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  • The ability to schedule Garbage collection and Linker tasks has been added.

    Using a schedule, you can flexibly manage the start time of tasks. For example, you can set up a regular schedule to clear events older than one month every Friday night.

    The schedule is created using the request "create tasks schedule" to the API service, which specifies the contents of the task being created and the time interval for its launch. To specify the time interval, Cron expressions are used.

    If necessary, you can create a delayed schedule, and then activate it using the "action" = "start" parameter of the "patch tasks schedule" request. Similarly, you can stop the scheduled task using "action" = "stop". To delete a schedule, you can use the "delete tasks schedule" request.

    Permissions to work with schedules are specified in the token with the "task" permission. This means that if the user has permission to work with tasks, then he will also be able to use the schedule.

    An example of a CURL request has been added to the installation manual and launch manual using Docker Compose to launch a daily schedule for the Garbage collection task for events older than 30 days with the removal of samples and source images.

    A new table "schedule" has been added to the Tasks database, containing all information about the task execution schedule. You can get information from the database about the created schedule using the requests "get tasks schedule" and "get tasks schedules".

    See the "Running scheduled tasks" section of the administrator manual for details.

  • Now if the request format is "application/msgpack" and the input data does not match the MessagePack format, then an error will be returned with the code "12047" and the description "Failed to validate input msgpack. Path: '{}', message: '{}'".

    Previously, the error code "12022" was returned with the description "Failed to validate input json. Path: '{}', message: '{}'".

  • The "generate events" request now supports specifying custom metadata for an image passed using the "multipart/form-data" schema in the "image" field.

    Previously, specifying custom metadata was only available for source images ("image_origin" fields). Also fixed was a bug due to which the description of the "generate events" request did not display a description about specifying custom metadata for source images.

    If metadata is provided simultaneously in both fields, the value from the "image_origin" field will be used.

    Metadata is transmitted using headers of the form "X-Luna-Meta-:", which are sent to the Image Store service when an image is saved during event generation.

  • LUNA Dashboards service has been updated to version 0.0.8.

    This version adds the missing dashboard for the Remote SDK service.

    Also included in the package is an archive with the "grafana-piechart-panel" plugin, designed for manual installation of dashboards.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed a number of the following errors when making requests to the Events service:

    • Fixed an error with status code 500 when requesting the resource "/events/stats" with the parameter "filters" > "value" of type "bool".
    • Fixed an error with status code 500 when requesting the resource "/events/stats" and using invalid operators in a filter that was set to "null".
    • Fixed an error with status code 500 when requesting the "/events" resource when the JSON request contained a number exceeding the "int64" limit.
    • Fixed an error bug with incorrect filtering of event statistics by "null" using the "neq" and "nin" operators.
  • The request body schema for the Estimator task for the "zip" source type in the OpenAPI API service specification has been updated.

  • Fixed an error where loading API service settings values from environment variables did not work for:


  • array type values, for example, "VL_SETTINGS.OTHER.LUNA_SERVICE_NAME_ACTIVE_PLUGINS=[logger]"

  • Fixed an error in the "save event" request of the OpenAPI specification of the API service, in which the parameter "detections" > "samples" > "face" > "detection" > " face_quality" > "checks" > "check_face_properties_request" > "max" was shown as required.

API (v.6.17.0 - v.6.18.0)#


Fixed bugs#

  • Fix mandatory max threshold in face quality face properties check specification for save event request

  • Fixed loading service setting value from environment variable for some cases:

    • values of array type, e.g. VL_SETTINGS.OTHER.LUNA_<SERVICE_NAME>_ACTIVE_PLUGINS=[logger]
  • The estimator task with ZIP source reference specification schema was actualized.

Faces (v.4.8.20 - v.4.8.21)#


  • Added BadInputMsgpack error for requests with content type application/msgpack. This error will be returned instead BadInputJson for these requests.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.9.15 - v.3.9.16)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Accounts (v.0.1.20 - v.0.1.21)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.17.0 - v.3.17.1)#


Events (v.4.9.0 - v.4.9.1)#


  • Added BadInputMsgpack error for requests with content type application/msgpack. This error will be returned instead BadInputJson for these requests.

  • Field stream_id was added to event and event_match_result table. Can be used as filter for get_events and event specification.

Fixed bugs#

  • Status code 500 on POST "/events/stats" with filters.value is bool was fixed.

    Status code 500 on POST "/events/stats" with filter by null with wrong operators was fixed.

    Status code 500 on POST "/events" for json with number over int64 limit was fixed.

    Events statistic bad filtering by null using neq, nin was fixed.

Configurator (v.2.1.45 - v.2.1.48)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.7.0 - v.2.7.1)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The new resource implemented for publishing user generated events. See publish events for details.

  • Filter by stream_id was added. Query parameter stream_ids specifies list of expected event stream ids.

    See ws handshake for details.

Admin (v.5.3.0 - v.5.3.1)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The task scheduling was added for GC task. See scheduling for details

Licenses (v.0.7.22 - v.0.7.25)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.3.0.6 - v.3.1.0)#


Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.6.11 - v.1.6.12)#


  • Added BadInputMsgpack error for requests with content type application/msgpack. This error will be returned instead BadInputJson for these requests.

  • Support for events` *stream_id field was added. The "stream_id" field can be specified as a target and as a filter for the candidates of the "event" type.

  • Cached matcher library (matcherlib) updated to version 3.0.0.

Backport3 (v.0.8.17 - v.0.8.18)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.3.20 - v.1.3.21)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Remote Sdk (v.0.1.6 - v.0.1.7)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.