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Services launch#

Go to the Docker Compose folder:

cd /var/lib/luna/lim-current/example-docker

Make sure that all required LP containers are launched (see LIM system requirements).

Launch Docker Compose:

You must be logged in the VisionLabs registry (see section "Login to registry")


The script loads the LIM settings into the Configurator container with the standard name luna-configurator. If the name of the Configurator container for some reason has a different name, then it must be changed in the LUNA_CONFIGURATOR_NAME variable in the .env file.

Deploying containers takes some time. You have to wait until all the services are running before working with LUNA Index Module.

Check the state of launched Docker containers.

docker ps

Enable logging to server directory#

LP does not save logs to your server by default. To enable logs saving to the server you should:

  • create a directory for logs (see Create logs directory)
  • enable logs saving and change logs directory in the Configurator service

Change logs directory manually#

Specify "folder_with_logs" parameter value to "/srv/logs" for all the services where you want to write logs. The docker run commands are already configured for saving logs to your server to this directory. After launching the service container, the service will write logs to the "/srv/logs"directory.

Set the "log_to_file" parameter to "True" to enable logging to files.

Change logs directory using dump file#

The dump file includes settings for logging to the specified directory.

Copy the dump file provided in the distribution package to the Configurator container.

docker cp /var/lib/luna/lim-current/example-docker/configs/logging.json luna-configurator:/srv/luna_configurator/logging.json

Update logging setting using the copied file.

docker exec -it luna-configurator python3 ./base_scripts/ --dump-file /srv/luna_configurator/logging.json