

  1. [LUNA-6000] Body attributes estimation was extended with lower body attributes.

    The lower body contains two features now (lower garment and shoes).

    Set up estimate_lower_body in handler detect policy for lower body feature estimation if you use handlers or

    set estimate_lower_body query parameter if you use resource /sdk. The lower body estimation is disabled by


    The headwear apparent color estimation was added to headwear attribute of upper body.

    New event matching filters were added to handler matching policy:

    lower_garment_types, lower_garment_colors, shoes_apparent_colors, headwear_apparent_colors.

    New lower body target was also added to handler matching policy.

    Updated resources:

  2. [LUNA-6000] New body attribute filters were added for ws:

    lower_garment_types, lower_garment_colors, shoes_apparent_colors, headwear_apparent_colors.

  3. [LUNA-6000] Generated event structure extended with new body attributes. Several resources were updated:

  4. [LUNA-6000] New lower body target was added for event receiving.

    Updated resources:

  5. [LUNA-6000] New body attribute filters & targets were added for event stats:

    lower_garment_type, lower_garment_colors, shoes_apparent_color, headwear_apparent_color

  6. [LUNA-6000] New event candidate filters were added for matching:

    lower_garment_types, lower_garment_colors, shoes_apparent_colors, headwear_apparent_colors.

    New lower body target was also added for matching.

    Updated resources:

  7. [LUNA-6000] New body attribute filters were added for clustering / cross matching / linker / reporter / exporter tasks:

    lower_garment_types, lower_garment_colors, shoes_apparent_colors, headwear_apparent_colors.

    New lower body columns target were also added to reporter / exporter tasks.

    Updated resources:


See a migration manual.