

  1. The handler_id, face_id, event_id, and other identifiers can be of any UUID now (previously were UUID4 only).

  2. Mask estimations were updated, see sdk.

  3. Event could be created without attributes now.

  4. Limitation for input policies array length (30) was added.

  5. Datetime fields in the database are stored in UTC format now. The service response format depends on the storage_time setting as follows:

    • LOCAL is the time offset from UTC according to the time zone (In ISO 8601, the associated time would be written as 2020-01-01T23:28:34+01:00);

    • UTC is Coordinated Universal Time without timezone offset (In ISO 8601, the associated time would be written as 2020-01-01T08:15:00+00:00).

  6. Multuple policy filters with identical matching labels are now allowed. Now users can create A and B labels and use A in several policies, not only in a single policy. E.g: conditional_tags_policy conditions may contain different filters with similar labels.

  7. SDK (4.2.0) and settings were updated. Breaking changes, update settings in Configurator.

  8. The “estimate_mask” was added to the detector resource, detect policy and filters for matching policies (see detect)

  9. Human body detection and human body descriptor extraction options were added to handler image processing policies, see createHandler resource. The warped_image query parameter was replaced by image_type parameter, which may take the following values: 0 — raw image, 1 — face warped image, 2 — body warped image.

    The receiveEvents response format was updated:

    • face attributes were put into the face_attributes field;

    • body attributes were put into the body_attributes field;

    • face & body detection results were put into the detections field.

  10. Default behavior of images processing specified by sample IDs was changed. (see method POST on /detector, /sdk, /handler/{handler_id}/events with application/json content type). Now the type of samples is determined by image_type or warped_image parameter. The detector stage of image processing pipeline is now triggered for non-warped images and is skipped for warps.

  11. A new body_bounding_boxes parameter was added to “/emit events” request, see generate events resource.

  12. SDK (4.3.0) was updated.

  13. Information about query parameters restrictions was added.

  14. The ability to generate events with utf-8 strings in location fields was added, tags, source.

  15. The USE_ORIENTATION_MODE setting of FACE_DETECTOR_V3 is now supported, see config.

  16. The alembic migration version is used for a database state check now. If an expected migration version does not match the actual migration version, the service will not start.

  17. A migration that renames the migration table from ‘luna-api_migrations’ to ‘luna-handlers_migrations’ was added.

  18. The raw descriptor content types in POST “/handler/{handler_id}/events” request are now supported: application/x-sdk-descriptor, application/x-vl-xpk (and base64 ones).

Bugs fixed:

  1. “OpenAPI” documentation for “extract_exif” query parameter on “/detector” resource was fixed.

  2. The account_id for GET on /handlers and /handlers/{handler_id} is now returned.

  3. EXIF meta-information extraction for non-jpg files was fixed. Now extract_exif is available for JPEG, BMP, PNG images (see the parameter usage in detect_policy at create handler).

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version, replace luna_handlers, tests, docs, deploy folders and update dependencies from requirements.txt. Then run the commands:

alembic upgrade head