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  • Now the Image Store service can store any files as objects (for example, a video file).

    Previously, only the following types of objects were available: json, text, zip, pdf.

    You can upload files using the "create objects" request. The bytes of the file must be specified in the request body, and the Content-Type header must contain the MIME type of the file (for example, video/mp4). The response to the "get object" request contains the header Content-Disposition. This header contains the file name of the attachment object (for example, video_1.mp4). The file name is generated based on the object_id and the MIME type.

    If the MIME type of the file could not be determined, then the file extension will be set as `.bin'.

    Now the Accept header is ignored for the "get object" request. Previously, the service returned the error 12023, Content type is unacceptable with the status code 406, if the object content type did not match the MIME type of the file.

  • Now, when executing any request with correct authorization, information about the corresponding account is displayed in the logs of the API service.

    This functionality enables you to determine who exactly executed a particular request. This may be required for information security and system administrators.

    If the request was executed with BasicAuth or LunaAccountIdAuth type authorization, the following message will be displayed in the logs:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db')

    If the request was executed with BearerAuth type authorization, the following message will be displayed in the logs:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db' token_id: 'd57e16f5-e243-47d2-aa85-8b200c12d86f')

    If the request was executed without authorization, the following message will be displayed in the logs:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: null)

    The logs of the Accounts service additionally display information about the creation of tokens by specific users:

    User with account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db' create token: 'd57e16f5-e243-47d2-aa85-8b200c12d86f'

    Logging information about the creation of tokens enables you to track where the token came from and which user it belonged to, even after it was deleted.

  • A new check shoulders_position has been added to the face_quality and iso sections, which determines the most predominant state of the shoulder position from the following:

    • non-parallel
    • parallel
    • hidden
  • The execution of the "get faces" request with all target fields has been sped up.

  • The memory usage by the Task service has been reduced in some cases of using the "Cross-matching" task.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed an error where the script didn't work for non-default configuration values of the Configurator service.

  • Fixed an error where the cache warmed up when starting the Python Matcher service with the "DESCRIPTORS_CACHE" setting turned off.

  • Fixed an error where the Python Matcher service started and continued to work when some workers stopped with an error.

    A "worker" is the Python Matcher service process that handles incoming (HTTP) requests.

  • Fixed behavior that could result in the deletion of one or all new event subscriptions if the new subscription was created and the old one was deleted at the same time.

  • Fixed an error where using EXIF data evaluation (parameter use_exif_info) could lead to an error of the form Internal server error.

API (v.6.14.2 - v.6.15.0)#


  • The service allows store an arbitrary files as object now. Following object types was allowed for storing before: json, text, zip, pdf.

    The service accepts a request for storing a file: POST:/objects. The file bytes should be set as request body and Content-Type header should be contains a file mimetype.

    See create object , get object .

  • A request response to resource GET:/objects/{object_id} contains Content-Disposition header now. This header contains an attachment object filename. This feature allows browsers to save objects to PC as files with correct extensions. Filename is generated based on object_id and object mimetype.

    See get object .

  • An Accept header is ignored for a request GET:/objects/{object_id} now. Service returned error 12023, Content type is unacceptable with status code 406 before if object content type did not match with an object mimetype.

    See get object .

  • Add record to log that the account made the request to endpoints.

    • Add account_id to record if requests with authorization:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db')

    • Add account_id with null value if request without authorization:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: null)

    • Add token_id to record if authorization with token:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db' token_id: 'd57e16f5-e243-47d2-aa85-8b200c12d86f')

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • A shoulders_position check was added to iso and face quality estimations.

    See perform verification , createVerifier , createHandler , generate event , iso , ws resources for details.

Faces (v.4.8.5 - v.4.8.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • A getting faces with all targets was speed up.

Image Store (v.3.8.5 - v.3.9.0)#


  • The service allows store an arbitrary files as object now. Following object types was allowed for storing before: json, text, zip, pdf.

    The service accepts two request for storing a file: POST:/buckets/{bucket}/objects or PUT:/buckets/{bucket}/objects/{object_id}. The file bytes should be set as request body and Content-Type header should be contains a file mimetype.

    See put object , create object , get object .

  • A request response to resource GET:/buckets/{bucket}/objects/{object_id} contains Content-Disposition header now. This header contains an attachment object filename. This feature allows browsers to save objects to PС as files with correct extensions. Filename is generated based on object_id and object mimetype.

    See get object .

  • An Accept header is ignored for a request GET:/buckets/{bucket}/objects/{object_id} now. Service returned error 12023, Content type is unacceptable with status code 406 before if object content type did not match with an object mimetype.

    See get object .

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Accounts (v.0.1.5 - v.0.1.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Add record to log that the account made the request crate token .

    User with account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db' create token: 'd57e16f5-e243-47d2-aa85-8b200c12d86f'

Tasks (v.3.15.2 - v.3.15.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Filtering by null was added for several events filters:

  • meta

  • source

  • emotion

  • mask

  • ethnic_group

  • liveness

  • gender

  • apparent_gender

  • headwear_state

  • sleeve_length

  • headwear_apparent_colors

  • upper_clothing_colors

  • lower_garment_type

  • lower_garment_colors

  • shoes_apparent_color

  • backpack_state

  • city

  • district

  • street

  • house_number

  • area

  • geo_position

  • track_id

Actual for next tasks:

Events (v.4.8.5 - v.4.8.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Add missing headwear_apparent_color nullable filter for get stats

Configurator (v.2.1.10 - v.2.1.16)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fix running base_scripts/ script with non-default config.

Sender (v.2.6.5 - v.2.6.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • A shoulders_position check was added to iso and face quality estimations. See /ws for details.

Admin (v.5.2.2 - v.5.2.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Licenses (v.0.6.8 - v.0.6.13)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.2.17.2 - v.2.18.0)#


  • Filtering by null was added for candidate events for resources create handler , generate events

  • A shoulders_position check was added to iso and face quality estimations.

See perform verification , createVerifier , createHandler , generate event , iso resources for details.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.5.1 - v.1.5.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

Backport3 (v.0.8.1 - v.0.8.2)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The behavior where creating a new subscription(s) and deleting an old one could be triggered by the service at the same time and potentially result in the loss of one of the new subscriptions has been fixed.

Backport4 (v.1.3.5 - v.1.3.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.