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LUNA Index Module v.5.51.6#

  • Support for ECS logging format has been added.

    To use the new format, you need to set the value "ecs" in the "format" setting of the "LIM_service_LOGGER" section.

    When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

    • "http.response.status_code" - contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
    • "http.response.execution_time" - contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
    • "http.request.method" - contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
    • "url.path" - contains the path in the request's URL.
    • "error.code" - contains the error code if the request results in an error.
  • Error descriptions for requests from the "tasks" section of the Index Manager service have been updated.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the error where Redis settings were reset during LIM settings migration.

LIM developer's changes (v.0.3.4)#


  • Add support for ECS logging format through setting service logger format setting to ecs.

ECS fields used:

  • event.action - describe matching-request event
  • event.outcome - matching-request status
  • event.duration - matching-request duration in ns
  • event.status_code - matching-request status code
  • error.code - error code
  • error.type - short error description
  • error.message - full error description

  • The Tasks response errors descriptions were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Database migration script does no longer affect existing redis settings.