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  • New query parameter "estimate_face_quality" was added to the "/detector" resource which allows performing all "face_quality" checks from the "/handlers" and "/verifiers" resources with default thresholds.

    You can perform checks on this resource using the appropriate licensed feature.

  • New "background_lightness" and "background_uniformity" checks were added to the "face_quality" checks group of the "/handlers" and "/verifiers" resources and to the "/iso" and "/detector" resources.

    The "background_lightness" check enables you to determine the lightness of the background from 0 to 1, where:

    • [0...0.1] - black background
    • [0.1...0.3] - dark background
    • [0.3...0.97] - light background
    • [0.97...1] - white background

    The "background_unformity" check enables you to determine the degree of background uniformity from 0 to 1, where 0 - the background is non-uniform, 1 - the background is uniform.

    New checks were also added to the "face_quality" field of the event structure in the "ws handshake" resource.

    Use of these checks requires the appropriate licensed feature.

  • It is now possible to change the "quality_threshold" for Liveness V2, which is set by default in the system. To do this, use the corresponding setting in the "LUNA_HANDLERS_LIVENESS_SETTINGS" section of the Configurator service. Previously, this threshold could not be changed for "/sdk" and "/liveness" resources.

    The default threshold value is 0.5.

    Previously, this threshold was located in the "" setting of the Handlers service and had the "LIVENESS_V2_QUALITY_THRESHOLD" name.

    When using "/handlers" or "/verifiers" resources, the threshold value from the Configurator will be redefined by the corresponding setting in the request parameter.

  • The ability to specify body attributes in the "filters" and "targets" fields was added to the request body for event statistics.

  • The monitoring of the Handlers service was extended. Now, in addition to monitoring requests (Requests series), requests completed with an error (Errors series), number of SDK estimations performed (Usages_statistic series) and licensing (Licensing series), data on each SDK esimation performed is monitored.

    For example, for each estimation of the mask presence on the face, the execution time of this estimation in seconds is monitored.

    See the "Monitoring" section of the Handlers developer manual for details and a list of estimates for which data is monitored.

Fixed errors

  • The error was fixed that caused the URLs of face samples and attributes to be returned in the wrong format when requesting the "perform verification" resource.

  • In the OpenAPI specification, the response scheme of the "stats" field in the response body to the "get statistics on events" request was fixed.

    It was previously specified that arrays of the "string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "Array of any" and "object" types can be returned as values for the "stats" field. The "stats" field is now specified to return a non-empty array containing arrays of the "integer", "number", and "string" types.

  • Fixed the "internal server error" that occurred when processing images that had the NaN value in the coordinate fields of the EXIF data.

API (v.6.1.1 - v.6.3.0)#


  • The face_quality estimation feature is implemented for face detect .

    ISO licensing feature is required to be enabled to perform face quality estimation.

    The face_quality estimation is collected as separate feature in SDK usages statistic monitoring.

  • Face checks (background_lightness, background_uniformity) were added for handlers, verifiers, iso

    See perform verification , createVerifier , iso , and createHandler resources for details.

  • Support for body attributes filters for events stats was added.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Openapi stats schema was fixed. See resource events stats .

  • Fixed bug which caused face sample and attribute URLs in verifier response to be in incorrect format.

    See verifier documentation for more info.

Faces (v.4.4.46 - v.4.4.48)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.5.11 - v.3.5.13)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.9.4 - v.3.9.6)#


  • Events schema was removed from estimator task result schema. See the Luna Handlers documentation section for details - "generate events".

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Events (v.4.0.4 - v.4.1.1)#


  • The resource /2/events/match was removed.

  • Support for body attributes filters and targets for events stats was added.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

Configurator (v.2.0.40 - v.2.0.43)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.4.1 - v.2.4.3)#


  • Face checks (background_lightness, background_uniformity) were added for face_quality field of event structure, see ws handshake for details.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.4.6.34 - v.4.6.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.3.47 - v.0.3.50)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.2.5.1 - v.2.7.0)#


  • The face_quality estimation feature is implemented for face detect .

    ISO licensing feature is required to be enabled to perform face quality estimation.

    The face_quality estimation is collected as separate feature in SDK usages statistic monitoring.

  • Face checks (background_lightness, background_uniformity) were added for handlers, verifiers, iso

    See perform verification , createVerifier , iso , and createHandler resources for details.

  • SDK task monitoring extended, see monitoring for details.

  • Configuration parameter LIVENESS_V2_QUALITY_THRESHOLD was moved to the configurator service.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Exif processing with NaN coordinates was fixed.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.1.4 - v.1.1.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport3 (v.0.3.44 - v.0.3.46)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.2.44 - v.1.2.46)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.