Create a new account with given credentials.
Automatically creates one API token for client authorization. The token is returned within the reply body.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
organization_name required | string (organization_name) <= 128 characters organization name |
email required | string <email> (email) <= 64 characters email address |
password required | string (password) [ 8 .. 32 ] characters account password |
{- "organization_name": "Horns and hooves",
- "email": "",
- "password": "strong_password"
{- "token": "b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e"
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get current account registration information and it's status.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "organization_name": "Horns and hooves",
- "email": "",
- "suspended": true
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get all authorization tokens owned by current account. This query is pageable.
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "tokens": [
- {
- "token_data": "For south camera",
- "id": "b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e"
Create an authorization token for current account.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
token_data required | string (token_data) <= 128 characters User data about token. Arbitrary string. |
{- "token_data": "For south camera"
{- "token": "b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e"
Delete one or several authorization tokens from current account.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
tokens required | Array of strings <uuid4> (token) |
{- "tokens": [
- "b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'tokens[1]', message: 'tokens[1] must match pattern [a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}'"
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get information about this token.
token_id required | string <uuid4> (token) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e Token unique id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "token_data": "For south camera"
Change token data associated with this token.
token_id required | string <uuid4> (token) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e Token unique id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
token_data required | string (token_data) <= 128 characters User data about token. Arbitrary string. |
{- "token_data": "For south camera"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'token_data', message: 'token_data must be string'"
Delete this token.
token_id required | string <uuid4> (token) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e Token unique id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 11002,
- "detail": "Account corresponding login/password not found"
get options for the resource
token_id required | string <uuid4> (token) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: b668c4a5-2191-476e-a261-3b4f9ce2e25e Token unique id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Extract descriptor(s) from an image
In order to extract any descriptors, the function performs face detection first. In case of multiple detected faces, the function will produce several descriptors (one per face). Please note that some faces may not be detected for technical challenges, e.g. very large face angles (head pose) or large occlusion. Frontal and near-frontal faces have the best results.
This function outputs detected faces positions as bounding rectangles. Each rectangle is defined by it's top-left corner position, width and height. Note, that coordinate system origin is at the top-left corner of the image. The face rectangles are stored in rect objects per face. Aside from face detector response, the function also outputs bounding rectangles scaled and biased to resemble conformance to ISO IEC 19794-5 2005(E). To 'resemble conformance' here means that the standard dictates not only the bounding rectangle shape but also photoshooting conditions. Since Luna is a general system and not a true biometric one, it has no means to guarantee the conditions. However, it can detect person's eyes on a picture and build a rectangle with proportions described in the standard. The best results are observed on non-rotated faces while pose variations introduce errors. Note, that the procedure of ISO rectangle construction does not take image boundaries into account. The resulting rectangle may outstep the image boundaries. The client is responsible to do proper padding if image cropping is desired. The ISO face rectangles are stored in rectISO objects per face.
Face detection step for arbitrary image is mandatory, and for warped image it will be skipped (see descripton for warped_image in the query parameters section below). All the remaining steps can be enabled or disabled. E.g. while descriptor extraction is enabled by default, the client may disable it provided only face bounding boxes are required. See additional feature descriptions in the query parameters section below. In order to make face descriptor invariant to some pose variations and scale, each face detection area is cropped from the source image. Then several affine transformations are applied to the crop including rotation and scaling. This process is called warping. Since warping scales all cropped images to the same size, one won't get a much better face descriptor from a higher resolution photograph. In other way around, while it is possible to extract descriptors from smaller images, matching quality of such descriptors will be lower due to the lack of detail. To give an idea, reasonable face bounding box size is about 150x150 pixels. It is possible to estimate additional per face attributes, including:
These attributes are not stored in the DB.
Upload an existing descriptor
To upload an existing descriptor you should set content-type header to application/x-vl-face-descriptor for raw descriptor and application/x-vl-xpk for xpk-file. In this case request query parameterss will be ignored. Note, that external descriptors should be extracted with the same descriptor model version as used in the Luna installation. Otherwise, you won't be able to match them.
WARNING Default descriptor version to extract from image is default descriptor version configured in the system (one of 52, 54, 56, 57, 58). The older descriptor versions are no longer supported.
estimate_attributes | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate basic face attributes (age, gender) from the image. Attributes are typically floating point probabilities in [0..1] range. The attributes are stored in attributes object per face. |
estimate_emotions | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate emotions from the image. |
estimate_ethnicities | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate ethnicities from the image. |
estimate_quality | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate image quality from the image. The estimated quality values is a floating point probability in [0..1] range. The quality is stored in quality parameter per face. |
score_threshold | number <double> [ 0 .. 1 ] Default: 0 Example: score_threshold=0.95 Descriptor quality score threshold. All the face descriptors with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). |
warped_image | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. Exact image warping algorithm is proprietary and this flag is intended for VisionLabs front end tools. The warped image has the following properties: it's size is always 250x250 pixels it's always in RGB color format it always contains just a single face the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. |
extract_descriptor | integer Default: 1 Enum: 0 1 Whether to extract face descriptor(s). Useful when face descriptor is not actually required and only face detection bounding rectangle (with optional attributes and quality estimation) is enough. Note, that in this case face structure will lack the id member. |
estimate_head_pose | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate head pose from the image. Ignored with warped images (see warped_image parameter). |
pitch__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: pitch__lt=10 Pitch threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
yaw__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: yaw__lt=10 Yaw threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
roll__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: roll__lt=10 Roll threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
extract_exif | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to extract EXIF meta information from input JPEG images. Exact output will vary since there are no mandatory requirements to both authoring software and digital cameras how to write the data. This function will only parse the tags and output their names and values as is. Please refer to JEITA CP-3451 EXIF specification specification for details. |
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type required | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/tiff" "image/gif" "image/x-windows-bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor" "application/x-vl-xpk" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-gif-base64" "image/x-windows-bmp-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor-base64" "application/x-vl-xpk-base64" An indicator of the media type of the request body. |
{- "faces": [
- {
- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "rect": {
- "height": 240,
- "width": 209,
- "x": 170,
- "y": 198
}, - "rectISO": {
- "height": 240,
- "width": 209,
- "x": 170,
- "y": 198
}, - "score": 0.95,
- "attributes": {
- "age": 30,
- "gender": 0,
- "ethnicities": {
- "estimations": {
- "african_american": 1.92238889737406e-12,
- "asian": 0.954671621322632,
- "caucasian": 0.045328326523304,
- "indian": 7.65100649502415e-10
}, - "predominant_ethnicity": "asian"
}, - "emotions": {
- "estimations": {
- "happiness": 0.954671621322632,
- "surprise": 0.045328326523304,
- "sadness": 7.65100649502415e-10,
- "neutral": 1.92238889737406e-12,
- "fear": 0,
- "disgust": 0,
- "anger": 0
}, - "predominant_emotion": "happiness"
}, - "head_pose": {
- "yaw": 0,
- "pitch": 2,
- "roll": 1
}, - "quality": {
- "light": 0.87,
- "dark": 0.13,
- "saturation": 1,
- "blurriness": 0.2
], - "exif": {
- "dateTime": "2011:01:04 09:58:48",
- "orientation": "Top-left",
- "software": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh"
Get info of all descriptors owned by current account.
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "descriptors": [
- {
- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "last_update": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "person_id": "string",
- "lists": [
- "string"
], - "count": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get descriptor info.
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "last_update": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "person_id": "string",
- "lists": [
- "string"
get options for the resource
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get all lists that this descriptor is attached to.
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "lists": [
- "string"
Attach or detach a descriptor to the list.
Once detached, descriptor's TTL is reset to the default value. If not attached to a person or to a list, this descriptor will be eventually garbage-collected.
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: list_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
do required | string (do) Enum: "attach" "detach" action - attach or detach an object to/from a list |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
{- "error_code": 12014,
- "detail": "Required parameters 'list_id' not found"
get options for the resource
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get all lists that this person is attached to.
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "lists": [
- "string"
Attach or detach a person to the list.
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: list_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
do required | string (do) Enum: "attach" "detach" action - attach or detach an object to/from a list |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
{- "error_code": 12014,
- "detail": "Required parameters 'list_id' not found"
get options for the resource
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get ids of all lists owned by current account. This query is pageable.
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "lists": {
- "person_lists": [
- {
- "list_data": "info",
- "count": 0,
- "id": "string"
], - "descriptor_lists": [
- {
- "list_data": "info",
- "count": 0,
- "id": "string"
}, - "persons_list_count": 0,
- "descriptors_list_count": 0
Create a list.
type | string Default: "persons" Enum: "persons" "descriptors" List data type - persons or descriptors. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
list_data | string (user_data) <= 128 characters User-defined data. Arbitrary string. |
{- "list_data": "info"
{- "list_id": "string"
Delete one or multiple lists.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
lists required | Array of strings <uuid4> (list_id) Array of lists to delete. |
{- "lists": [
- "string"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'lists', message: 'lists must be array'"
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get a list. This query is pageable.
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "persons": [
- {
- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "user_data": "info",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "descriptors": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
], - "lists": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
], - "external_id": "14159261415926"
], - "list_data": "info",
- "count": 1
Patch list data associated with this list.
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
list_data required | string (user_data) <= 128 characters User-defined data. Arbitrary string. |
{- "list_data": "info"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'list_data', message: 'token_data must be string'"
Delete a list.
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 11002,
- "detail": "Account corresponding login/password not found"
get options for the resource
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 List id. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 11002,
- "detail": "Account corresponding login/password not found"
Attach or detach several descriptors or persons to list.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
action required | string (do) Enum: "attach" "detach" action to perform - attach or detach |
descriptor_ids required | Array of strings <uuid4> (uuid4) Descriptor ids to operate with. |
list_id required | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... List id. uuid4 |
{- "action": "attach",
- "descriptor_ids": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
], - "list_id": "string"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'list_id', message: 'list_id must be string'"
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get descriptor origin portrait.
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
<binary image>
get options for the resource
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
get descriptor portrait thumbnail
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
thumbnails required | string^_[0-9]+$ Enum: "_32" "_64" "_96" "_160" Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of portraits. Each thumbnail corresponds to a number equal to the side with maximum length. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
<binary image>
get options for the resource
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
thumbnails required | string^_[0-9]+$ Enum: "_32" "_64" "_96" "_160" Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of portraits. Each thumbnail corresponds to a number equal to the side with maximum length. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Create person
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Value: "application/json" content type is application/json. |
user_data | string (user_data) <= 128 characters User-defined data. Arbitrary string. |
external_id | string (person_external_id) <= 36 characters External id of the person, if it has its own mapping in external system. |
{- "user_data": "info",
- "external_id": "14159261415926"
{- "person_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
Get persons by filters.
user_data | string (user_data) <= 128 characters Example: user_data=info find all objects with user_data that is similar to this parameter. You can specify some part of the user_data value for this filter. |
external_id | string (person_external_id) <= 36 characters Example: external_id=14159261415926 External ID. When filtering by an external ID, you must specify the full external_id value. |
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "persons": [
- {
- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "user_data": "info",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "external_id": "14159261415926",
- "descriptors": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
], - "lists": [
- "string"
], - "count": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get person
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "user_data": "info",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "external_id": "14159261415926",
- "descriptors": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
], - "lists": [
- "string"
Patch person. Required user data or external id in body
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
user_data | string (user_data) <= 128 characters User-defined data. Arbitrary string. |
external_id | string (person_external_id) <= 36 characters External id of the person, if it has its own mapping in external system. |
{- "user_data": "info",
- "external_id": "14159261415926"
{- "error_code": 11002,
- "detail": "Account corresponding login/password not found"
Delete person
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 11002,
- "detail": "Account corresponding login/password not found"
get options for the resource
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get person descriptors
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "descriptors": [
- "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
Attach or detach a descriptor to the person.
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: descriptor_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Face descriptor unique identifier. |
do required | string (do) Enum: "attach" "detach" action - attach or detach descriptor to/from person |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 11018,
- "detail": "Descriptor with id '557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515' not found."
get options for the resource
person_id required | string <uuid4> (uuid4) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: 557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id (person_id received in the "create person" request) |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Verification is done via matching a reference descriptor with a set of candidate descriptors belonging to a single person.
The reference descriptor should be specified explicitly. The set of candidate descriptors consists of all descriptors attached to the verified person.
descriptor_id required | string <uuid4> (descriptor_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: descriptor_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 descriptor id for verification |
person_id required | string <uuid4> (person_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: person_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person id for verification |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "candidates": [
- {
- "person_id": "0e05c9c7-9422-43a4-8656-2038b51347c2",
- "descriptor_id": "83abe9a5-32f6-4e0c-8db2-c2af11ceb30d",
- "user_data": "M.K.",
- "external_id": "12345rt12",
- "similarity": 0.945
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Identification is done via matching a reference descriptor with a list of candidate persons' descriptors.
The reference descriptor may be specified explicitly or taken from a person defined by the person ID.
The matching process produces similarities for each candidate. Maximum of top 5 most similar results are then selected. Identification result is a short list of the most similar persons and their similarity scores. It's up to the user to decide whether the similarity score is high enough to consider it a successful match or not.
Person ID or a descriptor ID can be set as a reference for matching. An ID of persons list or the set of persons IDs can be specified as candidates for matching.
Only one of descriptor_id
or person_id
query parameters should be specified as the reference at a time. You can not
set both at once.
Only one of list_id
or persons_ids
should be specified as the candidate.
If you specify several parameters, the service will choose only one of them.
person_id | string <uuid4> (person_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: person_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 reference person id |
descriptor_id | string <uuid4> (descriptor_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: descriptor_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 reference descriptor id |
list_id | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: list_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Candidates list id |
person_ids | string <list of uuid> Comma-separated list of candidate person ids |
limit | integer (match_limit) [ 1 .. 5 ] Default: 3 maximum of number candidates in a matching response |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "candidates": [
- {
- "person_id": "0e05c9c7-9422-43a4-8656-2038b51347c2",
- "descriptor_id": "83abe9a5-32f6-4e0c-8db2-c2af11ceb30d",
- "user_data": "M.K.",
- "external_id": "12345rt12",
- "similarity": 0.945
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Matching person or descriptor by descriptors. Descriptors can be represent as a ID of descriptors list or a descriptor ID set.
Only one of descriptor_id
or person_id
query parameters should be specified as the reference at a time. You can not
set both at once. Also only one of list_id
or descriptor_ids
should be specified as the candidate.
If you specify several parameters service will choose one of them.
person_id | string <uuid4> (person_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: person_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 reference person id |
descriptor_id | string <uuid4> (descriptor_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: descriptor_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 reference descriptor id |
list_id | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: list_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Candidates list id |
descriptor_ids | string <list of uuid> Comma-separated list of candidate descriptor ids |
limit | integer (match_limit) [ 1 .. 5 ] Default: 3 maximum of number candidates in a matching response |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "candidates": [
- {
- "id": "83abe9a5-32f6-4e0c-8db2-c2af11ceb30d",
- "similarity": 0.945
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Search a person by photo. This request is just a simple way to tell "extract a descriptor then match it with a list ". This request is equivalent to POST'ing to /descriptors then to /matching/identify or /matching/match.
Search request requires the input photo to contain only one face.
Only one of list_id
or descriptor_ids
, person_ids
query parameters should be specified
as the candidate at a time. If you specify several parameters service will choose one of them.
list_id | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: list_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 Candidates list id |
descriptor_ids | string <list of uuid> Comma-separated list of candidate descriptor ids |
person_ids | string <list of uuid> Comma-separated list of candidate person ids |
estimate_attributes | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate basic face attributes (age, gender) from the image. Attributes are typically floating point probabilities in [0..1] range. The attributes are stored in attributes object per face. |
estimate_emotions | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate emotions from the image. |
estimate_ethnicities | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate ethnicities from the image. |
estimate_quality | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate image quality from the image. The estimated quality values is a floating point probability in [0..1] range. The quality is stored in quality parameter per face. |
score_threshold | number <double> [ 0 .. 1 ] Default: 0 Example: score_threshold=0.95 Descriptor quality score threshold. All the face descriptors with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). |
warped_image | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. Exact image warping algorithm is proprietary and this flag is intended for VisionLabs front end tools. The warped image has the following properties: it's size is always 250x250 pixels it's always in RGB color format it always contains just a single face the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. |
estimate_head_pose | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to estimate head pose from the image. Ignored with warped images (see warped_image parameter). |
pitch__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: pitch__lt=10 Pitch threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
yaw__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: yaw__lt=10 Yaw threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
roll__lt | number [ 0 .. 180 ] Example: roll__lt=10 Roll threshold. For all the detections with estimated pitch that's more than threshold, the descriptor will not be extracted. Threshold must be in degrees, in the interval [0,180]. Otherwise, threshold is not taken into account. |
extract_exif | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to extract EXIF meta information from input JPEG images. Exact output will vary since there are no mandatory requirements to both authoring software and digital cameras how to write the data. This function will only parse the tags and output their names and values as is. Please refer to JEITA CP-3451 EXIF specification specification for details. |
limit | integer (match_limit) [ 1 .. 5 ] Default: 3 maximum of number candidates in a matching response |
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type required | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/tiff" "image/gif" "image/x-windows-bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor" "application/x-vl-xpk" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-gif-base64" "image/x-windows-bmp-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor-base64" "application/x-vl-xpk-base64" An indicator of the media type of the request body. |
{- "face": {
- "id": "68bc0e39-af0a-4212-a36a-e17562437e5c",
- "score": 0.8056654334000001,
- "rect": {
- "x": 501,
- "y": 88,
- "width": 403,
- "height": 529
}, - "rectISO": {
- "height": 896,
- "width": 672,
- "x": 321,
- "y": -159
}, - "candidates": [
- {
- "person_id": "82ac503b-5856-4531-abac-9f06be00923c",
- "user_data": "user data",
- "external_id": "external-id3",
- "similarity": 0.9975399971000001,
- "descriptor_id": "2868b980-d2bb-49eb-bb5d-5eeb4cad4171"
}, - {
- "person_id": "a3a56bac-c11c-4fb8-afac-a50a6d4e4781",
- "user_data": "",
- "external_id": "external-id2",
- "similarity": 0.9945,
- "descriptor_id": "6b14a2ac-3d45-4d65-9401-7c5ec0725048"
}, - {
- "person_id": "37c035d6-032c-453d-804c-e85dbaf83126",
- "user_data": "test user data",
- "external_id": "external-id1",
- "similarity": 0.984,
- "descriptor_id": "9733f323-a490-4436-86c5-77101cfea0d4"
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Predict liveness probability in input images.
The response contains the probability that there is a real person in the image, and it is not a presentation attack.
aggregate | integer Default: 0 Enum: 1 0 Example: aggregate=1 whether to aggregate liveness estimations. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "image/tiff" "multipart/form-data" "application/json" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" |
object (LivenessMeta) Device information. This information can significantly decrease the overall error rate. The "meta" object is not mandatory. If you are not sure about any of the parameters, set "UNKNOWN" value or don't pass meta.
| |
x_meta | object The JSON string with any additional information |
required | Array of image_binary_for_multipart (string) or image_base64_for_multipart (string) (image_list_for_multipart) non-empty |
{- "images": [
- {
- "filename": "succeeded_image.jpg",
- "status": 1,
- "liveness": {
- "prediction": 1,
- "estimations": {
- "probability": 0.93,
- "quality": 0.95
}, - "error": {
- "desc": "Success",
- "detail": "Success",
- "error_code": 0
}, - {
- "filename": "succeeded_image_2.jpg",
- "status": 1,
- "liveness": {
- "prediction": 1,
- "estimations": {
- "probability": 0.85,
- "quality": 0.88
}, - "error": {
- "desc": "Success",
- "detail": "Success",
- "error_code": 0
}, - {
- "filename": "failed_image.jpg",
- "status": 0,
- "liveness": null,
- "error": {
- "desc": "Failed to decode image data",
- "detail": "Failed to decodeImage image data.",
- "error_code": 3001
], - "aggregate_estimations": {
- "liveness": {
- "prediction": 1,
- "estimations": {
- "probability": 0.89,
- "quality": 0.915
Extract a descriptor from an image or save input descrptor, create person with this descriptor, attach person to a predefined list.
If the image contains several faces, the best one (in terms of score) will be used.
Input images can be filtered according to predefined thresholds (quality threshold and head angles).
The resulting fields of the created face object differ depending on the handler configuration.
user_data | string (user_data) <= 128 characters Example: user_data=info User-defined data. Arbitrary string. |
external_id | string (person_external_id) <= 36 characters Example: external_id=14159261415926 External id of the person. |
warped_image | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. Exact image warping algorithm is proprietary and this flag is intended for VisionLabs front end tools. The warped image has the following properties: it's size is always 250x250 pixels it's always in RGB color format it always contains just a single face the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. |
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type required | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/tiff" "image/gif" "image/x-windows-bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor" "application/x-vl-xpk" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-gif-base64" "image/x-windows-bmp-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor-base64" "application/x-vl-xpk-base64" An indicator of the media type of the request body. |
{- "person_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "face": {
- "id": "16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "rect": {
- "height": 240,
- "width": 209,
- "x": 170,
- "y": 198
}, - "rectISO": {
- "height": 421,
- "width": 316,
- "x": 123,
- "y": 10
}, - "score": 0.5
}, - "exif": {
- "dateTime": "2011:01:04 09:58:48",
- "orientation": "Top-left",
- "software": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh"
The request enables you to get the parameters specified for the extractor handler.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "handler_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "policies": {
- "list_id": "string",
- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9
}, - "type": "extractor",
- "version": 1
The request enables you to update the extractor handler parameters. You should specify at least one parameters in the request.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
list_id | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... List id. uuid4 |
estimate_attributes | integer (estimate_attributes) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate basic attributes on the image. |
estimate_emotions | integer (estimate_emotions) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate emotions on the image. |
estimate_ethnicities | integer (estimate_ethnicities) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate ethnicities on the image. |
estimate_quality | integer (estimate_quality) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate input face image quality. |
estimate_head_pose | integer (estimate_head_pose) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate head pose on the image. |
extract_exif | integer (extract_exif) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to extract EXIF meta information from input JPEG images. Exact output will vary since there are no mandatory requirements to both authoring software and digital cameras how to write the data. This function will only parse the tags and output their names and values as is. Please refer to JEITA CP-3451 EXIF specification for details. |
yaw_threshold | integer (yaw_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation yaw angle from 0. |
roll_threshold | integer (roll_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation roll angle from 0. |
pitch_threshold | integer (pitch_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation pitch angle from 0. |
score_threshold | number (score_threshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] descriptor quality score threshold. All the attributes with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). |
{- "list_id": "string",
- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9
{- "version": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Extract a descriptor from an image or save input descrptor, then match it to a person.
If the image contains several faces, the best one (in terms of score) will be used.
The resulting fields of the created face object differ depending on the handler configuration.
warped_image | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. Exact image warping algorithm is proprietary and this flag is intended for VisionLabs front end tools. The warped image has the following properties: it's size is always 250x250 pixels it's always in RGB color format it always contains just a single face the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. |
person_id required | string <uuid4> (person_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... Example: person_id=557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515 person ID |
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type required | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/tiff" "image/gif" "image/x-windows-bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor" "application/x-vl-xpk" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-gif-base64" "image/x-windows-bmp-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor-base64" "application/x-vl-xpk-base64" An indicator of the media type of the request body. |
{- "status": true,
- "candidates": [
- {
- "person_id": "15fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "similarity": 0.761,
- "user_data": "user data",
- "descriptor_id": "137d2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "external_id": ""
], - "face": {
- "id": "16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "rect": {
- "height": 240,
- "width": 209,
- "x": 170,
- "y": 198
}, - "rectISO": {
- "height": 421,
- "width": 316,
- "x": 123,
- "y": 10
}, - "score": 0.5
}, - "exif": {
- "dateTime": "2011:01:04 09:58:48",
- "orientation": "Top-left",
- "software": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh"
The request enables you to get the parameters specified for the verify handler.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "handler_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "policies": {
- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9,
- "verify_threshold": 0.9
}, - "type": "verify",
- "version": 1
The request enables you to update the verify handler parameters. You should specify at least one parameters in the request.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
estimate_attributes | integer (estimate_attributes) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate basic attributes on the image. |
estimate_emotions | integer (estimate_emotions) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate emotions on the image. |
estimate_ethnicities | integer (estimate_ethnicities) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate ethnicities on the image. |
estimate_quality | integer (estimate_quality) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate input face image quality. |
estimate_head_pose | integer (estimate_head_pose) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate head pose on the image. |
extract_exif | integer (extract_exif) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to extract EXIF meta information from input JPEG images. Exact output will vary since there are no mandatory requirements to both authoring software and digital cameras how to write the data. This function will only parse the tags and output their names and values as is. Please refer to JEITA CP-3451 EXIF specification for details. |
yaw_threshold | integer (yaw_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation yaw angle from 0. |
roll_threshold | integer (roll_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation roll angle from 0. |
pitch_threshold | integer (pitch_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation pitch angle from 0. |
score_threshold | number (score_threshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] descriptor quality score threshold. All the attributes with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). |
verify_threshold | number (verify_threshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] Verify threshold. Face with matching score under threshold will be ignored (negative status of verification), but still exists in list of candidates. |
{- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9,
- "verify_threshold": 0.9
{- "version": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Raw API allows to do similarity and verification status calculations for input descriptors.
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Content-Type | string Enum: "application/json" "application/msgpack" Format of a request body data |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
required | Array of xpk_file_entity (object) or sdk_descriptor_entity (object) or raw_descriptor_entity (object) non-empty reference list for verification |
required | Array of xpk_file_entity (object) or sdk_descriptor_entity (object) or raw_descriptor_entity (object) non-empty candidates for verification |
{- "references": [
- {
- "id": "3456d",
- "type": "xpk_file",
- "data": "string"
], - "candidates": [
- {
- "id": "3456d",
- "type": "xpk_file",
- "data": "string"
{- "matches": [
- {
- "reference_id": "123456s",
- "matches": [
- {
- "candidate_id": "56789t",
- "similarity": 0.95,
- "status": true
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Extract a descriptor from an image or save input descrptor, then match it to a predefined list of candidates.
If the image contains several faces, the best one (in terms of score) will be used.
The resulting fields of the created face object differ depending on the handler configuration.
warped_image | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. Exact image warping algorithm is proprietary and this flag is intended for VisionLabs front end tools. The warped image has the following properties: it's size is always 250x250 pixels it's always in RGB color format it always contains just a single face the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. |
no_cache | integer (int01) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Whether to force database query for fetching data for handler. |
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Content-Type required | string Enum: "image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/bmp" "image/tiff" "image/gif" "image/x-windows-bmp" "image/x-portable-pixmap" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor" "application/x-vl-xpk" "image/x-jpeg-base64" "image/x-png-base64" "image/x-bmp-base64" "image/x-tiff-base64" "image/x-gif-base64" "image/x-windows-bmp-base64" "image/x-portable-pixmap-base64" "application/x-vl-face-descriptor-base64" "application/x-vl-xpk-base64" An indicator of the media type of the request body. |
{- "candidates": [
- {
- "person_id": "15fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "similarity": 0.761,
- "user_data": "user data",
- "descriptor_id": "137d2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "external_id": ""
], - "face": {
- "id": "16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da",
- "rect": {
- "height": 240,
- "width": 209,
- "x": 170,
- "y": 198
}, - "rectISO": {
- "height": 421,
- "width": 316,
- "x": 123,
- "y": 10
}, - "score": 0.5
}, - "exif": {
- "dateTime": "2011:01:04 09:58:48",
- "orientation": "Top-left",
- "software": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh"
The request enables you to get the parameters specified for the identify handler.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "handler_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "policies": {
- "list_id": "string",
- "limit": 3,
- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9,
- "identify_threshold": 0.9
}, - "type": "identify",
- "version": 1
The request enables you to update the identify handler parameters. You should specify at least one parameters in the request.
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
list_id | string <uuid4> (list_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][... List id. uuid4 |
limit | integer (handler_matching_limit) [ 1 .. 5 ] Default: 3 matching limit |
estimate_attributes | integer (estimate_attributes) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate basic attributes on the image. |
estimate_emotions | integer (estimate_emotions) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate emotions on the image. |
estimate_ethnicities | integer (estimate_ethnicities) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate ethnicities on the image. |
estimate_quality | integer (estimate_quality) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate input face image quality. |
estimate_head_pose | integer (estimate_head_pose) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to estimate head pose on the image. |
extract_exif | integer (extract_exif) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to extract EXIF meta information from input JPEG images. Exact output will vary since there are no mandatory requirements to both authoring software and digital cameras how to write the data. This function will only parse the tags and output their names and values as is. Please refer to JEITA CP-3451 EXIF specification for details. |
yaw_threshold | integer (yaw_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation yaw angle from 0. |
roll_threshold | integer (roll_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation roll angle from 0. |
pitch_threshold | integer (pitch_threshold) [ 0 .. 180 ] maximum deviation pitch angle from 0. |
score_threshold | number (score_threshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] descriptor quality score threshold. All the attributes with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). |
identify_threshold | number (identify_threshold) [ 0 .. 1 ] Identify threshold. Face with matching score under threshold will be ignored. |
{- "list_id": "string",
- "limit": 3,
- "estimate_attributes": 0,
- "estimate_emotions": 0,
- "estimate_ethnicities": 0,
- "estimate_quality": 0,
- "estimate_head_pose": 0,
- "extract_exif": 0,
- "yaw_threshold": 55,
- "roll_threshold": 45,
- "pitch_threshold": 35,
- "score_threshold": 0.9,
- "identify_threshold": 0.9
{- "version": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
Get service OpenApi documentation. If Accept request header is of type application/x-yaml
returns documentation in yaml
format or returns html
documentation, if Accept-Type is text/html
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
Accept | string (accept_docs_handler) Enum: "application/x-yaml" "text/html" acceptable type of recieving data |
{- "error_code": 12024,
- "detail": "Bad/incomplete input data",
- "desc": "Unsupported media type"
Get sphinx documentation - Development Manual. After the request you will be redirected to the page /docs/dev/index.html
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"
get versions of services
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "luna_api": {
- "api": 5,
- "major": 3,
- "minor": 1,
- "patch": 2
}, - "luna_handlers": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 1,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 0
}, - "luna_faces": {
- "api": 2,
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 3,
- "patch": 9
}, - "luna_image_store_faces_samples": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 1,
- "patch": 10
}, - "luna_image_store_bodies_samples": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 1,
- "patch": 11
}, - "luna_image_store_images": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 1,
- "patch": 13
}, - "luna_events": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 1,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 5
}, - "luna_tasks": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 1,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 13
}, - "luna_python_matcher": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 0,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 6
- "major": 0,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 0
}, - "luna_backport3": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 0,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 1
get options for the resource
Origin | string Example: The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid4> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID4"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error"