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Configuration parameters of services#

Indexer configuration#

The section describes the Indexer service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


Parameter name Default value Description
use_configurator 0 [integer] Load configs from LUNA Configurator.
luna_configurator_origin [string] LUNA Configurator protocol, IP address, and port.
luna_configurator_api 1 [integer] API version of the LUNA Configurator.


Parameter name Default value Description
folder_with_logs ./ [string] Folder, where logs are saved (relative path begins in directory with application).
log_level info [string] Level of debug print, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
log_time local [string] Time format used in log records: "LOCAL" or "UTC".
max_log_file_size 1024 [integer] Maximum log file size in megabytes before performing rotation (0 - without rotation).
log_to_stdout 1 [integer] Send log to stdout.
log_to_file 0 [integer] Send log to file.
multiline_stack_trace 1 [integer] Allow multiline stack trace in logs.
format default Log format.


Parameter name Default value Description
send_data_for_monitoring 1 [integer] Send data for monitoring to InfluxDB.
organization luna [string] InfluxDB 2.x workspace.
token kofqt4pfqjn6o0rbtmdqqvojlghoxxdummhiaz7js6vmenrqzxqhxdhad8ax9tmijh6cjm7y1u8p5eseocgzia [string] InfluxDB 2.x authentication token.
bucket luna_monitoring [string] InfluxDB 2.x bucket name.
host [string] InfluxDB IP address.
port 8086 [integer] InfluxDB port.
use_ssl 0 [integer] Use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
flushing_period 1 [integer] Frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
origin [string] LUNA Faces protocol, IP address, and port.
api_version 3 [integer] API version of the LUNA Faces.


Parameter name Default value Description
connect 30 [integer] HTTP connection timeout.
request 60 [integer] HTTP request timeout (total).


Parameter name Default value Description
request_timeout 60 [integer] Service request timeout (in seconds).
response_timeout 600 [integer] Service response timeout (in seconds).
request_max_size 1073741824 [integer] Max request size (in bytes), default 1gb.
keep_alive_timeout 15 [integer] Service http keep-alive timeout (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
index_storage_type local [string] Type of storage: "S3" or "LOCAL", where "LOCAL" is local filesystem.
index_storage_local ./local_storage [string] Folder, where images are stored (relative path begins in directory with application).
default_face_descriptor_version 59 [string] Default face descriptor version.
lim_indexer_active_plugins [] [list(string)] List of active plugins.

Manager configuration#

The section describes the Manager service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


Parameter name Default value Description
use_configurator 0 [integer] Load configs from LUNA Configurator.
luna_configurator_origin [string] LUNA Configurator protocol, IP address, and port.
luna_configurator_api 1 [integer] API version of the LUNA Configurator.


Parameter name Default value Description
folder_with_logs ./ [string] Folder, where logs are saved (relative path begins in directory with application).
log_level info [string] Level of debug print, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
log_time local [string] Time format used in log records: "LOCAL" or "UTC".
max_log_file_size 1024 [integer] Maximum log file size in megabytes before performing rotation (0 - without rotation).
log_to_stdout 1 [integer] Send log to stdout.
log_to_file 0 [integer] Send log to file.
multiline_stack_trace 1 [integer] Allow multiline stack trace in logs.
format default Log format.


Parameter name Default value Description
db_user [string] Database username.
db_password [string] Database password.
db_host [string] Database IP address.
db_port 6379 [integer] Database listener port.


Parameter name Default value Description
connection_pool_size 100 [integer] Database connection pool size.


Parameter name Default value Description
master_name index_manager [string] Sentinel master name.
sentinels [] [list(string)] List of Redis Sentinel listeners (example [,]).


Parameter name Default value Description
send_data_for_monitoring 1 [integer] Send data for monitoring to InfluxDB.
organization luna [string] InfluxDB 2.x workspace.
token kofqt4pfqjn6o0rbtmdqqvojlghoxxdummhiaz7js6vmenrqzxqhxdhad8ax9tmijh6cjm7y1u8p5eseocgzia [string] InfluxDB 2.x authentication token.
bucket luna_monitoring [string] InfluxDB 2.x bucket name.
host [string] InfluxDB IP address.
port 8086 [integer] InfluxDB port.
use_ssl 0 [integer] Use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
flushing_period 1 [integer] Frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
origin [string] LUNA Faces protocol, IP address, and port.
api_version 3 [integer] API version of the LUNA Faces.


Parameter name Default value Description
connect 30 [integer] HTTP connection timeout.
request 60 [integer] HTTP request timeout (total).


Parameter name Default value Description
indexer_origins [] [list(string)] List of lim-indexer origins.
planning_period 600 [integer] LUNA Faces polling period, in seconds.
lookup_period 5 [integer] LIM Indexer lookup period, in seconds.
ef_construction 1600 [integer] Index construction parameter.


Parameter name Default value Description
min_indexing_list_size 50000 [integer] Min face count in LUNA Faces list for indexing.
indexing_lists [dynamic] [list(string)] Lists for indexation, for value [dynamic] all the lists with attribute count > MIN_INDEXING_LIST_SIZE will be indexed.
default 1 [integer] Default behavior for indexing, whether to perform full rebuild every time.


Parameter name Default value Description
request_timeout 60 [integer] Service request timeout (in seconds).
response_timeout 600 [integer] Service response timeout (in seconds).
request_max_size 1073741824 [integer] Max request size (in bytes), default 1gb.
keep_alive_timeout 15 [integer] Service http keep-alive timeout (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
index_storage_type local Type of storage: "S3" or "LOCAL", where "LOCAL" is local filesystem.
index_storage_local ./local_storage Folder, where images are stored (relative path begins in directory with application).
lim_manager_active_plugins [] [list(string)] List of active plugins.
storage_time local [string] Time format used in DB entries: LOCAL or UTC.
default_face_descriptor_version 59 [int] Default face descriptor version.

Matcher configuration#

The section describes the Matcher service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


Parameter name Default value Description
use_configurator 0 [integer] Load configs from LUNA Configurator.
luna_configurator_origin [string] LUNA Configurator protocol, IP address, and port.
luna_configurator_api 1 [integer] API version of the LUNA Configurator.


Parameter name Default value Description
folder_with_logs ./ [string] Folder, where logs are saved (relative path begins in directory with application).
log_level info [string] Level of debug print, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
log_time local [string] Time format used in log records: "LOCAL" or "UTC".
max_log_file_size 1024 [integer] Maximum log file size in megabytes before performing rotation (0 - without rotation).
log_to_stdout 1 [integer] Send log to stdout.
log_to_file 0 [integer] Send log to file.
multiline_stack_trace 1 [integer] Allow multiline stack trace in logs.
format default Log format.


Parameter name Default value Description
db_user [string] Database username.
db_password [string] Database password.
db_host [string] Database IP address.
db_port 6379 [integer] Database listener port.


Parameter name Default value Description
connection_pool_size 100 [integer] Database connection pool size.


Parameter name Default value Description
master_name indexed_matcher [string] Sentinel master name.
sentinels [] [list(string)] List of Redis Sentinel listeners (example [,]).


Parameter name Default value Description
send_data_for_monitoring 1 [integer] Send data for monitoring to InfluxDB.
organization luna [string] InfluxDB 2.x workspace.
token kofqt4pfqjn6o0rbtmdqqvojlghoxxdummhiaz7js6vmenrqzxqhxdhad8ax9tmijh6cjm7y1u8p5eseocgzia [string] InfluxDB 2.x authentication token.
bucket luna_monitoring [string] InfluxDB 2.x bucket name.
host [string] InfluxDB IP address.
port 8086 [integer] InfluxDB port.
use_ssl 0 [integer] Use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
flushing_period 1 [integer] Frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
origin [string] LUNA Licenses protocol, IP address, and port.
api_version 1 [integer] API version of the LUNA Licenses.


Parameter name Default value Description
origin [string] LUNA Faces protocol, IP address, and port.
api_version 3 [integer] API version of the LUNA Faces.


Parameter name Default value Description
connect 30 [integer] HTTP connection timeout.
request 60 [integer] HTTP request timeout (total).


Parameter name Default value Description
ef_search 3200 [integer] Index search parameter.


Parameter name Default value Description
request_timeout 60 [integer] Service request timeout (in seconds).
response_timeout 600 [integer] Service response timeout (in seconds).
request_max_size 1073741824 [integer] Max request size (in bytes), default 1gb.
keep_alive_timeout 15 [integer] Service http keep-alive timeout (in seconds).


Parameter name Default value Description
index_storage_type local [string] Type of storage: "S3" or "LOCAL", where "LOCAL" is local filesystem.
index_storage_local ./local_storage [string] Folder, where images are stored (relative path begins in directory with application).
lim_matcher_active_plugins [] [list(string)] List of active plugins.
lim_matcher_cache [string] Path to the dir with cache (omit to disable).
default_face_descriptor_version 59 [int] Default face descriptor version.


Parameter name Default value Description
enabled 1 [integer] Whether to perform index refreshing.