Migration accounts and tokens info

To migrate accounts and tokens from Backport 3 v.0.3.52 to Backport 3 v.0.4.0, you should additionally execute the appropriate script after database migration.

When the script is executed, all Backport 3 accounts will be migrated and stored in the database of the Accounts service. All migrated accounts will be of type “user”. The fields “password”, “email” and “organization_name” will be transferred from the “account” table of the Backport 3 database to the “account” table of the Accounts database under new names - “password”, “login” and “description” respectively. Tokens will remain stored in the Backport3 database, but their identifier will also be entered in the Accounts database, where the necessary permissions will be automatically set.

To perform migrations, go to the migration directory (“luna-backport3/base_scripts/migrate_accounts”) and follow the routine in readme.md.


After migration completed, clean up should be run (see –remove_tmp_tables argument in script help for details).


If any errors occured during migration, it is possible to use downgrade migration (alembic downgrade -1) to revert database state.