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  • The ability to transfer source images in URL or Base64 format in the "generate events" request has been added.

    The source images can be transferred by specifying the Content-Type = application/json or Content-Type = multipart/form-data.

  • Docker Compose script has been added to the LUNA PLATFORM distribution package, which launches the LUNA Dashboards, Grafana Loki and Promtail service, enabling you to flexibly work with LUNA PLATFORM logs in Grafana.

    The script is located in the example-docker directory.

    In the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual using Docker Compose, the relevant information has been added to the launch section of the main Docker Compose script.

    See detailed information about logging visualization in the "Grafana Loki" section of the administrator manual.

  • Sending data to InfluxDB has been speeded up.

  • The ability to filter by null values (the value means that the attribute was not estimated) for the following attributes in the requests "get events" and "get statistics on events" has been added:

    • meta
    • source
    • emotion
    • mask
    • ethnic_group
    • liveness
    • gender
    • apparent_gender
    • headwear_state
    • sleeve_length
    • upper_clothing_colors
    • lower_garment_type
    • lower_garment_colors
    • shoes_apparent_color
    • backpack_state
    • city
    • district
    • street
    • house_number
    • area
    • geo_position (поля origin_longitude и origin_latitude для запроса "get events")
    • track_id

    This enables you to filter events generated by different handlers with different policies, where the first one performed the estimation of a certain attribute (for example, the mask state is occluded), and the second one did not perform the estimation (for example, the mask state is null), but you need to get both events.

  • Section of the form <service_name>_HTTP_SETTINGS has been added to the settings of each service, containing settings responsible for processing HTTP connections.

    The following settings are available:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.

    See the following link for details:

  • Improved performance of "get faces" request with list_id and face_id__gte/lt filters.

  • The ability to redefine the settings of services at their start using environment variables has been added.

    The VL_SETTINGS prefix is used to redefine the settings. Examples:

    • VL_SETTINGS.INFLUX_MONITORING.SEND_DATA_FOR_MONITORING=0. Using the environment variable from this example will set the SEND_DATA_FOR_MONITORING setting for the INFLUX_MONITORING section to 0.
    • VL_SETTINGS.OTHER.STORAGE_TIME=LOCAL. For non-compound settings (settings that are located in the OTHER section in the configuration file), you must specify the OTHER prefix. Using the environment variable from this example will set the value of the STORAGE_TIME setting (if the service uses this setting) to LOCAL.

    The environment variable can be specified using the ENV argument when running services in Docker containers.

  • The "get license" request of the Licenses service now has the ability to get the value of a specific licensing feature using the new targets field.

  • Support for dashboards for LIM has been added.

Fixed errors

  • In the example responses of requests "get events", "get event", "get task result" and "ws handshake" in the OpenAPI specification, the description of the fields from body_basic_attributes to basic_attributes, from upper_body_attributes to upper_body, from lower_body_attributes to lower_body and from body_accessories to accessories.

  • Fixed the error where the "Exporter" task would continue to run with incomplete data even if it encountered an error.

    Now, when an error occurs while executing the Exporter task, errors with codes 28038 (failed to load data) and 28039 (failed to load data, but there were repeated attempts to reconnect to the Faces or Events services) will be returned.

  • Fixed the error due to which the loading of a large task result was interrupted.

API (v.6.11.5 - v.6.13.0)#


  • Streaming support for task result response was added. See task processing for details.

  • A config section 'LUNA_API_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.

    More detail see here.

  • Added support for providing image origins as images in raw or base64 format. See generateEvents .

  • Influx monitoring has been speed up.

  • Filtering by null for were added for get events . and events stats .

    Null filtering can be applied for following attributes:

    • meta
    • source
    • emotion
    • mask
    • ethnic_group
    • liveness
    • gender
    • apparent_gender
    • headwear_state
    • sleeve_length
    • upper_clothing_colors
    • lower_garment_type
    • lower_garment_colors
    • shoes_apparent_color
    • backpack_state
    • city
    • district
    • street
    • house_number
    • area
    • geo_position (origin_longitude and origin_latitude for get events)
    • track_id
  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The environment variables can be use to redefine service settings on startup.

    To redefine setting use VL_SETTINGS prefix. Examples:

    • VL_SETTINGS.OTHER.STORAGE_TIME=LOCAL (for non composite settings require to specify OTHER section in the same way as in config file). In this case STORAGE_TIME (if service use the setting) will be set to LOCAL.

Fixed bugs#

  • All response with mime type application/zip does not compress to gzip or deflate encoding now. If client had sent a header Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate into get task result request the service would compress a response body. It was increasing the request time without any benefits.

  • Fix event field names (basic_attributes, upper_body, lower_body, accessories) for responses examples. Following resource examples were changed: get events , get event , get task result , ws handshake

Faces (v.4.7.6 - v.4.8.0)#


  • Performance of GET /faces request with filters by list_id & face_id__gte/lt was improved.

  • A config section 'LUNA_FACES_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.7.6 - v.3.8.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_IMAGE_STORE_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default ~130gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

Accounts (v.0.0.25 - v.0.1.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_ACCOUNTS_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.13.9 - v.3.14.0)#


  • Streaming support for task result response was added. See task result for details.

  • A config section 'LUNA_TASKS_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The garbage collecting and linker tasks description were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed bug which caused exporter task download to continue even if it encountered error. See createExporterTask

  • Fixed bug which caused download error with large task result.

  • Fixed freeing memory after reporter task .

  • All response with mime type application/zip does not compress to gzip or deflate encoding now. If client had sent a header Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate into get task result request the service would compress a response body. It was increasing the request time without any benefits.

Events (v.4.6.5 - v.4.8.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_EVENTS_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Filtering by null for were added for get events . and events stats . Null filtering can be applied for following attributes:

  • meta
  • source
  • emotion
  • mask
  • ethnic_group
  • liveness
  • gender
  • apparent_gender
  • headwear_state
  • sleeve_length
  • upper_clothing_colors
  • lower_garment_type
  • lower_garment_colors
  • shoes_apparent_color
  • backpack_state
  • city
  • district
  • street
  • house_number
  • area
  • geo_position (origin_longitude and origin_latitude for get events)
  • track_id

Configurator (v.2.0.88 - v.2.1.1)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • A config section 'LUNA_CONFIGURATOR_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.

Sender (v.2.5.14 - v.2.6.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_SENDER_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.5.0.4 - v.5.1.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_ADMIN_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.3.95 - v.0.5.1)#


  • Support for narrowing license features by specifying target parameter for the resource get license was added.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • A config section 'LUNA_LICENSES_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.

Handlers (v.2.15.4 - v.2.16.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_HANDLERS_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Added support for providing image origins as images in raw or base64 format. See generateEvents .

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.3.6 - v.1.4.0)#


  • Performance of matching requests was improved with some internal optimizations.

  • A config section 'LUNA_PYTHON_MATCHER_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport3 (v.0.6.15 - v.0.7.0)#


  • A config section 'LUNA_BACKPORT3_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.2.77 - v.1.3.0)#


  • Streaming support for task result response was added. See task processing for details.

  • A config section 'LUNA_BACKPORT4_HTTP_SETTINGS` was added. This section contains several settings which are responsible for process http connections. Available following settings now:

    • request_timeout - the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 60.
    • response_timeout - the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 600.
    • request_max_size - how big a request may be (bytes). Value (in bytes) is integer number, default 1gb.
    • keep_alive_timeout - http keep alive timeout. Value (in seconds) is integer number, default 15.
  • Service dependencies were updated.