
Service for work with faces and lists.

Face is a object with the following fields:
  1. create time - face create time;

  2. last update time - time of last action with face (change user data, attach or detach face from list, update event id);

  3. event id - reference to event id which created the face;

  4. account id - id of account to which the face belongs;

  5. user data - user data of face;

  6. attribute id - reference to face attribute;

  7. face id - face id.

  8. external id - external id of the face, if it has its own mapping in external system

List is a set of faces. Every list must consist of faces from one account. There are the following fields in list:
  1. list id - list id;

  2. user data - user data of list;

  3. account id - id of to account which the list belongs;

  4. create time - list create time;

  5. last update time - time of last action with list (attach or detach face from list);

Service provides RESTFul api interface for creating, removing faces and lists, attaching and detaching faces to lists. Also you can get faces, lists and list attributes by filters