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  • The SDK has been updated to version 5.14.0. Key SDK changes affecting LUNA PLATFORM 5:

    The default value of the score_threshold setting in the "LUNA_HANDLERS_FACE_DETECTOR_SETTINGS" section of the Handlers service settings was changed from 0.42 to 0.5. Migrating settings automatically update this value (see the section "Configurator database migration" in the upgrade manual). Check the face recognition logic if you use a score_threshold value other than the default value.

    Note. In the upcoming releases, the default version of the neural network for extracting body descriptors will be changed. You will need to manually change the version in the settings of the Handlers service, otherwise its launch will fail.

  • The LUNA PLATFORM license activation section has been moved to a separate license activation manual "LP_License_Activation_Manual.pdf/html".

  • The ability to activate a license using a Guardant key has been added.

    This activation method requires a graphical system interface and access to the Internet. If the server where you plan to use LUNA PLATFORM does not meet these requirements, then you can perform part of the steps on a secondary server on Windows OS or Linux OS.

    The old HASP key activation method remains available.

    See the "License activation using Guardant key" section in the new license activation manual for details.

  • The ability to filter by null values (the value means that the attribute was not estimated) has been added for candidate events in the following requests:

    Also, filtering by null values has been added for event filters for the following tasks:

    Filtering has been added for the following attributes:

    • meta
    • source
    • emotion
    • mask
    • ethnic_group
    • liveness
    • gender
    • apparent_gender
    • headwear_state
    • sleeve_length
    • upper_clothing_colors
    • lower_garment_type
    • lower_garment_colors
    • shoes_apparent_color
    • backpack_state
    • city
    • district
    • street
    • house_number
    • area
    • geo_position
    • track_id

    This enables you to filter events generated by different handlers with different policies, where the first one performed the estimation of a certain attribute (for example, the mask state is occluded), and the second one did not perform the estimation (for example, the mask state is null), but you need to get both events.

  • The "get events" and "save event" requests have been sped up.

  • A new parameter "verify_ssl" has been added to the "S3" section of the Image Store service settings, which enables you to disable SSL certificate verification for S3-like storage.

    This enables you to use a self-signed SSL certificate.

  • The mechanism for checking the connection with the Image Store service has been updated.

    Previously, the Admin service performed validation by getting a list of all buckets, which could result in an error due to the user not having access to the buckets. Now the connection check is performed without getting a list of all buckets.

  • A new subsection CACHED_DATA has been added to the DESCRIPTORS_CACHE section of the Python Matcher service settings, which enables you to set data for caching.

    In the face_lists field, you can configure which lists will be cached and which ones will be ignored. There are two values available for this field:

    • include - only lists specified in this section will be cached (to disable, set null);
    • exclude - lists from this section will be ignored.
  • A new example of the "Thin face" built-in plugin has been added to the Python Matcher service.

    The "Thin face" plugin is provided as an example to quickly match faces (objects) with simplified faces (objects). Simplified faces are stored in a separate database table "luna_faces" with three required columns ("face_id", "descriptor", "descriptor_version"). If necessary, you can configure a number of additional columns: "account_id", "lists", "create_time", "external_id", "user_data", "event_id", "avatar".

    See a detailed description of the "Thin face" plugin and instructions for writing custom plugins in the "PythonMatcherDevelopmentManual" document in the distribution package.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed default values for some parameters in the following API service OpenAPI specification requests:

    Also fixed the default value for the "extract_descriptor" parameter of the "create descriptors" request in the Backport 3 service OpenAPI specification and the default value for the "policies" > "create_face_policy" > "set_sample_as_avatar" parameter of the "create handler" request in the Backport 4 service OpenAPI specification.

  • Fixed an error in the "Estimator" task, which returned status code 500 when trying to connect to a non-existent endpoint of an S3-like server.

    Now the status code 400 and error code 12031 are issued with the content "Specified bucket not available".

  • Fixed an error in the "Estimator" task, which returned status code 500 when trying to connect to a Samba server without authorization.

    Now the status code 400 and error code 12031 are issued with the content of the Samba error.

  • Fixed a behavior where, in some cases, access rights errors detected during license initialization might not be displayed in the Licenses service logs.

    Now, with such errors in the logs of the Licenses service, messages like Failed to init licensing will always be issued.

  • Fixed object of type 'Image' has no len() error with status code 500 when estimating some rotated images with use_exif_info parameter enabled.

  • Fixed an error in the Python Matcher service that caused the descriptor cache to be reloaded when the logging settings were changed.

  • Fixed an error where it was not possible to specify more than 36 characters for the source filter for candidates in matching requests.

    Now you can specify a maximum of 128 characters.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when migrating accounts and tokens of the Backport 3 service when upgrading from versions 5.2.0...5.28.0 to versions 5.30.0 and higher.

API (v.6.16.0 - v.6.16.2)#


Faces (v.4.8.7 - v.4.8.9)#


  • A resource /descriptors/batches does not returned body in a FlatBuffer formats now. The resource returns a body in a msgpack formats always now.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.9.1 - v.3.9.3)#


  • A field VERIFY_SSL was added to settings S3. This field allows to disable a ssl certificate checking to a S3 like storage (and used ssl self signed certificate).

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Accounts (v.0.1.7 - v.0.1.9)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.15.4 - v.3.15.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The estimator task creation with non existing s3 endpoint error processing was fixed.

  • The estimator task creation with samba source type without credentials error processing was fixed.

Events (v.4.8.7 - v.4.8.9)#


  • Performance of POST /events requests were improved.

  • Performance of GET & DELETE /events requests were improved.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Configurator (v.2.1.17 - v.2.1.22)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.6.7 - v.2.6.9)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.5.2.4 - v.5.2.6)#


  • A check connection to image store mechanic was updated. All buckets getting are not required now.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.6.14 - v.0.6.19)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • HASP library was updated to version 1.7.4.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed logging of access rights errors detected during license initialization.

Handlers (v.2.18.2 - v.2.19.1)#


  • The default values in OpenAPI documentation were fixed for several resources:

  • Luna SDK was updated to version 5.14.0. Default value for setting "LUNA_HANDLERS_FACE_DETECTOR_SETTINGS.estimator_settings.score_threshold" was updated from 0.42 to 0.5.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Some rotated images processing with use_exif_info flag were causing internal server error.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.5.3 - v.1.6.0)#


  • A section cached_data was added to DESCRIPTORS_CACHE setting. This section allows to control which data would cached. A user could set up now which lists will be cached and which lists will be ignored.

    faces_lists field regulates which lists will be cached. There are two options:

    • include - only lists from this section only will be cached (set to null to disable).
    • exclude - lists from this section will be ignored.
  • The new built-in matching plugin was added, see thin face for details.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Descriptor cache reload on logging settings change was disabled.

  • An incorrect source filter field validation was fixed. If source contained more than 36 characters service returned error earlier. Error example


    { "error_code":12022,"desc":"Bad\/incomplete input data", "detail":"Failed to validate input json. Path: 'candidates[0].filters.sources[0]', message: 'filters.sources[0] must be shorter than or equal to 36 characters'", "link":"https:\/\/\/info\/luna\/troubleshooting\/errors-description\/code-12022" }


Backport3 (v.0.8.3 - v.0.8.5)#


Fixed bugs#

  • The accounts migration (actual only for luna-platform upgrading from 5.2.0...5.28.0 only) was fixed.

Backport4 (v.1.3.7 - v.1.3.9)#


  • The default value (policies/create_face_policy/set_sample_as_avatar) for handlers creation request was fixed.

  • Service dependencies were updated.