matcher/bodies" """ allowedMethods = ("POST",)
[docs] @staticmethod def getUnallowedMatchingSource(inputJson: dict, permissions: Permissions) -> Optional[Literal["event"]]: """ Get unallowed matching source if exists Args: inputJson: input json from request permissions: token permissions Returns: unallowed matching source """ eventCondition = "matching" in permissions.event candidateOrigins = {candidate["filters"]["origin"] for candidate in inputJson["candidates"]} if "events" in candidateOrigins and not eventCondition: return "event" referenceOrigins = {reference["type"] for reference in inputJson["references"]} if ( "event" in referenceOrigins or "event_external_id" in referenceOrigins or "event_track_id" in referenceOrigins ) and not eventCondition: return "event"
[docs] def checkTokenPermissions(self) -> None: """ Description see :func:`~BaseRequestHandler.checkTokenPermissions`. """ if (permissions := self.request.credentials.permissions) is not None: self.validateJson(self.request.json, schemas.BODY_MATCHING_SCHEMA) if ( self.request.method == "POST" and (restrictedSource := self.getUnallowedMatchingSource(self.request.json, permissions)) is not None ): raise VLException(Error.ForbiddenByToken.format("matching", restrictedSource), 403, False)