Service launch

Example of service launch from root directory:

python --port=5091 --config=./configs/devconfig.conf --log_suffix=test

Parameters port=5090 and config=./configs/config.conf are default. Note, that python version should be 3.10 or higher.

Running service on a port with configuration file and output to log files having suffix “test”. Port, path to configuration file and custom log files’ suffix are set as command line arguments.

All the SDK estimators can be enabled/disabled via command line arguments, i.e.

python --enable-body-detector=0 --enable-body-attributes-estimator=0 --enable-body-descriptor-estimator=0

Complete list of arguments for enabling/disabling SDK estimators can be found in help. By default, all estimators are enabled. If some estimator is disabled, but it is required for another estimator, then both will be initialized, and a warning will be logged.

You can view help

python ./ --help