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  • Support for FTP server as an image source (the "source_type" parameter) was added to the estimator task ("/tasks/estimator" resource).

    For this type of source, the following parameters can be set in the request body for connecting to the FTP server:

    • host - FTP server IP address or hostname (required);
    • port - FTP server port;
    • max_sessions - maximum number of allowed sessions on the FTP server;
    • user, password - authorization parameters (required).

    As in Estimator tasks using S3-like storage or network disk as image sources, it is possible to set the path to the directory with images, recursively receive images from nested directories, select the type of transferred images, and specify the prefix and postfix.

    To obtain correct results of image processing using the Estimator task, all processed images should be either in the source format or in the format of samples.

    See the Open API specification for related examples and more information.

  • New "detect_ts" parameter was added for events, which enables you to store a timestamp relative to something, for example, relative to the beginning of a video file (see the response body of the generate events request).

    The value of the "detect_ts" parameter can also be set manually using the "save event" request.

  • Memory consumption was significantly reduced for the Clustering, ROC-curve calculating and Cross-matching tasks, as well as for the Python Matcher and Image Store services.

    Also, to increase performance in the "cross matching faces" and "cross matching bodies" resources of the Python Matcher service, the Content-Type of the response body was changed from "application/json" to "application/msgpack".

  • New "sorting" query parameter was added to the "cross matching faces" and "cross matching bodies" resources of the Python Matcher service to disable sorting of match results in lexicographic order.

  • Support for the Vertica database for the Events service was discontinued. The settings for changing the database to Vertica was removed from the Configurator service settings, and the corresponding information was removed from the documentation.

  • Checking for the presence of avx2 instructions on the processor when starting containers using the Docker Compose script was added. If the processor does not have avx2 support, then the "avx2 not supported" error will be displayed when starting containers.

Fixed errors

  • The error was fixed where only real numbers were processed for some request parameters with type "number". The "Failed to validate input json" error occurred when entering integers.

API (v.5.14.4 - v.5.14.10)#


  • The estimator task available sources was extended by FTP server.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Field detect_ts (user-defined timestamp relative to something, such as the start of a video) in input images for events was added.

Several resources have been updated:

  • generate events,

  • save event.

  • Field detect_ts (user-defined timestamp relative to something, such as the start of a video) was added to all events structures.

For example, see face/body_detections fields in the responses to requests:

Fixed bugs#

  • The validation for save event request has been fixed.

Faces (v.4.4.29 - v.4.4.35)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.4.27 - v.3.5.0)#


  • Streaming for objects was added, see streaming.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.7.0 - v.3.8.5)#


  • The estimator task available sources was extended by FTP server.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Memory consumption for clusterization task has been significantly reduced.

  • Streaming support for crossmatch response was added. See crossmatch task for details.

  • Memory consumption for ROC calculation has been significantly reduced.

Events (v.2.6.17 - v.3.0.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The vertica database support has been terminated.

  • The detect_ts added to event detection. see post events for incoming event description

Configurator (v.2.0.20 - v.2.0.26)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.3.27 - v.2.3.33)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.4.6.17 - v.4.6.23)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.3.27 - v.0.3.33)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.2.2.4 - v.2.2.10)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Field detect_ts (user-defined timestamp relative to something, such as the start of a video) in input images for events was added.

Several resources have been updated:

Fixed bugs#

  • Validation of integer values for request parameters with type number was fixed.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.10.7 - v.1.0.5)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • For performance purposes, application/json response content is replaced by application/msgpack on crossmatching resources.

  • Optional sorting of cross match results was implemented. See query parameter sorting on face cross matching , body cross matching .

Backport3 (v.0.3.27 - v.0.3.33)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.2.27 - v.1.2.33)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.