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  • The "link" field was added to the response bodies of requests performed with an error, containing a link to online-documentation with a detailed description of the error received. Links to error descriptions were also added to the response samples in the Open API documentation.

    To follow the links, you need an Internet connection.

Fixed errors

  • The message "sanic.error: body not consumed" was removed from the LUNA API service logs. The message was displayed if there was a non-empty body in the OPTIONS "/6/objects" request.

  • Processing empty ZIP archives and directories from S3-like storage with the Estimator task no longer returns any errors. Previously, such processing returned an "Unsupported media type" error.

  • The error that occurred when saving an event with the field value "detect_ts=0" was fixed. When trying to get an event with this value, the value "detect_ts=null" was returned.

  • The error was fixed where updating a limitation or setting with an empty string in the "description" field in the Configurator service would result in "null" in the "description" field. The error occurred when using an Oracle database.

  • "Internal server error" was fixed when saving an event ("save event" request) with "predominant_mask": "medical_mask" value.

  • The error was fixed where all estimators (DETECTOR, EXTRACTOR, WARP, HUMAN_EXTRACTOR, HUMAN_DETECTOR) used the values of the device_class ("gpu" or "cpu") parameter from the "LUNA_HANDLERS_DETECTOR_RUNTIME_SETTINGS" setting, ignoring the rest of the settings corresponding to the estimators, which led to the launch of all estimators GPU only or CPU only.

    Known Issue: The "num_threads" and "num_compute_streams" settings are still defined for all estimators in the "LUNA_HANDLERS_DETECTOR_RUNTIME_SETTINGS" section. Corresponding settings in other sections are ignored.

API (v.5.15.0 - v.5.15.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Link to the documentation website with the error description added to all errors in service responses.

Fixed bugs#

  • An error log message sanic.error: <ApiRequest: OPTIONS /6/objects> body not consumed was removed. Message was printed if request OPTIONS /6/objects had a not empty body.

Faces (v.4.4.36 - v.4.4.38)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.5.1 - v.3.5.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.8.6 - v.3.8.8)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The estimator task empty folders processing does not produce any errors anymore (was actual for s3 and zip sources).

Events (v.3.0.3 - v.3.0.5)#


  • Validation of input number was improved - upper and lower boundaries were added for the whole site.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • A returning null detect_ts field was fixed. If user save event with detect_ts=0 this event was returning with null detect_ts.

Configurator (v.2.0.27 - v.2.0.32)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed bug which caused null to be set to setting description instead of empty string when using Oracle DB.

  • Fixed bug which caused null to be set to limitation description instead of empty string when using Oracle DB.

Sender (v.2.3.34 - v.2.3.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.4.6.24 - v.4.6.26)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.3.34 - v.0.3.39)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.2.2.11 - v.2.3.0)#


  • Body attributes estimation support was added for resource /sdk.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The Internal server error was fixed for requests which contain medical_mask as predominant_mask for save raw event request.

  • Estimators simultaneous run on gpu and cpu was fixed. All estimators was running only on gpu or only on cpu. Device was determined by a face detector runtime settings.

    Known issue. Face detector Runtime settings num_threads and num_compute_streams determinates a global runtime flower state. Other num_threads and num_compute_streams settings is ignored.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.0.6 - v.1.0.8)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport3 (v.0.3.34 - v.0.3.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.2.34 - v.1.2.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.