

  1. The ability to run a program with luna-config and config command line arguments was added. Where luna-config is an address of Configurator service, with (optional) limitation’s tag, and config is a path to custom config file. If the command is called without additional arguments, the data is taken from the default config.

    alembic -x luna-config= upgrade head
    alembic -x luna-config= -x LUNA_HANDLERS_DB=TAG_1 upgrade head
    alembic -x config=devconfig.conf upgrade head
    alembic -x help upgrade head

    output for alembic -x help upgrade head command

    usage: alembic [-h] [-x config=] [-x luna_config=] [-x LUNA_HANDLERS_DB=] [-x help]
    alembic [-x] optional argument:
      -x config =           path to config
      -x luna-config =      origin and api version of luna-configurator service for pulling setting from it (e.g. "")
      -x LUNA_HANDLERS_DB = tag for setting LUNA_HANDLERS_DB to pull from luna-configurator
      -x help               Show this help message and exit
  2. The policies and account_id indexes for handler table were dropped. A composite index on account_id and create_time columns was added.

  3. Error handling on sending binary image with “image/jpeg” Content-Type and “extract_exif=1” /detector request parameter was fixed.

  4. Storage policy was added. Store only needed objects - save your resources! See updated handler dev docs or REST API docs.

  5. If service luna-events is disabled, the event url will be set as Null in output event.

  6. Raw descriptor mimetypes on POST /handler/{handler_id}/events with application/json content type are now supported.

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace folders luna_handlers, tests, docs, deploy and update dependencies from requirements.txt. Then run the commands:

alembic upgrade head