
The service supports the system of plugins. Plugins must be written in the Python programming language.

Plugin types

There are two sorts of plugins:

  • On event plugin. The plugin is triggered when an event occurs. The plugin should implement a callback function. This function is called on each event of the corresponding type. The set of event types is defined by the service developers.

    event type



    Event contains monitoring points for sending to a custom monitoring system


    Event contains handler-generated event data for sending to the third-party source

    Monitoring plugin example:

    Module request monitoring plugin example
    import asyncio
    from abc import abstractmethod
    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    from luna_plugins.base.plugins_meta.base_plugins import BaseEventPlugin
    class BaseRequestMonitoringPlugin(BaseEventPlugin):
        Base class for requests monitoring.
        # event name for triggering callback
        eventName = "monitoring_event"
        async def flushPointToMonitoring(self, point: "MonitoringPoint", logger) -> None:
            All plugins must realize this method.
            This function call after end of request
                point: point for monitoring
                logger: logger
        async def handleEvent(self, points: list["MonitoringPoint"], logger):
            await asyncio.gather(*[self.flushPointToMonitoring(point, logger) for point in points])
    class RequestMonitoringPlugin(BaseRequestMonitoringPlugin):
        Example plugin sends a request data for monitoring to third-party source.
        Only one instance of this class exist during the program execution.
        def __init__(self, app: "LunaApplication"):
            self.url = ""
            self.session: ClientSession | None = None
            self.bucket = "plugin_test_bucket"
        async def close(self):
            Stop plugin.
            Close all open connections and ect
            if self.session:
                await self.session.close()
        async def initialize(self):
            Initialize plugin.
            Close all open connections and ect
            self.session = ClientSession()
            async with"{self.url}?bucket={self.bucket}") as resp:
                if resp.status not in (201, 409):
                    response = await resp.json()
                    raise RuntimeError(f"failed create bucket, {self.bucket}, response: {response}")
        async def flushPointToMonitoring(self, point: "MonitoringPoint", logger) -> None:
            Callback for sending a request monitoring data.
                point: point for monitoring
                logger: logger
            logger.debug(f"Plugin 'flushPointToMonitoring' get point, series: {point.series}, time: {point.eventTime}")
            msg = {"tags": point.tags, "fields": point.fields}
            async with"{self.url}/{self.bucket}/objects", json=msg) as resp:

    This plugin demonstrates the sending of a request monitoring data to another service. All monitoring plugins must implement the BaseRequestMonitoringPlugin abstract class.

    Event sending plugin example:

    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    from log import Logger
    from luna_plugins.base.plugins_meta.base_plugins import T_LUNA_APPLICATION
    from luna_plugins.handler_event.base_plugin import BaseEventSendingPlugin, Event, RawEvent
    class EventSendingPlugin(BaseEventSendingPlugin):
        """Sends events to the third-party source. Only one instance of this class exist during the program execution."""
        def __init__(self, app: T_LUNA_APPLICATION):
            self.url = ""
            self.session: ClientSession | None = None
            self.bucket = "plugin_test_bucket"
        async def close(self):
            """Stop plugin. Close all open connections and etc."""
            if self.session:
                await self.session.close()
        async def initialize(self):
            """Initialize plugin."""
            self.session = ClientSession()
            async with"{self.url}?bucket={self.bucket}") as resp:
                if resp.status not in (201, 409):
                    response = await resp.json()
                    raise RuntimeError(f"failed create bucket, {self.bucket}, response: {response}")
        async def sendEvents(
            events: list[Event | RawEvent],
            handlerId: str,
            accountId: str,
            requestId: str,
            createEventTime: str,
            endEventTime: str,
            logger: Logger,
        ) -> None:
                f"Plugin 'EventsOnFinishExampleClass' get events, request_id: {requestId}, "
                f"event_create_time: {createEventTime}, event_end_time: {endEventTime}"
            prepareEvents = []
            for event in events:
                if isinstance(event, Event):
                    serializationEvent = event.asDict()
                    serializationEvent = event.asHandlerEventDict()
            msg = {
                "handler_id": handlerId,
                "account_id": accountId,
                "Luna-Request-Id": requestId,
                "events": prepareEvents,
                "event_create_time": createEventTime,
                "event_end_time": endEventTime,
            async with"{self.url}/{self.bucket}/objects", json=msg) as resp:
                logger.debug(await resp.text())

    This plugin demonstrates the sending of a handler generates event data to the third-party source. All event sending plugins must implement the BaseEventSendingPlugin abstract class.

  • Background plugin. This sort of plugin is intended for background work.

    The background plugin can implement:

    • custom route

    • background monitoring of service resources

    • collaboration of an event plugin and a background plugin (batching monitoring points)

    • connection to other data sources (Redis, RabbitMQ) and their data processing

    Plugin example:

    Module realizes background plugin example
    import asyncio
    from asyncio import Task
    from luna_plugins.base.plugins_meta.base_plugins import BaseBackgroundHandler, BaseBackgroundPlugin, pluginHTTPResponse
    class HandlerExample(BaseBackgroundHandler):
        Handler example
        async def get(self, request):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            Method get example.
            return self.response(body="I am teapot", headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"}, statusCode=418)
    def anotherHandlerExample(request):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Standalone handler example"""
        return pluginHTTPResponse(statusCode=200, body="T800", headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
    class BackgroundPluginExample(BaseBackgroundPlugin):
        Background plugin example.
        Create background task and add a route.
        def __init__(self, app: "LunaApplication"):
            self.task: Task | None = None
            self.temperature = 0
        async def initialize(self):
            Initialize plugin
            self.addRoute("/teapot", HandlerExample)
            self.addRoute("/teapot/version", anotherHandlerExample, methods={"get"})
        async def close(self):
            Stop background process
            if self.task:
        async def usefulJob(self):
            Some useful  async work
            while True:
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                self.temperature = min(100, self.temperature + 1)
                if self.temperature < 100:
          "I boil water, temperature: {self.temperature}")
          "boiling water is ready, would you care for a cup of tea?")
        async def start(self):
            Run background process
            .. warning::
                The function suppose that the process is handle in this coroutine. The coroutine must start
                the process only without awaiting a end of the process
            self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.usefulJob())

    This plugin demonstrates background work and implements a route. All background plugins must implement the BaseRequestMonitoringPlugin abstract class.

Enable plugin

If the user implements a plugin, the file with the plugin should be added to the luna_handlers/plugins directory of the service. The plugin filename should be added to the LUNA_HANDLERS_ACTIVE_PLUGINS configuration setting.

LUNA_HANDLERS_ACTIVE_PLUGINS = [event_sending_plugin_example]

List should contains filenames without extension (.py).