

  1. Luna-Request-Id generation improved, now it depends on LOG_TIME setting.

  2. Added possibility to delete list with all its faces (method DELETE on resource /lists/{list_id} with query parameter with_faces).

  3. Support targets to receive instead of full faces on GET /face, GET /face/{face_id}, POST /matcher.

  4. Empty ethnicity filter “[]” is not allowed in handlers since now. (LUNA-3476). See createHandler.

  5. The returned policies updated with the default values for each parameter that was not specified for each handler on GET /handler/<handler_id> or /handler .

  6. Default angle thresholds for /detector and handler policies are set to None.

  7. Service start from deploy/systemd-luna-api@.service is changed. By default, settings are taken from the Configurator service now.

Bugs fixed:

  1. Fixed a duplication of error codes (11031, 28023, 29003).

  2. Fixed open api documentation for task results.

  3. Fixed a bug (incorrect answer) with method GET on resource /events (with query parameter emotions equal to 7).

  4. Handlers’ creation with invalid policy’s field types is now forbidden.

  5. Fixed open api documentation with query parameter extract_exif on resource /detector.

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace all folders with files and update dependencies from requirements.txt.Then run the commands:

alembic upgrade head