

  1. Service version was updated. Current API version is 4.

  2. Temporary attributes are now supported.

    • To get temporary attribute info, use search with temporary attribute id;

    • There is no ability to get temporary attribute count by accounts. For account stats attribute_count field was replaced with face_attribute_count;

    • The “attributes” GC task target is out of date. Use “events” target to remove events by time filter and “descriptors” target to remove descriptors by version. See create GC task.

  3. The handler_id, face_id, event_id, and other identifiers can be of any UUID now (previously were UUID4 only).

  4. Time related fields of the response to “/sys_info” are now returned in UTC or local timezones. This depends on the storage_time setting.

  5. The alembic migration version is used for a database state check now. If an expected migration version does not match the actual migration version, the service will not start.

Bugs fixed:

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace folders luna_admin, tests, docs and update dependencies from requirements.txt.