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  • The possibility to specify attributes as candidates in the "/matcher/faces" resource ("matcher" > "matching faces" in APIReferenceManual.html) was added. It enables you to perform matching without saving candidates to the database.

  • The mechanism for migration of settings in Configurator service is available. Settings migration is performed without changing user values. Additional actions are required to apply this mechanism to LP build 5.1.0. These actions are described in the "LP_Docker_Upgrade_Manual.html" manual.

  • The "track_id" field was added for events. It enables you to mark events belonging to the same person for future analysis. You should manually specify the "track_id" in the "/handlers/{handler_id}/events" request. The field can be used:

  • As a filter for matching candidates;

  • For cross-matching, clustering, linker, and reporter tasks. In the clustering task, you can now specify whether to add events with the same "track_id" to the same cluster.

  • You can specify settings from Configurator DB when performing migration using Alembic.

    alembic -x luna-config= upgrade head

  • Examples for the "ws" resource were added to "SenderReferenceManual.html".

  • An exception was added for the case when the Events service is disabled, but the event saving is enabled in "storage_policy". The following error is returned: 11040 "Luna Events service is disabled"

  • The incorrect link to the sample image in response when generating an event using "events" > "generate events".

Link in previous LP build:

"url": "http://image-store:5020/1/buckets/visionlabs-samples/images/2e8045f2-14cd-4c8b-af3a-7c959e85fe6f",

Fixed link:

"url": "/6/samples/faces/939fca8a-753f-4ee4-8450-9c1bb3c1f76c",

API (v.4.0.7 - v.5.0.1)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system was changed, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • The ability to specify attributes as candidate for face matching was added, see "match faces".

  • The ability to mark generated events with some track_id identifier was added.

  • The track_ids filter for candidates matching is now supported.

  • The track_ids filter for cross-matching, clustering and linker tasks was added.

  • The track_id field for reporter task was added.

  • The track_id column for clustering task was added. Now users can specify, whether to put events with same track_id in the same clusters.

Fixed bugs#

  • An exception was added for the case when the Events service is disabled, but the event saving is enabled in the "storage_policy" on the resource "handlers//events". See "generate events".

  • The bug with incorrect error path was fixed. The bug occurred when an unknown field was set.

  • The incorrect link to the sample image in response when generating an event with "/handlers//events" was fixed.

Faces (v.4.0.4 - v.4.0.5)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.1.2 - v.3.1.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.0.6 - v.3.0.7)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system support was added, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • The track_ids filter support for cross-matching, clustering and linker tasks was added.

  • The track_id column for reporter task was added.

  • The track_id processing for clustering task was added.

Fixed bugs#

  • Optional tags for bucket settings was supported for script.

  • Samples loading of another account in reporter task was fixed. The client could set an URL with the ID of another account sample to face avatar. The reporter task now loads this sample to report in previous service versions.

  • The description of linker task result was fixed (see "get task result").

Events (v.1.1.10 - v.2.0.0)#


  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system support was added, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • An average time of saving events to database is decreased.

  • The track_id field was added for events. Now it is possible to:

  • create events with track_id (post events);

  • get events using the track_ids filter and use track_id as a target (get events);

  • match events using track_ids filter and set track_id as a target returned in the matching results (match events);

  • get statistics on events and specify the track_id as a target or filter (events statistics).

Fixed bugs#

  • The description of the "descriptor_version" parameter was changed in the documentation.

Configurator (v.1.0.8 - v.1.0.9)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system was added, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

Fixed bugs#

  • Storage service names were fixed.

  • The check of the limitations belonging to the services profile was updated.

  • The service_name_filter query parameter was replaced with actual service_name parameter for GET on "/settings"

Sender (v.1.0.6 - v.2.0.0)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • Plugin system was updated, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • Added examples of /ws resource usage.

  • The event track_id was added to returns events.

Fixed bugs#

  • The filtering by gender with zero value has been fixed.

Admin (v.4.0.7 - v.4.0.8)#


  • New framework sanic was implemented.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system support was added, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.1.6 - v.0.1.7)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.1.0.3 - v.1.0.4)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Possibilities to mark generated events with track_id identifier and to match candidates by track_ids were added.

Fixed bugs#

  • An exception was added for the case when the Events service is disabled, but the event saving is enabled in the "storage_policy" on the resource "handlers//events". See "generate events".

  • The bug with incorrect processing of a request with the aggregate_attributes=1 parameter was fixed.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.1.2 - v.0.1.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Added ability to specify attributes as candidate for face matching.

  • The "track_id" field can now be specified as a target and as a filter for the candidates of the "event" type.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed API documetation for resource /matcher/faces.

  • The bug with matching by indexed lists only was fixed.

  • The matching of the raw descriptors with non-UUID id as reference on "/matcher/faces" was fixed.

Backport3 (v.0.0.10 - v.0.0.11)#


  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system support was added, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

Fixed bugs#

  • The bug with incorrect error path was fixed. The bug occurred when an unknown field was set

Backport4 (v.0.0.9 - v.1.0.0)#


  • The sanic application server is now used.

  • A new workers command line argument was added (CPU process number for requests handling). Service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between processes. The gunicorn and supervisord support was removed.

  • A plugin system was changed, see "plugins".

  • The configuration reload support was added.

  • The bug with incorrect error path was fixed. The bug occurred when an unknown field was set.