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  • The resources "/matcher/faces", "/matcher/bodies" and "/matcher/raw" have added support for the Accept header, which defines the MIME type of response that should be expected from the client.

    There are two values available for the header: application/json (default) and application/msgpack.

  • In the containers of the Faces, Image Store, Handlers, Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy services, the Python version has been updated to 3.11.

    Support for older versions of Python has been discontinued.

    The transition to the new version of Python allowed to increase the speed of comparison by 10-20% in some cases.

  • The "verify_ssl" parameter has been added to the Estimator task, which enables you to disable SSL certificate verification for S3-like storage.

    This enables you to use a self-signed SSL certificate.

  • The face parameters estimation has been accelerated in some cases when the parameters responsible for filtering are not specified in the request ("yaw_threshold", "fd_score_threshold", "liveness_threshold", etc.).

  • The execution of matching requests has been accelerated when the "target" fields from the list below are used for candidate events:

    • "match_result"
    • "body_detections"
    • "face_detections"
    • "attach_result"
    • "tags"
    • "location"

Fixed errors

  • Fixed an error where the request to create S3 bucket to the Image Store service was successful, but the bucket was not created if the "region" setting was not specified in the service settings.

API (v.6.16.4 - v.6.16.5)#


  • A Accept header support was added to resources /matcher/faces, /matcher/bodies, /matcher/raw. These resources can return a response now in following mime type: application/json and application/msgpack (default application/json).

    See face matching body matching, raw matching .

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Faces (v.4.8.11 - v.4.8.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.11 is required now.

Image Store (v.3.9.5 - v.3.9.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.11 is required now.

Fixed bugs#

  • The bucket creation for S3 storage type without REGION setting was fixed.

Accounts (v.0.1.11 - v.0.1.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.15.8 - v.3.15.9)#


  • Flag verify_ssl was added to estimator task .

    This flag allows to disable a ssl certificate checking to a S3 like storage (and used ssl self signed certificate).

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Events (v.4.8.11 - v.4.8.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Configurator (v.2.1.25 - v.2.1.29)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.6.11 - v.2.6.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.5.2.8 - v.5.2.9)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.7.2 - v.0.7.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.2.19.3 - v.2.19.4)#


  • Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.11 is required now.

  • Face features estimation was speed up in several cases when user does not use filters by head pose, gs and others face features.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.6.2 - v.1.6.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Optimize queries to receive external targets in one query for matching request.

  • Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.11 is required now.

  • The matching requests were speed up by 10-20 percent for some cases.

  • A Accept header support was added to resources /matcher/faces, /matcher/bodies, /matcher/raw. These resources can return a response now in following mime type: application/json and application/msgpack (default application/json).

    See face matching body matching, raw matching .

Backport3 (v.0.8.7 - v.0.8.8)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.3.11 - v.1.3.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.