Service testing

It is recommended to launch automated tests for the Backport 3 service. Tests enable you to make sure that the tested service and all the linked services are working properly.

Run tests

Go to the folder with the project

cd ./luna-backport3

Activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Run tests

python3.7 -m unittest tests/

All tests must perform successfully or be skipped.

Deactivate virtual environment


Testing results interpretation

The “.” symbol denotes successfully finished tests.

The “s” symbol denotes skipped tests. The tests were disabled for some reason.

The “F” symbol denotes failed tests. These tests were executed but the result of the test is incorrect. The problem description is outputted to the console after all the tests are finished.

The “E” symbol denotes runtime errors. They show that the test cannot be completed for some reasons. Descriptions of errors are outputted to the console after all the tests are finished.

Errors can occur for various reasons:

  • configurations of the service are incorrect,

  • one or more required services or databases were not launched,

  • access to one or several servers with required services is denied,

  • license key is missing,

  • configuration files of the service test include invalid parameters,

  • etc.