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API errors#

The section describes errors, returned by the API service. Each of the errors has a unique code.

The errors can have different reasons.

In case of 'Internal server error' or any other unexpected error occurrence, it is recommended to check service logs to find out more information about the error.

Indexer service errors#

Code 26100 returned#

Error Message:

Internal server error

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

An unknown error has occurred.

Code 26101 returned#

Error Message:

Indexer busy

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

The Indexer service is currently unable to process the request.

Wait for the index to finish processing, or start another instance of the Indexer service.

Code 26103 returned#

Error Message:

Build failed

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

An error occurred while creating the index. Try again.

Code 26104 returned#

Error Message:

Build process failed. Build process died

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

Index build failed.

This error could have occurred due to process termination (OOM killer).

Code 26105 returned#

Error Message:

Build process failed. List is empty

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

Building the index failed due to the lack of faces associated with the list.

Make sure the faces are attached to the list.

Code 26106 returned#

Error Message:

Build process cancelled

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

Index building was canceled with the "/stop" request to the Indexer service.

Code 26107 returned#

Error Message:

Build process failed. List not found

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

Index build failed due to missing list.

Make sure the list exists.

Code 26108 returned#

Error Message:

Build process failed. Index with specified ID already exists

Error Source:

Indexer service errors

Error Description:

Index build failed because the index with the specified ID already exists.

Index Manager service errors#

Code 26201 returned#

Error Message:

Task duplicate. Indexing task already exists

Error Source:

Index Manager service errors

Error Description:

An error occurred while trying to create the task. The task with this ID already exists (the task ID is equal to the list ID).

Code 26202 returned#

Error Message:

Index duplicate. Index for the most recent content version already exists

Error Source:

Index Manager service errors

Error Description:

An error occurred while trying to create the index. The most relevant index already exists.

Code 26203 returned#

Error Message:

Internal server error. Indexer was restarted for internal reasons

Error Source:

Index Manager service errors

Error Description:

The Indexer service restarted for unknown reasons.

Code 26204 returned#

Error Message:

Object not found. Index with id '{}' not found in the storage

Error Source:

Index Manager service errors

Error Description:

The index with the specified ID was not found in the storage. Verify that the specified index exists.

You can check the list of existing indexes using the query "get indexes".

The link leads to the latest version of the documentation. Make sure you read the documentation for your current version of LIM.

Index Matcher service errors#

Code 26301 returned#

Error Message:

*Bad/incomplete input data. Failed to validate matching request: *

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Matching request processing failed due to invalid data specified.

Code 26302 returned#

Error Message:

*Bad/incomplete input data. Failed to load descriptor bytes *

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Error loading descriptor.

The error may occur due to the wrong descriptor format.

Code 26303 returned#

Error Message:

*Internal server error. Failed to search descriptor *

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Internal error while searching for descriptor.

Code 26304 returned#

Error Message:

Index not found. Index for label not found

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Index was not found for the specified matching label.

Verify that the index with the ID equal to the matching label has been created.

You can check the list of existing indexes using the "get indexes" request to the Index Manager service.

The link leads to the latest version of the documentation. Make sure you read the documentation for your current version of LIM.

Code 26305 returned#

Error Message:

*Descriptor version mismatch. Descriptor of version cannot be searched in index of version *

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Version mismatch of the matched descriptors was detected.

Make sure the descriptors versions match. You can upgrade descriptors versions using the Additional extraction task (see "Running the Additional extraction task" section of the LUNA PLATFORM 5 administrator manual).

The default descriptors version is contained in the "DEFAULT_FACE_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION" setting in the Configurator service.

Code 26306 returned#

Error Message:

Index processing internal error. Skip load index for label due to index storage damage

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Internal index processing error. The index load for the specified matching label was skipped due to index storage corruption.

Code 26307 returned#

Error Message:

Index processing internal error. Skip load index for label due to insufficient memory

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

An internal index processing error. The index load for the specified matching label was skipped due to insufficient free space.

Make sure there is enough free space.

The system can be purged with the docker system prune command. By default, stopped containers, layers not related to the images in use, volumes and networks not related to running containers will be deleted.

Code 26308 returned#

Error Message:

Index processing internal error. Skip load index for label due to index corruption

Error Source:

Index Matcher service errors

Error Description:

Internal index processing error. The index load for the specified matching label was skipped due to a corrupted index.