Source code for luna_lambda_tools.public.handlers.schemas

Module contains pydantic schemas for handlers lambda
from typing import final

from pydantic import Field
from vlutils.structures.pydantic import BaseModel as _BaseModel

from luna_lambda_tools.public.schemas.base import BoundingBox, Location

[docs] @final class ImageOrigin(_BaseModel): """Image origin""" # image origin as bytes body: str | bytes # image body meta bodyMeta: dict | None = None
[docs] @final class SourceData(_BaseModel): """Source data""" # source (if present) source: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # stream id streamId: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # tags (if present) tags: list[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # user data userData: str = "" # external id externalId: str = "" # track id trackId: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # meta information provided by user (if present) meta: dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna-event time (if present) eventTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna event end time (if present) eventEndTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna event location location: Location | None = None
[docs] class EventSourceAggregated(_BaseModel): """Aggregated event source""" # image body or descriptor as bytes body: bytes | None = None # image body meta bodyMeta: dict | None = None # image filename (if present) filename: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # source type: 0 - usual image, 1 - vl face warp, 2 - vl body warp, 3 - vl face descriptor, 4 - vl body descriptor sourceType: str # face bounding boxes (if present) faceBoundingBoxes: list[BoundingBox] = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # body bounding boxes (if present) bodyBoundingBoxes: list[BoundingBox] = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # image detect time (if present) detectTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # image detect timestamp (if present) detectTs: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # image origin (if present) imageOrigin: ImageOrigin | str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None)
[docs] @final class EventSource(EventSourceAggregated): """Event source schema""" # event source sourceData: SourceData | None = None
[docs] @final class EventSourceSchema(_BaseModel): """Event source schema""" # sources list sources: list[EventSourceAggregated] | list[EventSource] # whether to aggregate attributes aggregateAttributes: int # whether to use image exif info useExifInfo: bool = True # event source | available if aggregation is enabled sourceData: SourceData | None = None