Source code for luna_lambda_tools.public.schemas.base

Module contains base schemas for lambdas
from typing import final

from vlutils.structures.pydantic import BaseModel as _BaseModel

[docs] class GeoPosition(_BaseModel): # latitude latitude: float # longitude longitude: float
[docs] @final class Location(_BaseModel): """Source location""" # geo position geoPosition: GeoPosition | None = None # street (if present) street: str | None = None # house number (if present) houseNumber: str | None = None # district (if present) district: str | None = None # area (if present) area: str | None = None # cite (if present) city: str | None = None
[docs] @final class BoundingBox(_BaseModel): """Bounding box schema""" # x coordinate of bounding box (from -2**30 to 2**30) x: int # y coordinate of bounding box (from -2**30 to 2**30) y: int # width of bounding box (from -2**30 to 2**30) width: int # height of bounding box (from -2**30 to 2**30) height: int