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License activation using Guardant key#

Note. This section describes license activation only using the Guardant key. Go to the section "License activation using HASP key" to read the corresponding instructions.

There are two methods for activation using the Guardant key - with access to the system graphical interface and the Internet and without it. The second method involves the use of an auxiliary server that meets the requirements described above.

Select the desired method and follow the appropriate link below:

There is access to system graphical interface and Internet#


The sequence of actions to activate the license:

  1. Request a license key from a VisionLabs representative.
  2. Install and run Guardant Control Center.
  3. Activate the license.
  4. Go to the Guardant user interface and save the license ID.
  5. Specify your server address and license ID. This can be done using the following methods:

    • Installation manual: in the "platform_setting.json" file before starting the LUNA PLATFORM installation or in the Configurator settings before starting the Licenses container
    • Upgrade manual: in the Configurator settings before starting the Licenses container
    • Installation using Docker Compose: in the "platform_setting.json" file before running the script

    Relevant documents contain reminders of the above actions.

The "Dongles" tab of the user interface (<server_host_address>:3189) displays activated keys.

Launch Guardant Control Center#

To activate the license, you need to launch the Guardant Control Center security key management service.

Go to the directory with the installation files for the Guardant key:

cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/grd/linux

Unpack the archive with the files of the Guardant Control Center service:

tar -xvf grdcontrol-3.15.tar.gz

Go to the directory with the unpacked files:

cd grdcontrol-3.15

Launch the Guardant Control Center service:


Launch license_wizard utility#

Assign the necessary permissions to the "license_wizard" utility:

chmod +x license_wizard

Run the utility:


Activate license#

To activate a license, do the following in the window that appears:

  • click the "License Activation" button in the upper right corner

  • click the "Settings" button in the lower left corner and enter the following VisionLabs server address:

  • press the "Back" button

  • press the button "On this"

  • specify the key received from the VisionLabs representative.

License activation window
License activation window
  • click "Get license".

Save license ID#

Go to the Guardant user interface http://<your_host_address>:3189/. A new key should appear on the "Dongles" tab. Save this ID, it will be required to fill in the Licenses service settings.

License ID
License ID

There is no access to system graphical interface and Internet#


The sequence of actions to activate the license:

  1. Request a license key from a VisionLabs representative.
  2. Install and run Guardant Control Center (general server).
  3. Enter the license key into the Guardant configuration file (general server).
  4. Create a system fingerprint (general server).
  5. Install and run Guardant Control Center (auxiliary server).
  6. Generate a license activation file (auxiliary server).
  7. Activate the license (general server).
  8. Go to the Guardant user interface and save the license ID (auxiliary server).
  9. Specify your server address and license ID. This can be done using the following methods:

    • Installation manual: in the "platform_setting.json" file before starting the LUNA PLATFORM installation or in the Configurator settings before starting the Licenses container
    • Upgrade manual: in the Configurator settings before starting the Licenses container
    • Installation using Docker Compose: in the "platform_setting.json" file before running the script

    Relevant documents contain reminders of the above actions.

The "Dongles" tab of the user interface (<server_host_address>:3189) displays activated keys.

Launch Guardant Control Center (general server)#

To activate the license, you need to launch the Guardant Control Center security key management service.

Go to the directory with the installation files for the Guardant key:

cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/grd/linux

Unpack the archive with the files of the Guardant Control Center service:

tar -xvf grdcontrol-3.15.tar.gz

Go to the directory with the unpacked files:

cd grdcontrol-3.15

Launch the Guardant Control Center service:


Create fingerprint (general server)#

Go to the directory with the executable file "GrdLicenseAssist":

cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/grd/linux/bin

Assign the necessary permissions to the executable file:

chmod +x GrdLicenseAssist

Run the command to create a fingerprint:

./GrdLicenseAssist request vlabs_fingerprint.request 

Save the "vlabs_fingerprint.request" file.

Complete configuration file (general server)#

Go to the directory with the Guardant configuration file:

cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/grd/

Open the configuration file:

vi GrdActivationConfig.json

Specify the key received from the VisionLabs representative in the "SerialNumber" field:

    "ActivationInfo": {
      "serialNumber": "<your_serial_number>",
      "host": "",
      "port": 443,
      "customerInfo": {
        "firstName": "First name",
        "lastName": "Last name",
        "email": "Email",
        "companyName": "Company name",
        "phone": "Phone"

Save the file.

Launch license_wizard utility (auxiliary server)#

To generate a license file, you need to run the "license_wizard" utility. The utility requires a graphical system interface and can be run on either Linux or Windows OS. Transfer the generated file vlabs_fingerprint.request to the auxiliary server.

The steps described below can be performed both on a Linux server and on a Windows server. Depending on the operating system, go to the linux or windows directory in the following package path: luna_v.5.45.4/extras/grd/

Depending on the OS, follow the appropriate links below:

Launch license_wizard utility on Linux#

The auxiliary server also requires a running Guardant Control Center.

Unpack the archive with the files of the Guardant Control Center service:

tar -xvf grdcontrol-3.15.tar.gz

Go to the directory with the unpacked files:

cd grdcontrol-3.15

Launch the Guardant Control Center service:


Assign the necessary permissions to the "license_wizard" utility:

chmod +x license_wizard

Run the utility:


Go to the section "Activate license (auxiliary server)".

Launch license_wizard utility on Windows#

Perform the installation by running the file "grdcontrol-3.15.msi".

Run the file "license_wizard.exe".

Go to the section "Activate license (auxiliary server)".

Generate license file (auxiliary server)#

To activate a license, do the following in the window that appears:

  • click the "License Activation" button in the upper right corner

  • click the "Settings" button in the lower left corner and enter the following VisionLabs server address:

  • press the "Back" button

  • press the button "On another"

  • click the "Continue" button

  • click the "Select a file" button

Select the file and specify the key that was specified in the "SerialNumber" field of the "GrdActivationConfig.json" file (see the section "Create fingerprint").

License activation window
License activation window
  • click "Activate a new license". The "Save" license button will appear. Save the generated file "vlabs_fingerprint.license".

Activate license (general server)#

The following steps must be performed on the server where you want to activate the license. If the auxiliary server was used, then transfer the file "vlabs_fingerprint.license" to the general server.

Place the license file in the following directory:


Activate the license using the "vlabs_fingerprint.license" file:

./GrdLicenseAssist offline vlabs_fingerprint.license ../../GrdActivationConfig.json 

Restart the Guardant Control Center service:

systemctl restart grdcontrol.service

Save license ID (auxiliary server)#

Go to the Guardant user interface http://<your_host_address>:3189/. A new key should appear on the "Dongles" tab. Save this ID, it will be required to fill in the Licenses service settings.

License ID
License ID