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Database description#

All the data of the timestamp type is stored in the RFC 3339 format.

The time used for storing data in the database can be set in the configuration file for each service in the STORAGE_TIME parameter. You can select LOCAL or UTC storage time.

When the STORAGE_TIME is set to LOCAL but you receive time in UTC, data is converted to local time. When UTC is set but the received time is local it is also converted to UTC.

Faces database description#

The general Faces database scheme is listed below.

Faces database
Faces database

Attribute table model#

The database table model describes face attributes linked to faces.

Name primary_key Type Description
face_id True varchar(36) face ID
gender - integer Estimated gender. 0- woman, 1 – man
gender_obtaining_method - integer The algorithm used for gender estimation
gender_version - integer Gender estimation algorithm version
age - integer Estimated age
age_obtaining_method - integer The algorithm used for age estimation
age_version - integer Age estimation algorithm version
ethnicity - integer Estimated ethnicity
ethnicity_obtaining_method - integer The algorithm used for ethnicity estimation
ethnicity_version - integer Ethnicity estimation algorithm version
create_time - timestamp Attribute creation date and time
account_id - varchar(36) ID of the account to which the attribute belongs
descriptor_samples_generation - integer The generation of the samples used. If the samples of an attribute are updated, the value changes. The initial value is 0.
namespace - integer 0 - the attribute is not attached to a face.
1 - the attribute is attached to a face.

Descriptor table model#

The database table model describes descriptors.

Name primary_key Type Description
attribute_id True varchar(36) Attribute ID
descriptor_version True integer The version of NN that was used to extract the descriptor
descriptor - bytea Binary descriptor
descriptor_obtaining_method - integer The algorithm that was used to obtain the descriptor
descriptor_generation - integer A generation of the descriptor. If the samples of a descriptor are updated, the value changes. It shows that the descriptor does not match existing samples. The initial value is set to 0.

Face table model#

The database table model describes existing faces.

Name primary_key Type Description
face_id True varchar(36) Face ID
account_id - varchar(36) The ID of the account to which the face belongs
event_id - varchar(36) Event ID. A reference to the event that created the Face
user_data - varchar(128) User-defined data for the face
create_time - timestamp Time and date of the face creation
last_update_time - timestamp Time and date of the last face update
external_id - varchar(36) Face ID. External ID is specified in the create face request or in the event creation request (when a face is created using the create face policy)
avatar - varchar(256) The URL of a photo image that corresponds to the face.

List table model#

The database table model describes existing lists.

Name primary_key Type Description
list_id True varchar(36) List ID
account_id - varchar(36) The ID of the account to which the list belongs
user_data - varchar(128) The user data for the list
create_time - timestamp The time and date when the list was created
last_update_time - timestamp The time and date of the last list update

List_face table model#

The database table model describes the history of attaching faces to lists. If a face was attached to a list a new record appears.

Name primary_key Type Description
list_id True varchar(36) List ID
face_id True varchar(36) Face ID
last_update_time - timestamp The date and time of the last attachment of the face to the list
link_key - integer The sequence number of linking the face to the list

The database table model describes the history of detaching faces from lists. If a face was detached from a list, a new record appears.

Name primary_key Type Description
unlink_key True integer The sequence number of the face and the list unlinking
list_id - varchar(36) List ID
face_id - varchar(36) Face ID
link_key - integer The sequence number of linking of the face and the List
update_time - timestamp Date and time of the last detach of the face from the List

Sample table model#

The database table model describes links between samples and faces.

Name primary_key Type Description
sample_id True varchar(36) Sample
face_id True varchar(36) ID of the face related to the sample
type True integer 1 - the sample was used for descriptor extraction, 5 - the sample was used for basic attributes creation

The database table model describes the history of deleting lists. If the list has been deleted, a new entry appears.

Name primary_key Type Description
list_id - varchar(36) List ID
account_id - varchar(36) Account ID to which the list was attached
deletion_time - timestamp Date and time when the list was deleted
create_time - timestamp Date and time when the list was created
deletion_id true integer Deletion ID

Requests_cache table model#

The database table model describes the cache of the maximum number of faces with associated descriptors or basic attributes for license requests.

Name primary_key Type Description
created_at - timestamp Date and time of data caching
value - text Encrypted value cache
name - varchar(36) Unique cache name

Luna-faces_migrations table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration

Events database description#

The section describes Events service database.

Events database
Events database

Event table model#

The database table model describes existing events. It includes information about created events and faces.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
account_id uuid Account ID to which the event belongs
create_time timestamp The time code of the event occurrence in the video stream. The parameter is used for the real-time monitoring of events creation.
event_id uuid Event ID
handler_id uuid The ID of a handler that gave birth to the event
source varchar(128) An event source. The source is specified in the request for event creation
face_id uuid The face ID of the face corresponding to the event.
gender smallint Gender estimated by face for the event
age smallint Age estimated by face for the event
emotion smallint Emotion estimated for the event
ethnic_group smallint Ethnic group estimated for the event
user_data varchar(128) User data for the face corresponding to the event. User_data is specified in the request for event creation
external_id varchar(36) The external ID of the face corresponding to the event. External_id is specified in the request for event creation
insert_time timestamp Date and time of the event creation
top_matching_candidates_label varchar(36) The label of the group of the candidates used for matching.
top_similar_object_id uuid The ID of the top similar object from matching results (match policy). Matching results are received when the match policy of a handler is enabled
top_similar_object_similarity double precision Similarity score of the top similar object from matching results. Matching results are received when the match policy of a handler is enabled.
top_similar_object_type smallint The type of the top similar object: 0 - face, 1 - event
mask smallint Medical mask estimation result: missing (1), medical_mask (2), occluded (3)
track_id varchar(36) Track ID of the event
end_time timestamp The end time code of the event occurrence in the video stream. The parameter is used for the real-time monitoring of events creation. Set equal to create_time if not set
top_similar_external_id varchar(36) The external ID of the top similar object from matching results (match policy). Matching results are received when the match policy of a handler is enabled
apparent_age smallint Age estimated by body for the event
apparent_gender smallint Gender estimated by body for the event: female (0), male (1), undefined (2)
backpack_state smallint Backpack state: absent (0), present (1), undefined (2)
headwear_state smallint Headwear state absent (0), present (1), undefined (2)
sleeve_length smallint Sleeve length: short, long, undefined
upper_clothing_colors smallint Upper clothing color set: black, blue, green, gray, orange, purple, red, white, yellow, pink, brown, beige, khaki, multicolored, undefined
meta jsonb User meta-information

Face_detect_result table model#

The database table model describes face detection.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id integer Foreign key of an event
rect_x smallint Top left corner coordinate of the face bounding rectangle by the "X" axis
rect_y smallint Top left corner coordinate of the face bounding rectangle by the "Y" axis
rect_w smallint Width of the face bounding rectangle
rect_h smallint Height of the face bounding rectangle
sample_id varchar(36) Sample ID
detect_time timestamp Time of the face detection
image_origin varchar(256) URL to the source image where the face has occurred
detect_ts interval Time relative to something, such as relative to the beginning of a video file

Body_detect_result table model#

The database table model describes face detection.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id integer Foreign key of an event
rect_x smallint Top left corner coordinate of the body bounding rectangle by the "X" axis
rect_y smallint Top left corner coordinate of the body bounding rectangle by the "Y" axis
rect_w smallint Width of the body bounding rectangle
rect_h smallint Height of the body bounding rectangle
sample_id varchar(36) Sample ID
detect_time timestamp Time of the body detection
image_origin varchar(256) URL to the source image where the body has occurred
detect_ts interval Time relative to something, such as relative to the beginning of a video file

Face_descriptor table model#

The database table model describes face descriptors stored in the database.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id bigint Foreign key of the event
descriptor bytea Binary face descriptor
descriptor_version integer The version of NN that was used to extract the descriptor

Body_descriptor table model#

The database table model describes body descriptors stored in the database.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id bigint Foreign key of the event
descriptor bytea Binary body descriptor
descriptor_version integer The version of NN that was used to extract the descriptor

Event_match_result table model#

The database table model describes matching results received using the matching policy of handler. Each record includes information about an event used for matching and the estimated similarity.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id bigint Foreign key of the event
label varchar(36) The label specified for the matching results
similarity double precision The similarity score received after matching of the event descriptor with the given descriptor
event_id uuid ID of the event
user_data varchar(128) User data associated with the event
create_time timestamp Event creation time
external_id varchar(36) External ID of the face created during event creation
handler_id uuid The ID used for the event creation
source varchar(128) The event source

Face_match_result table model#

The database table model describes matching results received using the matching policy of handler. Each record includes information about the face used for matching and the estimated similarity.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id bigint Foreign key of the event
label varchar(36) The label specified for the matching results
similarity double precision The similarity score received after matching of the event descriptor with the given face descriptor
face_id uuid ID of the face
user_data varchar(128) User data associated with the face
create_time timestamp Face creation time
external_id varchar(36) External ID of the face

Location table model#

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id bigint Foreign key of the event
city varchar(36) The city of event occurrence
area varchar(36) The area of event occurrence
district varchar(36) The district of event occurrence
street varchar(128) The street of event occurrence
house_number varchar(36) The house number where the event occurred
geo_position geography Geographical coordinate of the event occurrence (longitude, latitude)

Tag table model#

The database table model describes tags for events. Tags are specified in an event creation request.

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id integer Foreign key of an event
tag varchar(36) An event tag

Attach_result table model#

The database table model describes the attachment of the face created from an event to a list. The face is created using "face_policy". The face is attached to a list using "link_to_lists_policy".

Name Type Description
id bigint Primary key of the table (digital)
numeric_id integer Foreign key of an event
list_id uuid A list to which the created face was attached

Tasks database#

Tasks database
Tasks database

Task table model#

The database table model describes the created tasks. It includes general information about a task and its content.

Name Type Description
task_id integer Task ID
create_time timestamp Task creation time
end_time timestamp Task end time
last_update_time timestamp Task last update time
task_type integer Task type: unknown (0), linker task (1), clusterization task (2), report creation task (3), garbage collection task (4), additional extraction task (5), cross-matching task (6), ROC-curve calculation task (7), objects export task (8), estimation task (9)
task_status integer Task status: pending (0), in progress (1), cancelled (2), failed (3), collect results (4), done (5). The status is updated by Tasks workers.
result_id varchar(36) ID of the task result
account_id varchar(36) ID of the account to which the task belongs
count_task_parts_done integer Number of finished subtasks
count_task_parts_all integer Total number of subtasks
content text Contains filters and request parameters for the task
description varchar(128) Contains user-defined task description
schedule_id integer Schedule ID

Subtask table model#

The database table model includes information about created subtasks. Depending on a task type there may be one or several subtasks.

Name Type Description
subtask_id integer Subtask ID
task_id integer The ID of the corresponding task
result_id varchar(36) The ID of the subtask result
create_time timestamp Subtask creation time
end_time timestamp Subtask end time
subtask_status integer Subtask status: pending (0), in progress (1), cancelled (2), failed (3), collect results (4), done (5). The status is updated by Tasks workers
content varchar(2048) Contains filters and request parameters for a subtask processing

Task_error table model#

The database table model includes information about errors occurred during task processing. Errors are added to the table by Tasks workers.

Name Type Description
error_id integer A task error ID
task_id integer ID of the corresponding task
error_code integer An error code
description varchar(64) An error short description
detail varchar(1024) The detailed description of the error
additional_info varchar(128) Additional information about the error. It may include lost object IDs or any other useful information
error_time timestamp Time when the error occurred

Schedule table model#

The database table model includes information about the task execution schedule.

Name Type Description
schedule_id integer Schedule ID
create_time timestamp Date the schedule was created
last_update_time timestamp Date and time of the last schedule changes
status smallint Schedule status (1 - "running" (started), 2 - "stopped" (stopped))
trigger varchar(128) Cron expression
trigger_timezone varchar(16) Time zone (UTC or LOCAL)
account_id varchar(36) ID of the account that the schedule belongs to
task_type integer Type of task that runs on a schedule
content text Content of the scheduled task (filters, list, etc.)
next_run_at timestamp Time of the next task start

Luna-tasks_migrations table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration

Handlers database#

Oracle and Postgres databases are supported.

Handlers database
Handlers database

Handler table model#

Name Type Description
account_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard account ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format, the handler belongs to
create_time timestamp Date and time of handler creation
description varchar(128) Handler description provided by the user
handler_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard handler ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
is_dynamic boolean Whether the handler is dynamic
last_update_time timestamp Date and time of last change of the handler
policies varchar(2048) JSON with policies

Verifier table model#

Name Type Description
account_id varchar UUID4 standard account ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format, the verifier belongs to
create_time timestamp Date and time of verifier creation
description varchar Verifier description provided by the user
verifier_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard verifier ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
last_update_time timestamp Date and time of the latest handler modification
policies varchar(2048) JSON with policies
version integer Verifier version

Luna-handlers_migrations table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration

Configurator database#

Configurator database
Configurator database

Limitation table model#

Table with limitations.

Name Type Description
limitation_name varchar(128) Name of the limitation
validation_schema varchar Limitation validation schema
services varchar List of services
default_value varchar Default limitation value
description varchar(128) Limitation description

Settings table model#

Table of settings.

Name Type Description
id integer Setting ID
value varchar Setting value
description varchar(128) Settings description
create_time timestamp Setting creation time
last_update_time timestamp Latest time of setting modification
name varchar(128) Setting name
is_default boolean Whether the setting is default

Tag table model#

Table of tags.

Name Type Description
id integer Setting ID
name varchar(128) Setting name
tag varchar(128) Setting tag string

Group table model#

Table of groups.

Name Type Description
group_name varchar(128) Group name
description varchar(256) Group description

Group_limitation table model#

Table of limitation groups links.

Name Type Description
group_name varchar(128) Group name
limitation_name varchar(128) Limitation name

Configs_migration table model#

Name Type Description
revision varchar(36) Revision of settings migration

Luna-conf_migrations table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration

Backport3 database#

Backport3 database
Backport3 database

Account table model#

Database table model for account.

Name Type Description
account_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard account ID
active boolean Account status

Account_token model table#

Name Type Description
token_id varchar(36) Token ID
account_id varchar(36) Account ID, the token is linked to
token_info varchar(128) A string with token data

Person table model#

Database table model for persons.

Name Type Description
person_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard person ID, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
account_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard ID of the account to which the person belongs, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
user_data varchar(128) Person user data
create_time timestamp Date and time of person creation
external_id varchar(36) Person ID in external system

Persons_list table model#

Name Type Description
list_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard list ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
account_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard account ID, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
create_time timestamp Date and time of list creation

Descriptors_list table model#

Name Type Description
list_id (varchar(36) UUID4 standard list ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
account_id (varchar(36) UUID4 standard account ID, the list belongs to, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
create_time timestamp Date and time of list creation

List_person table model#

Database table model for links between persons and lists.

Name Type Description
list_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard list ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
person_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard person ID, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format

Person_face table model#

Database table model for links between persons and faces.

Name Type Description
person_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard person ID, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
face_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard face ID, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format

Luna-backport3_migrations table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration

Handler table model#

Database table model for handlers.

Name Type Description
account_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard account ID, the handler belongs to, in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
type integer Handler type
handler_id varchar(36) UUID4 standard handler ID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format
create_time timestamp Date and time of handler creation
last_update_time timestamp Date and time of the latest handler modification
policies varchar(2048) JSON with policies
version integer Handler version

Accounts database#

Accounts database
Accounts database

Account table model#

Name Type Description
account_id varchar(36) Account ID in UUID4 format
login varchar(128) Account login
password varchar(128) Account password
description varchar(128) Account description
account_type varchar(16) Account type: user, advanced_user, admin

Token table model#

Name Type Description
token_id varchar(36) Token ID in UUID4 format
permissions varchar(128) Token permissions
expiration_time varchar(128) Token expiration time
visibility_area varchar(128) Token visibility area: all, account (only objects of this account)
description varchar(16) Description
account_id varchar(16) Account ID in UUID4 format to which the token is linked

Luna-accounts_migration table model#

Name Type Description
version_num varchar(32) Parameter required for database migration