

  1. [LUNA-5514] The new face_quality compound estimation feature is implemented.

    ISO licensing feature is required to be enabled to perform face quality estimation.

    The face_quality estimation is collected as separate feature in SDK usages statistic monitoring.

  2. [LUNA-5514] The handler*s’ and *verifier*s’ detect policy now contains *face_quality checks.

    See createHandler and

    createVerifier for details.

    The raw event structure has been updated, see save event for details.

  3. [LUNA-5550] Face checks (face_color_type, eyebrows_state, red_eyes, radial_distortion, natural_light, headwear_type, smile_properties) were added

    for handlers, verifiers and iso resources. See perform verification,

    createVerifier, check ISO <../_static/api.html#operation/checkISO>

    and createHandler resources for details.


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-5514] See a migration manual.