Configuration parameters of services#
Index Manager configuration#
The section describes the Index Manager service parameters.
You can configure the service using the Configurator service.
This section sets the logging settings for the logging.
The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
Setting format: string
Default value: INFO
The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:
- "LOCAL" - displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
- "UTC" - displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: false
The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./
"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"
The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 - do not use rotation).
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1024
The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:
- "default" - standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
- "json" - output of logs in json format.
- "ecs" - output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).
When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:
- "http.response.status_code" - contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
- "http.response.execution_time" - contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
- "http.request.method" - contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
- "url.path" - contains the path in the request's URL.
- "error.code" - contains the error code if the request results in an error.
Setting format: string
Default value: default
This section sets the indexing settings set by the Index Manager service.
The parameter sets the list of addresses of running instances of the Indexer service.
Setting format: array > string
Default value:
The parameter sets the period of the planning routine, which checks the sets of lists that need to be indexed.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 600
The parameter sets the period of the search routine, which checks the statuses of all running Indexer instances.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 5
face_lists > min_indexing_list_size#
The parameter sets the minimum number of faces in the lists for the list to be indexed.
The parameter is used only when using the parameter "indexing_lists" with the value "dynamic".
Setting format: integer
Default value: 50000
face_lists > indexing_lists#
The parameter sets a set of lists for indexing.
You can either specify lists explicitly or specify the value "dynamic". In the latter case, all lists will be processed whose number of face descriptors exceeds the number specified in the "min_indexing_list_size" parameter.
Setting format: array > string
Default value: dynamic
The parameter sets a limit on the number of nearest neighbors considered when constructing the index.
Higher values result in a more accurate graph, but it takes longer to build.
It is recommended to change the parameter together with the "ef_search" parameter of the Indexed Matcher service.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1600
This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 600
The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1073741824
The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 15
In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the Index Manager service are set.
The parameter sets the name of the Redis database user.
Setting format: string
Default value is not set.
This parameter sets the password of the Redis database user.
Setting format: string
Default value is not set.
The parameter sets the host of the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the port of the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value: 6379
db_settings > connection_pool_size#
This parameter sets the size of the pool of connections to the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value: 100
sentinel > master_name#
The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is controlled and managed by the Sentinel system.
Setting format: string
Default value: index_manager
sentinel > sentinels#
The parameter sets a list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.
Setting format: list > string
Default value: []
The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 0
In this section, settings for monitoring are set.
For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.
The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 0
The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna
The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.
Setting format: string
The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna_monitoring
The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets InfluxDB port.
Setting format: string
Default value: 8086
The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.
The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.
The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".
Setting format: integer
Default value: 3
This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 20
The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 10
The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the type of index storage. Currently, only the "LOCAL" option is available.
The value "LOCAL" means that the indexes will be stored in the directory specified in the "index_storage_local" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter sets the directory for storing indexes with "LOCAL" storage type.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./local_storage
The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:
- "LOCAL" - displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
- "UTC" - displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.
The names are given in the following format:
The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.
For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".
Setting format: string
Default value: 59
Indexed Matcher configuration#
The section describes the Indexed Matcher service parameters.
You can configure the service using the Configurator service.
This section sets the settings for indexed matching.
The parameter sets a limit on the considered number of nearest neighbors when searching for an index.
Higher values result in a more accurate but slower search.
It is recommended to change the parameter together with the "ef_construction" parameter of the Indexed Manager service.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1600
In this section, the settings for index refreshing in the Indexed Matcher service memory are set.
The parameter allows you to enable index refreshing.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
This section sets the logging settings for the logging.
The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
Setting format: string
Default value: INFO
The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:
- "LOCAL" - displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
- "UTC" - displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: false
The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./
"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"
The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 - do not use rotation).
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1024
The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:
- "default" - standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
- "json" - output of logs in json format.
- "ecs" - output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).
When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:
- "http.response.status_code" - contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
- "http.response.execution_time" - contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
- "http.request.method" - contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
- "url.path" - contains the path in the request's URL.
- "error.code" - contains the error code if the request results in an error.
Setting format: string
Default value: default
This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 600
The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1073741824
The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 15
In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the Index Matcher service are set.
The parameter sets the name of the Redis database user.
Setting format: string
Default value is not set.
This parameter sets the password of the Redis database user.
Setting format: string
Default value is not set.
The parameter sets the host of the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the port of the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value: 6379
db_settings > connection_pool_size#
This parameter sets the size of the pool of connections to the Redis database.
Setting format: string
Default value: 100
sentinel > master_name#
The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is controlled and managed by the Sentinel system.
Setting format: string
Default value: indexed_matcher
sentinel > sentinels#
The parameter sets a list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.
Setting format: list > string
Default value: []
The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 0
In this section, settings for monitoring are set.
For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.
The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 0
The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna
The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.
Setting format: string
The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna_monitoring
The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets InfluxDB port.
Setting format: string
Default value: 8086
The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.
The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.
The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".
Setting format: integer
Default value: 3
This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 20
The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 10
The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.
The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.
The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter sets the path to the directory with the cache.
For more information about caching, see "Index caching".
To disable caching, leave the field empty.
Setting format: string
Default value: not set.
The parameter sets the type of index storage. Currently, only the "LOCAL" option is available.
The value "LOCAL" means that the indexes will be stored in the directory specified in the "index_storage_local" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter sets the directory for storing indexes with "LOCAL" storage type.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./local_storage
The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.
The names are given in the following format:
The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.
For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".
Setting format: string
Default value: 59
Indexer configuration#
The section describes the Indexer service parameters.
You can configure the service using the Configurator service.
This section sets the logging settings for the logging.
The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".
Setting format: string
Default value: INFO
The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:
- "LOCAL" - displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
- "UTC" - displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: false
The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./
"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"
The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 - do not use rotation).
To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.
If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1024
The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.
Setting format: boolean
Default value: true
The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:
- "default" - standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
- "json" - output of logs in json format.
- "ecs" - output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).
When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:
- "http.response.status_code" - contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
- "http.response.execution_time" - contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
- "http.request.method" - contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
- "url.path" - contains the path in the request's URL.
- "error.code" - contains the error code if the request results in an error.
Setting format: string
Default value: default
In this section, settings for monitoring are set.
For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.
The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 0
The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna
The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.
Setting format: string
The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.
Setting format: string
Default value: luna_monitoring
The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets InfluxDB port.
Setting format: string
Default value: 8086
The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.
The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.
The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.
Setting format: string
Default value:
The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".
Setting format: integer
Default value: 3
This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 20
The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 10
The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 60
The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 600
The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1073741824
The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.
Setting format: integer
Default value: 15
The parameter sets the type of index storage. Currently, only the "LOCAL" option is available.
The value "LOCAL" means that the indexes will be stored in the directory specified in the "index_storage_local" parameter.
Setting format: string
Default value: LOCAL
The parameter sets the directory for storing indexes with "LOCAL" storage type.
Setting format: string
Default value: ./local_storage
The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.
The names are given in the following format:
The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).
Setting format: integer
Default value: 1
The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.
For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".
Setting format: string
Default value: 59