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  • The query parameter "grant_all_permissions" has been added to the "create token" and "replace token" requests, which enables you to create a token with all permissions or add all permissions are already applied to an existing token.

  • A new request "get accounts" has been added.

    You can specify the "targets" query parameter in this request to filter accounts by the fields "account_id", "login", "account_type", "description", "create_time", and "last_update_time".

    Filtering by the fields described above has also been added to the "get account" request.

  • In the Admin and Tasks services, when performing the Additional extraction task, the "options" field is no longer mandatory if the "extraction_target" parameter is set to "basic_attributes".

  • A new request "get list of plugins" has been added to the Events service, which enables you to get a list of imported plugins and their status.

    In the next release, this request will be added to all other services.

  • The "Use tagged settings" section has been added to the administrator manual , describing the launch of services with settings other than the default ones.

    The "Service arguments" section has also been added to the installation manual, describing the main arguments of the services and how they are transferred.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed display of "Path" when validating some request bodies with incorrect JSON structure.

  • Fixed an issue where requests to the "/features" resource would fail with an "Internal server error" when the license did not contain any of the licensed features.

  • Fixed incorrect processing of a sample or a binary image transferred as a source image in the generate stream events (beta) request.

  • Fixed an error related to the Python Matcher service not checking for the presence of the VLMatch function when connecting to the Faces and Events databases.

API (v.6.20.2 - v.6.21.0)#


Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed error location string within validation errors for fields using discriminator, such as Match Policy candidates at policies or Stream Events sources at events.

    It does not longer provide discriminator value with location path.

  • Internal server error was fixed on request get features when license does not contains some feature.

Faces (v.4.9.1 - v.4.9.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.9.29 - v.3.9.31)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Accounts (v.0.1.34 - v.0.1.36)#


  • Add query parameter grant_all_permissions to create token with standard all permissions. See create token, replace token for more info.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Add ability to set custom permissions for tokens. See createToken for more info.

  • The targets query parameter was added for get account and get accounts requests.

Tasks (v.3.18.1 - v.3.18.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The 'options' field from now on is optional for Additional Extract task with extraction target 'basic attributes'. See createAdditionalExtractTask. The default value remains the same.

Events (v.4.10.2 - v.4.11.0)#


  • The new resource was added, see get plugins . Resource allows to get list of imported plugins and their statuses.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Configurator (v.2.1.71 - v.2.1.75)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.9.1 - v.2.9.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.5.4.11 - v.5.4.13)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The 'options' field from now on is optional for Additional Extract task with extraction target 'basic attributes'. See createAdditionalExtractTask. The default value remains the same.

Licenses (v.0.8.15 - v.0.8.19)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.3.3.1 - v.3.3.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Support for Redis username auth option. For REDIS_DB_ADDRESS configuration, user parameter added.

  • Support for Redis Sentinel auth configuration. For REDIS_DB_ADDRESS.SENTINEL config section, user & password parameters added.

Fixed bugs#

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.1.7.1 - v.1.7.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The VLMatch function existence check is now performed upon the startup of the application server and connection to the faces and events database.

Backport3 (v.0.9.1 - v.0.9.3)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.3.34 - v.1.3.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Remote Sdk (v.0.2.10 - v.0.2.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Lambda (v.0.0.10 - v.0.0.12)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.